& edify the people He was followed by W. Woodruff I told them that I felt
like bearing testimony to what brother Joseph had said his teachings
were Just & true You cannot edify this people without you speak by
the Holy Ghost a man may have all the eloquence of a Cicero or
the knowledge of the world combined & he cannot feed the immortal
mind of a Latter Day saint unless he speaks by the spirit of God. He may
talk of visions & revelations or any thing els unless he has the spirit
of God He will not edefy this people look at the teaching of the prophet Joseph all other men might preach though many might preach by the
spirit of the Lord & edify the people yet if the people knew that Joseph
was going to preach the people would poor out of their houses like bees
out of a Hive. So with President Young at this day if the people knew
that He was going to preach they would fill the Tabernacle an hour before
the time of meeting. his words are plain & easy but they are filled
with the spirit & power of God unto edification
I was followed by F. D. Richards who spoke well unto edifycation
~ Tuesday
17th I spent the day in the office on the History of the Twelve &
found great difficulty in obtaining any thing for the History of
those who had apostitized. I attended the meeting of the Bishops
Bishop Hunter spoke & said he wished the clerk to keep a strict
Account of their meetings as it would make a good History He
councilled the Bishops to finish the canal & do all that is required of
them. Joseph Young spoke said that was the first time that He ever
attended a Bishops meeting in his life He spoke vary well I followed
him The following is a Brief synopsis of my remarks I said I felt
to say a few words we have had a good exertation from Brother Joseph
Young He said some had thought that we should have the privilege of
coming to thes vallies & setting down & resting but he thought that we had
as much to do as ever I think so to I am thoroughly converted to
the faith that we shall never arive at that period of existance when
we shall not have sumthing to do I believe our work will increase
throughout all Eternity though we may not have to gain our bread
by the sweat of our brow neither shall we always have to cultivate
the soil in the midst of thornes & briers. Our Father in Heaven is
always busy his kingdom & works are increaseing & I believe it
will be the same with us throughout all Eternity if we are saved. There
is another subject which I wish to speak of. Brother Hunter said that
He wanted the clerk to keep a record of their meetings as it would
make a good History this is a subject I have always felt interested
in & as there are many branches in the kingdom of God so their should
be some persons engaged in each branch I have often spoken upon
this subject & I have often thought that to many it was dry and
uninteresting to many I mean the subject of Journal writing & keeping
a history of what transpires with us from day to day. I was deeply
impressed with the importance of this subject to day while reading the History
of the organization of the quorum of the Twelve and the remarks of the
Prophet Joseph upon the subject. He said -["I have for myself learned a fact
by experience which on reflection gives me much sorrow. It is a truth
that if I now had in my possession evry decission which has been given
upon important items of Doctrin & duties since the rise of this Church
they would be of incalculable worth to the saints but we have neglected
to keep a record of such things thinking perhaps that they never
benefit us afterwords which had we now would decide almost
& Edify the people He was followed by W. Woodruff I told them that I felt
like bearing testimony to what brother Joseph had said his teachings
were Just & true. You cannot edify this people without you speak by
the Holy Ghost a man may have all the Eloquence of a Cicero or
the knowledge of the world combined & he cannot feed the immortal
mind of a Latter Day saint unless he speaks by the spirit of God. He may
talk of visions & revelations or any thing Els unless he has the spirit
of God He will not edefy this people look at the teaching of the prophet
Joseph all other men might preach though many might preach by the
spirit of the Lord & Edify the people yet if the people knew that Joseph
was going to preach the people would poor out of their houses like bees
out of a Hive. So with President Young at this day if the people knew
that He was going to preach they would fill the Tabernacle an hour before
the time of meeting. his words are plain & easy but they are filled
with the spirit & power of God unto Edification
I was followed by F. D. Richards who spoke well unto Edifycation
~ Tuesday
17th I spent the day in the office on the History of the Twelve &
found great difficulty in obtaining any thing for the History of
those who had apostitized. I attended the meeting of the Bishops
Bishop Hunter spoke & said he wished the clerk to keep a strict
Account of their meetings as it would make a good History He
councilled the Bishops to finish the canal & do all that is required of
them. Joseph Young spoke said that was the first time that He ever
attended a Bishops meeting in his life He spoke vary well I followed
him [FIGURE] The following is a Brief synopsis of my remarks I said I felt
to say a few words we have had a good exertation from Brother Joseph
Young He said some had thought that we should have the privilege of
coming to thes vallies & setting down & resting but he thought that we had
as much to do as ever I think so to I am thoroughly converted to
the faith that we shall never arive at that period of existance when
we shall not have sumthing to do I believe our work will increase
throughout all Eternity though we may not have to gain our bread
by the sweat of our brow neither shall we always have to cultivate
the soil in the midst of thornes & briers. Our Father in Heaven is
always busy his kingdom & works are increaseing & I believe it
will be the same with us throughout all Eternity if we are saved. There
is another subject which I wish to speak of. Brother Hunter said that
He wanted the clerk to keep a record of their meetings as it would
make a good History this is a subject I have always felt interested
in & as there are many branches in the kingdom of God so their should
be some persons engaged in each branch I have often spoken upon
this subject & I have often thought that to many it was dry and
uninteresting I mean the subject of Journal writing & keeping
a history of what transpires with us from day to day. I was deeply
impressed with the importance of this subject to day while reading the History
of the organization of the quorum of the Twelve and the remarks of the
Prophet Joseph upon the subject. He said ["I have for myself learned a fact
by experience which on reflection gives me much sorrow. It is a truth
that if I now had in my possession evry decission which has been given
upon important items of Doctrin & duties since the rise of this church
they would be of incalculable worth to the saints but we have neglected
to keep a record of such things thinking perhaps that they never
benefit us afterwords which had we now would decide almost
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," March 16, 1857 - March 17, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/76ny