shoved off and became a Mass of flesh when the struck the ground Jacob
Hamblin saw their bodies after the fall The Moquis have not been able
to keep horses untill of late for they could not get their horses up onto the
rock but they could get their Dunkies sheep & goats up in places of safety
But since the Mormons have been among them and taught them
Peace they now begin to keep horses All the inhabitants of these villages
are laying up corn & dryed squash against the day of famine which
they believe will soon come. I called the people together and I spoke
to them a short time then Lot Smith spoke to them in spanish, Si interpeted
it to them in their own language we then went down the Mountain
through the winding trail hitched up our team and drove to Comiezzis
Springs and camped for the night 25 Mile
~ Sunday
26 We started at 6 oclok Drove 8 mils camped by a good spring of
water & took breakfast then drove on Met Polaki on the way returning
home from his trading tour loaded with raw hides & sundries Br Brook-
bank found his 4 oxen that had strayed from Moancoppy & he
took them onto Sunset. we drove over a good Deal of good land if there
had been water to water it. we visited the coal vein 10 feet thick in
a Bluff about 10 miles from the Moquis villages. we travelled over a
good country for a road to day, no road made ownly a trail no waggon
had been over it we followed the great Navajoe trail the ownly obstr-
uction we had was a great clay ridge about 12 miles north of
Sunset. This was the worst place to drive a waggon down I ever
saw. we went down a vary steep Bluff into a wash below it was
a vary dangerous operation but accomplished it successfully & drove to
Sunset and spent the night 30 Mils
~ Monday
27. I received 3 letters from Jaques, Emma & Clara I spent the day writing
Oct 25, 1879
shoved off and became a Mass of flesh when the struck the ground Jacob
Hamblin saw their bodies after the fall The Moquis have not been able
to keep horses untill of late for they could not get their horses up onto the
rock but they could get their Dunkies sheep & goats up in places of safety
But since the Mormons have been among them and taught them
Peace they now begin to keep horses All the inhabitants of these villages
are laying up corn & dryed squash against the day of famine which
they believe will soon come. I called the people together and I spoke
to them a short time then Lot Smith spoke to them in spanish, Si interpreted
it to them in their own language we then went down the Mountain
through the winding trail hitched up our team and drove to Comiezzis
Springs and camped for the night 25 Mile
~ Sunday
26 we started at 6 oclok Drove 8 mils camped by a good spring of
water & took breakfast then drove on Met Polaki on the way
returning home from his trading tour loaded with raw hides & sundries Br Brookbank found his 4 oxen that had strayed from Moancoppy & he
took them onto Sunset, we drove over a good Deal of good land if there
had been water to water it. we visited the coal vein 10 feet thick in
a Bluff about 10 miles from the Moquis villages. we travelled over a
good country for a road to day, no road made ownly a trail no waggon
had been over it we followed the great Navajoe trail the ownly obstruction we had was a great clay ridge about 12 miles north of
Sunset. This was the worst place to drive a waggon down I ever
saw. we went down a vary steep Bluff into a wash below it was
a vary dangerous operation but accomplished it successfully & drove to
Sunset and spent the night 30 Mils
~ Monday
27. [FIGURE] I received 3 letters from J Jaques, Emma & Clara I spent the day writing
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 25, 1879 - October 27, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,