days; for with you, saith the Lord Al-
mighty, I will rend their kingdoms: I
will not only shake the earth, but the
starry heavens shall tremble; for I, the
Lord, have put forth my hand to exert
the powers of heaven; ye cannot see it
now, yet a little while and ye shall see
it, and know that I am, and that I will
come and reign with my people. I am
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and
the end. Amen."
Thus, ye Elders of Israel, with the
word of the Lord resting upon you, what
manner of men ought ye to be? Gird
up the loins of your minds—watch and
be sober. Be ye clean that have the
words of the Lord, that ye may be free
from the blood of this generation. If
you labor all the days of your life and
save one soul, how great will be your
joy in the kingdom of God with that
soul! How much more if ye save many
The Lord has called His servants into
the vineyard to prune it for the last time,
and He is also often showing us, by
revelation, the great events that are at
our doors—the gathering of Israel, the
return of the Ten Tribes, the fall of
, the judgments of God, the
overthrow of the wicked, and all that is
to transpire in the hour of God's judg-
ment, and the final coming of the Son
of Man in the clouds of heaven to re-
ward every man according to the deeds
done in the body. I say, after the Lord
has set all these things before us, He
says unto us, "If you believe me you
will labor while the day lasts, for soon
night will come when no man can work."
There are great events at the door. This
generation knows not what awaits them.
When the people reject the testimony of
the Elders of Israel and turn them from
their doors, they little know what they
are doing or what their reward will be;
and while our nation is laboring for the
destruction of the Church and kingdom
of God, and trample under their feet the
laws and Constitution which have been
bequeathed unto us by our forefathers
through the inspiration of Almighty
God, they little know of the seed they
sow or the fearful harvest they are
doomed to reap. These eternal truths
rest with weight upon my mind.
The historian says: "The decline and
fall of was attributable to the gen-
eral corruption of the people, and to the
engrossing love of pleasure and idle-
ness. Work, in the last days of Rome,
was regarded as only fit for slaves. Its
citizens ceased to pride themselves on
the virtues and characters of their great
forefathers, and the empire fell because
it did not deserve to live. When nation-
al character ceases to be upheld, a na-
tion may be regarded as next to lost.
When it ceases to esteem and to prac-
tice the virtues of truthfulness, honesty,
integrity and justice, it does not deserve
to live."
The historian, in this respect, has only
drawn the picture of what has followed
all cities, nations and kingdoms of the
whole earth from the creation of the
world until now, and will continue until
the end of the world. The history of
Sodom and Gomorrah, the antediluvian
world, and of , , , and , Babylon the Great,
as well as itself, all have fallen
when they were ripened in iniquity, and
all this in fulfilment of the word of the
Lord through the mouths of holy men,
who spoke as they were moved upon by
the inspiration of eternal truth. The
Lord has already swept off two great
nations from the American continent, in
fulfilment of His word, when they were
ripened in iniquity, and what inspired
man can look with indifference upon the
vortex into which the American govern-
ment is hastening, through the same pro-
cess, to their utter destruction and over-
throw? Who will save the American flag
and Consititution? I heard
say, the Elders of Israel would have it
to do, and he was a Prophet of God.
Therefore, prepare yourselves, O ye
nations of the earth, for that which
awaits you, for the God of heaven has a
controversy with the nations! The Lord
will disappoint no one for the want of
the fulfilment of any of His words; and
when I reflect that there is not one of
the Apostles dwelling in the flesh who
opened the doors of salvation in the
days; for with you, saith the Lord Almighty, I will rend their kingdoms: I
will not only shake the earth, but the
starry heavens shall tremble; for I, the
Lord, have put forth my hand to exert
the powers of heaven; ye cannot see it
now, yet a little while and ye shall see
it, and know that I am, and that I will
come and reign with my people. I am
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and
the end. Amen."
Thus, ye Elders of Israel, with the
word of the Lord resting upon you, what
manner of men ought ye to be? Gird
up the loins of your minds—watch and
be sober. Be ye clean that have the
words of the Lord, that ye may be free
from the blood of this generation. If
you labor all the days of your life and
save one soul, how great will be your
joy in the kingdom of God with that
soul! How much more if ye save many
The Lord has called His servants into
the vineyard to prune it for the last time,
and He is also often showing us, by
revelation, the great events that are at
our doors—the gathering of Israel, the
return of the Ten Tribes, the fall of
, the judgments of God, the
overthrow of the wicked, and all that is
to transpire in the hour of God's judgment, and the final coming of the Son
of Man in the clouds of heaven to reward every man according to the deeds
done in the body. I say, after the Lord
has set all these things before us, He
says unto us, "If you believe me you
will labor while the day lasts, for soon
night will come when no man can work."
There are great events at the door. This
generation knows not what awaits them.
When the people reject the testimony of
the Elders of Israel and turn them from
their doors, they little know what they
are doing or what their reward will be;
and while our nation is laboring for the
destruction of the Church and kingdom
of God, and trample under their feet the
laws and Constitution which have been
bequeathed unto us by our forefathers
through the inspiration of Almighty
God, they little know of the seed they
sow or the fearful harvest they are
doomed to reap. These eternal truths
rest with weight upon my mind.
The historian says: "The decline and
fall of was attributable to the general corruption of the people, and to the
engrossing love of pleasure and idleness. Work, in the last days of Rome,
was regarded as only fit for slaves. Its
citizens ceased to pride themselves on
the virtues and characters of their great
forefathers, and the empire fell because
it did not deserve to live. When national character ceases to be upheld, a nation may be regarded as next to lost.
When it ceases to esteem and to practice the virtues of truthfulness, honesty,
integrity and justice, it does not deserve
to live."
The historian, in this respect, has only
drawn the picture of what has followed
all cities, nations and kingdoms of the
whole earth from the creation of the
world until now, and will continue until
the end of the world. The history of
Sodom and Gomorrah, the antediluvian
world, and of , , , and , Babylon the Great,
as well as itself, all have fallen
when they were ripened in iniquity, and
all this in fulfilment of the word of the
Lord through the mouths of holy men,
who spoke as they were moved upon by
the inspiration of eternal truth. The
Lord has already swept off two great
nations from the American continent, in
fulfilment of His word, when they were
ripened in iniquity, and what inspired
man can look with indifference upon the
vortex into which the American government is hastening, through the same process, to their utter destruction and overthrow? Who will save the American flag
and Consititution? I heard
say, the Elders of Israel would have it
to do, and he was a Prophet of God.
Therefore, prepare yourselves, O ye
nations of the earth, for that which
awaits you, for the God of heaven has a
controversy with the nations! The Lord
will disappoint no one for the want of
the fulfilment of any of His words; and
when I reflect that there is not one of
the Apostles dwelling in the flesh who
opened the doors of salvation in the