I went out hunting killed 6 ducks got home weary 6 M[iles]
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I attended [meeting] at Sunset in the forenoon Br Judd Prayed
W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes] Br Lake 15 Lot Smith 10, W W. 10.
Afternoon we attended meeting at Brigham City Br Foster Prayed
Br Brookbank spoke 25 M, Lot Smith 40 M & W Woodruff 20 M
we then returned back to Sunset. We learn By the Deserett
News that the U S Judges Pack their Juries and reject all
Mormons. The Indian Polaker called upon us at sunset
7 I wrote 2 letters to E. Snow 6 Pages sent him a list of
tithing Prices of Produce stock &c of the country sent the same
to President Taylor & Bishop Hunter I wrote to J Jaques
~ Wednesday
8 A vary hard frost, the first of the season killed Evrything
green, vary cold day, I took a walk through the fields
10 Another hard frost last night I spent the day writing & reading
~ Saturday
11 I killed 6 ducks to day I spent most of the day reading
~ Sunday
12 Sunday I met at 11 oclok Br Nelson Prayed W W spoke 30 M[inutes] Moses Curtis 10 M, Br Bloomfield 17, Lot Smith 10 M
In the Afternoon I attended a Priesthood Meeting
~ Saturday
Oct 4, 1879
I went out hunting killed 6 ducks got home weary 6 Miles
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I attended meeting at Sunset in the forenoon. Br Judd Prayed
W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes Br Lake 15 Lot Smith 10, WW 10
Afternoon we attended meeting at Brigham City Br Foster Prayed
Br Brookbank spoke 25 Minutes, Lot Smith 40 Minutse & W Woodruff 20 Minutes
we then returned back to Sunset. we learn By the Deserett
News that the U S Judges Pack their Juries and reject all
Mormons. The Indian Polaker called upon us at sunset
~ Monday
6 I read this morning in the New Translation of the New
Testament by Joseph Smith the Prophet the 1 & 2 Timothy Philemon
Hebrews, James 1 & 2 Peter 1, 2 & 3 John & Jude all these Epistles
are vary Edifying & instructive. I laid hands upon two sick
~ Tuesday
7 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to E. Snow 6 pages sent him a list of
tithing Prices of Produce stock &c of the country sent the same
to President Taylor & Bishop Hunter I wrote to J Jaques
~ Wednesday
8 A vary hard frost, the first of the season killed Evrything
green vary cold day I took a walk through the fields
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 4, 1879 - October 12, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/323x