British dominions in 1837, and but two
who assisted in baptizing some seven
thousand in 1840, and that our mis-
sion and labors will soon be found upon
the other side of the vail—I say, while
these reflections rest upon me, I feel de-
sirous to urge upon my brethren, the
Elders of Israel, to labor faithfully while
the day lasts. Try to save the souls of
men. Bless and not curse. Keep pure
and clean before the Lord. Pray ear-
nestly for the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Be patient in well doing. If you are
persecuted and derided for the Gospel's
sake, remember that Jesus has trod
that road before you, and descended
lower than ever you will be called to go;
and if you are cast out of doors and get
hungry, have to travel on foot, get weary
and sore, and are without money, re-
member that others, even your fathers
after the flesh, have passed through the
same ordeal. and , and , and , Wil-
ford and , have traveled over
the same road, preached in the same
halls and streets, got hungry the same
as you are. We are all in the same old
ship of Zion, and thanks be to God for
the privilege.
Be of good cheer. Though earth and
hell conspire against you, they shall not
prevail if you are built upon my rock,
saith the Lord. May the blessings and
power of God, with His Holy Spirit, rest
upon all the Elders and Saints of God
in the vineyard of the Lord, as well as
those in Zion.
Wilford Woodruff.
Where law ends, tyranny begins.
British dominions in 1837, and but two
who assisted in baptizing some seven
thousand in 1840, and that our mission and labors will soon be found upon
the other side of the vail—I say, while
these reflections rest upon me, I feel desirous to urge upon my brethren, the
Elders of Israel, to labor faithfully while
the day lasts. Try to save the souls of
men. Bless and not curse. Keep pure
and clean before the Lord. Pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Be patient in well doing. If you are
persecuted and derided for the Gospel's
sake, remember that Jesus has trod
that road before you, and descended
lower than ever you will be called to go;
and if you are cast out of doors and get
hungry, have to travel on foot, get weary
and sore, and are without money, remember that others, even your fathers
after the flesh, have passed through the
same ordeal. and , and , and , Wilford and , have traveled over
the same road, preached in the same
halls and streets, got hungry the same
as you are. We are all in the same old
ship of Zion, and thanks be to God for
the privilege.
Be of good cheer. Though earth and
hell conspire against you, they shall not
prevail if you are built upon my rock,
saith the Lord. May the blessings and
power of God, with His Holy Spirit, rest
upon all the Elders and Saints of God
in the vineyard of the Lord, as well as
those in Zion.
Wilford Woodruff.
Where law ends, tyranny begins.