March 30, 1877 ^^ This is the first day I ever went the Themple to get Endow-
ments ^^ for the Dead I got Endowments to day for the ProphetsRobert Mason. We gave Endowments to 150. There was 52 Elders ordained
W Woodruff ordained 2. I was ordained a High Priest &
Patriarch for the ProphetMason. There was 152 of the dead of
the Hart family baptized for to day. Bulah A Woodruff Beatie
was Baptized for 360 of them. The Quorum of the Twelve
arived to day in the Temple to day we met in council in the
Presidents office in the Evening I sealed 14 dead persons to
President YoungE Snow sealed [blank] couple (W Woodruff
gave Seconed Anointing to Woilford Woodruff Jr for his
Grand Father Ezra Carter & Anointed Phebe W. Woodruff
for her Mother Sarah Fabyan Carter) {I anointed Sarah Campbell Smith}
^Phebe W W got Endowments for Mary Fabyan & for Mr Samuel Woodruff
Wilford Woodruff Jr got Endowments for Asahel Woodruff^
~ Saturday
31. I spent the day in the Temple. I had Baptized in the font to day 490 of the Hart family from my record. Bulah A.
Woodruff Beatie was Baptized for 62 persons President Young
and the Twelve spent the afternoon at the Temple
~ Sunday
April 1, Sunday We met at the Tabernacle. O Hyde prayed O Pratt spoke 306 Minuts L Snow 30 M, C C Rich 18 M
President Young 12 Minutes. {He reproached the} 12 {sharply for not going into the ^United Order^.}
we spent the Evening with President Young
April 1, Sunday we met at 10 oclok at the Tabernacle O Hyde prayed
O Pratt spoke 36, L Snow 30, C C Rich 18, President Young 12 {President Young reproached the} 12 {for not entering into the United Order more than they had} I spent the
Evening at President Youngs
~ Friday
March 30, 1877
FIGURES This is the first day I ever went the Themple to get Endow[FIGURE] ments for the Dead I got Endowments to day for the ProphetsRobertMason We gave Endowments to 150. There was 52 Elders ordained
W Woodruff ordained 2. I was ordained a High Priest &
Patriarch for the ProphetMason. There was 152 of the dead of
the Hart family baptized for to day Bulah A Woodruff Beatie
was Baptized for60 of them. The Quorum of the Twelve
arived to day in the Temple to day we met in council in the
Presidents office in the Evening I sealed 14 dead Persons to
President YoungE Snow sealed [blank] couple (W Woodruff
gave Seconed Anointing to Wilford Woodruff jr for his
Grand Father Ezra Carter & Anointed Phebe W. Woodruff
for her Mother Sarah Fabyan Carter) {I anointed Sarah Campbell Smith.}
Phebe WW got Endowments for Mary Fabyan & for Mr Samuel WoodruffWilford Woodruff jr got Endowments for Asahel Woodruff
~ Saturday
FIGURES 31. I spent the day in the Temple I had Baptized in the
font to day 490 of the Hart family from my Record Bulah A.
Woodruff Beatie was Baptized for 62 persons President Young
and the Twelve spent the afternoon at the Temple
~ Sunday
April 1, Sunday we met at the TabernacleO Hyde prayed
O Pratt spoke 36 Minuts L Snow 30 Minutes, C C Rich 18 Minutes
President Young 12 Minutes. {He reproached the} 12 {sharply for not going into the United Order.}
we spent the Evening with President Young
Afternoon Joseph F Smith spoke 45 Minuts F D Richards 23.
John Smith the Patriarch spoke 7 Minuts
April 1, Sunday we met at 10 oclok at the Tabernacle O Hyde prayed
O Pratt spoke 36, L Snow 30, C C Rich 18, President Young 12
{President Young reproved the} 12 {for not uniting into the United Order more than they had.} I spent the
Evening at President Youngs
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," March 30, 1877 - April 1, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 20, 2025,