6. I received 3 Letters. The General Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints met this morning in the New Tabernacle
at 10 oclok. G. A. Smith Prayed & spoke 8 minutes President B Yo[u]ng
spoke 30 M[inutes], D H Wells 10, G. Q. Cannon 25. Afternoon L Snow
Prayed & Lorenzo Yo[u]ng spoke 25 M, John Taylor 60 M & B Y[ou]ng Jr 15. I went to the fair ground with Lorenzo Snow and
attended a Priesthood meeting in the Evening Bishop Hunter spoke
followed By G A. Smith who spoke upon Tithing & the Temple President
Yo[u]ng spoke upon the Babylonian fashion in our Midst, upon
the cooperative principles & the Tithing & the Temple He said those
who did not pay their tithing & sustain the cooperative Store
would Apostitize write it down & watch the result
8. Met at 10 oclok. J Taylor prayed W Woodruff spoke 45 M J F Smith 45 M. Afternoon The Authorities of the Church
presented By G. Q. Cannonunanimous vote for all the Authorites
Elder Liston of St George spoke 18 M, C. C. Rich 15 President Young
spoke 30 M, G. A. Smith 23 Minutes Conference then adjourned
till the 6 day of April 1874.
~ Saturday
Oct 4, 1873
We had more at the fair to day & at the races
6. [FIGURE] I received 3 Letters. The General Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints met this morning in the New Tabernacle
at 10 oclok. G. A. Smith Prayed & spoke 8 mimutes President B Young
spoke 30 Minutes, D H Wells 10, G. Q. Cannon 25. Afternoon L Snow
Prayed & Lorenzo Young spoke 25 Minutes, John Taylor 60 Minutes &
B Young Jr 15. I went to the fair ground with Lorenzo Snow and
attended a Priesthood meeting in the Evening Bishop Hunter spoke
followed By G A. Smith who spoke upon Tithing & the Temple President
Young spoke upon the Babyloniam fashion in our Midst, upon
the cooperative principles & the Tithing & the Temple He said those
who did not pay their tithing & sustain the cooperative Store
would Apostitize write it down & watch the result
~ Tuesday
7. Conference met at 10 oclok prayer By W Woodruff D Mckenzie
spoke 35 Minuts Wm W Cluff 25 Minutes, Jesse N Smith 23 Minutes
G. A. Smith 12 Minuts Afternoon L Snow Prayed. O Pratt spok
one hour & 10 Minutes, Lorenzo Snow 35 Minuts
~ Wednesday
8. Met at 10 oclok, J Taylor prayed W Woodruff spoke 45 Minutes
J F Smith 45 Minutes. Afternoon The Authorities of the Church
presented By G. Q. Cannonunanimous vote for all the Authorites
Elder Liston of St George spoke 18 Minutes, C. C. Rich 15 President Young
spoke 30 Minutes, G. A. Smith 23 Minuts Conference then adjourned
till the 6 day of April 1874.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 4, 1873 - October 8, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rR9L