Sept 3, 1877
The family of President Brigham Young was called together
to day and his will was read to them By George Q Cannon
one of the Executors all seemed satisfied with it
I wrote 2 letters and received 2.
~ Tuesday
4. The Apostles met in council and agreed to take their
place as the presiding Quorum of the Church and bear off
the kingdom as thy did after the Death of Joseph and thy
voted John Taylore as the President of the Twelve Apostles and John W. Young & D. H. Wells voted with us and thy are to stand
as councillors to the Twelve as thy did to Brigham Young
~ Wednesday
5. I went to the farm & spent the day wrote 2 letters
~ Thursday
6. The 12 Met in council and discussed various questions I wrote 24 letters to McAllister & Blake, I F Carter & west
~ Friday
7. I spent the day at the farm we threshed 500 Bushels wheat & B. I received 4 letters
9. Sunday I wrote 2 letters one to McAllister I attended
Meeting in the TabernacleF D Richards spoke 35 Minuts
& E Snow 50 M, G. Q. Cannon 2 M. at the close of the
Meeting the Apostles met in prayer circle
~ Monday
10. I sent 2 telegrams to McAllister & David P Woodruff I wrote 2 letters to J. D. T. McAllister {[illegible shorthand]} sent {likeness}
I took cars and rode to Ogden with J W YoungB Young jr
& M Thatcher we there met with Gen Thomas L Kane
we had a plesant interview together. I then rode to Smithfield arived at Midnight found my son David
waiting for me I spent the rest of the night with my family
distance from Salt Lake City 100 Mils
~ Monday
Sept 3, 1877
The family of President Brigham Young was called together
to day and his will was read to them By George Q Cannon
One of the Executors all seemed satisfied with it
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters and received 2.
~ Tuesday
4. [FIGURE] The Apostles met in council and agreed to take their
place as the presiding Quorum of the Church and bear off
the kingdom as thy did after the Death of Joseph and thy
voted John Taylor as the President of the Twelve Apostles and
John W. Young & D. H. Wells voted with us and thy are to stand
as councillors to the Twelve as thy did to Brigham Young
~ Wednesday
5. I went to the farm & spent the day wrote [FIGURE] 2 letters
~ Thursday
6. The 12 Met in council and discussed various questions
[FIGURE] I wrote 4 letters to McAllister & Blake, I F Carter & west
~ Friday
7. I spent the day at the farm we threshed 500 Bushels wheat & B.
[FIGURE] I received 4 letters
9. Sunday [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters one to McAllister I attended
Meeting in the TabernacleF D Richards spoke 35 Minuts
& E Snow 50 Minutes, G. Q. Cannon 2 Minutes. at the close of the Meeting the Apostles met in prayer circle
~ Monday
10. I sent 2 telegrams to McAllister & David P Woodruff
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to J. D. T. McAllister {1 illegible word} sent {likeness}
I took cars and Rode to Ogden with J W YoungB Young jr
& M Thatcher we there met with Gen Thomas L Kane
we had a plesant interview to gether I then rode to
Smithfield arived at Midnight found my son David
waiting for me I spent the rest of the night with my family
distance from Salt Lake City 100 Mils
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," September 3, 1877 - September 10, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,