13 Rode to Br Petty's Preached at his house Elder Patten
Preached in the Spirit of God I Baptized 3 persons 5 miles
~ Saturday
14 Rode to Col Rutherfords Preached at his house 10 m[iles]
~ Sunday
15 crossed Tennessee River{with Elder Patten} rode to Mr Rogers
Preached at his house on Sunday to a large congregaiion
Elder Patten Preached {I followed him} then rode to Br Utley 16 mile
~ Monday
16 Spent the day visiting the Saints the night at Br Wilson 4 m[iles]
19 {[3 words of illegible shorthand]} from thenc to Sister Matlocks I their found
Elder Boydstun & returned to Br Fry's whare
we was soon Joined By Br & Sister Patten{Distance} 12 mile
~ Friday
20 Spent the day at Br Frys in writing & walked in
company with Elder Boydstun to Sister Matlocks 2 miles
22 Sunday walked to Br Frys to attend a meeting accor
ding to appointment which commenced at 10 AM. Elder Patten Preached three discourses {The} 1st from the Parable in
the fore Part of the 20th ch Math the 2nd from Ephe 1 10,
& 3rd from the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon after
the close of the last discours Mr Rose rejected the testimony
given & called on Br Patten to rase the dead that he might
believe Br Patten rebuked him sharply for his infidelity
& unbelief We then communed with the Saints I then
retired from the scene with Elders Patten & Boydstun to a stream
of pure water & cleansed our hands & feet & testified against
that people who had threatened us & rejected our testimony
we delivered them into the hands of God {and the destroyer O God, thy will be done}
~ Tuesday
May 3 Rode to Father Frys{with Elder Patten} distance 10 miles
~ Wednesday
4 Preached at Br Frey's at candle light {Elder Patten lead the meeting}
~ Thursday
5 Spent the day at Br Frey's copying my Journal
& studying the HEBREW {with Elder Patten}
11 Rode to Br Wilsons Preached at his house
Elder Patten took the lead returned to Br West 4 miles
~ Thursday
12 Travled to Br Utleys I wrote with Elder Patten to
joseph Smith jr{sent} $3 {for} papers
~ Friday
13 Rode to Br Petty's Preached at his house Elder Patten
Preached in the Spirit of God I Baptized 3 persons 5 miles
~ Saturday
14 Rode to Col Rutherfords Preached at his house 10 miles
~ Sunday
15 Crossed Tennessee River{with Elder Patten} rode to Mr Rogers
Preached at his house on Sunday to a large congregation
Elder Patten Preached {I followed him} then rode to Br Utley 16 mile
~ Monday
16 Spent the day visiting the Saints the night at Br Wilson 4 miles
20 Spent the day at Br Frys in writing & walked in
company with Elder Boydstun to Sister Matlocks 2 miles
~ Saturday
21 Spent the day at Sister Matlocks Studying {George Barnett polished my shoes}
~ Sunday
22 Sunday walked to Br Frys to attend a meeting accor
ding to appointment which commenced at 10 AM. Elder
Patten Preached three discourses {The} 1st from the Parable in
the fore Part of the 20th Ch Math the 2nd from Ephe 1.10,
& 3rd from the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon after
the close of the last discours Mr Rose rejected the testimony
given & called on Br Patten to rase the dead that he might
Believe Br Patten rebuked him sharply for his infidelity
& unbelief We then communed with the Saints I then
retired from the scene with Elders Patten & Boydstun to a stream
of pure water & cleansed our hands & feet & testified against
that people who had threatened us & rejected our testimony
we delivered them into the hands of God {and the destroyer. O God, thy will be done.}
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," May 3, 1836 - May 22, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/n0R