it was A happy meeting he had Been with Elder Patten
& his wife for several days Br Smoot related the
news to me from Br Patten which was glorious in
the first degree he gave me an account of the endowment
at Kirtland Ohio the heavens was opened unto them Angels & Jesus Christ was seen of them sitting at
the right hand of the father he also informed me
that Elder W Parish (& his wife) one of the first
Seventy with some others of the first Elders was
expecting to visit us & also the second Seventy was
chosen & that I was one of the number. O God
prepare me for the Battle while combating error
with everlasting truth the above are great
blessings indeed. Distance of the day 30 miles
21 Rode to Mr John Gainers whare I was Privleged
with a happy interview with Elder David Patten
also Sister Patten his wife Br [Patten] Preached I followed
him rode after meeting {in company with Elders Patten Smoot and Sister Patten and Taylor} 16 m[iles]
23 rode to Br Tailors Preached at his house 2 miles
~ Sunday
24 rode to Br Davises{with Brother and Sister Patten on} Sunday Preached
in the grove to a large congregation {I followed Elder Patten} I
baptized one & confirmed two by the waters rode
to Col Copeland distance of the Day 13 miles
26 Rode to Mr Cranshaw{with Elder and Sister Patten} Preached at his
house distance of the bDay 12 miles
~ Wednesday
27 Baptized 3 persons {Had a good time} travled to Br Jacksons 14 m[iles]
~ Thursday
28 travled to Br Pettys{and returned} to Br Jacksons Preached
at his house {Elder Patten led the meeting. Elders WellsSmoot Patten and myself} then
rode to Br Utleys from thence to Br Willsons 12 m[iles]
~ Friday
29 rode to Br Seth Utley's{Spent the night at his house Distance} 4 miles
May 1st Sunday rode to Col Irvi Carns Preached at his house {I followed Elder Patten} then rode to Br A B Wilson Preached at his
house I followed Br Patten {I had the spirit of God and of Prophecy} I Proph
esied to the people of the Judgments of God that awaits
them after meeting I walked to Mr Tittle & preached
the word to him & he arose and I Baptized him at the
midnight hour distance 14 miles
~ Monday
2 rode to James Mericks Preached at his house 6 miles
it was A happy meeting he had Been with Elder Patten
& his wife for several days Br Smoot related the
news to me from Br Patten which was glorious in
the first degree he gave me an account of the endowment
at Kirtland Ohio the heavens was opened unto them
Angels & Jesus Christ was seen of them sitting at
the right hand of the father he also informed me
that Elder W Parish (& his wife) one of the first
seventy with some others of the first Elders was
expecting to visit us & also the second seventy was
chosen & that I was one of the number. O God
prepare me for the Battle while combating error
with everlasting truth the above are great
blessings indeed. Distance of the day 30 miles
21 Rode to Mr John Gainers Whare I was Privleged
with a happy interview with Elder David Patten
also Sister Patten his wife. Br Preached I followed
him rode after meeting {in company with Elders Patten Smoot and Sister Patten and Taylor} 16 m
23 rode to Br Tailors Preached at his house 2 miles
~ Sunday
24 rode to Br Davises{with Brother and Sister Patten on} Sunday Preached
in the grove to a large congregation {I followed Elder Patten} I
baptized one & confirmed two by the waters rode
to Col Copeland distance of the Day 13 miles
27 Baptized 3 persons {Had a good time} Travled to Br Jacksons 14 m
~ Thursday
28 travled to Br Pettys{and returned} to Br Jacksons Preached
at his house {Elder Patten led the meeting. Elders WellsSmoot Patten and myself} then
rode to Br Utleys from thence to Br Willsons 12 m
~ Friday
29 rode to Br Seth Utley's{Spent the night at his house Distance} 4 miles
~ Saturday
30 Rode {with Elders PattenWellsSmoot} to Mr [Mr Short|Shorts]] Preached at his house 12 m
~ Sunday
May 1st Sunday rode to Col Irvi Carns Preached at his house
{I followed Elder Patten} then rode to Br A B Wilson Preached at his
house I followed Br Patten {I had the spirit of God and of Prophecy} I Proph
esied to the people of the Judgments of God that awaits
them. after meeting I walked to Mr Tittle & preached
the word to him & he arose and I Baptized him at the
midnight hour distance 14 miles
~ Monday
2 rode to James Mericks Preached at his house 6 miles
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"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," April 19, 1836 - May 2, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,