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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff journals and papers, 1828-1898 |
Collection Description | The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867. |
Collection Number | MS 1352 |
Collection Page | 1-478 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
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January 22, 1854 ~ Sunday 22nd ^[FIGURE]^ I attended meeting at the Tabernacle & I preached in the morning to the saints from the following words "whatsoever ye sow that shall you reap" I told the people that if they sowed good principles in their own minds & in the minds of their children that they will bring forth good fruit which will tend to exhaltation & glory so can we judge of the nations of the Earth if they indulge in sin wickedness & abominations & their Children are brought up in the same they must expect to reap the whirlwind arrow & death, Judgment sorrow wo & destruction. We should warn our children of all danger & escape all sin ourselves we were here in these vallies through the mercies of God & we should make an improvement by our situation
There is one thing I will here record in my Journal which I take great pleasure in I united with the Bishop & his counsel & ordained 1 Priest 2 Teachers & 2 deacons and the Priest which I ordained was my ownly son now living with me Wilford Woodruff Jr He is 13 years old He is now to begin to officiate in the Priest office of the lesser Priesthood And I thank the LORD that I have lived to see this day when I have a son who has received the Priesthood and is recogni- zed as such by the Church and is about to officiate in it I Pray the blessings of the God of Abram Isaac & Jacob may rest upon him that He may honour the Priesthood all the days of his life and do much good in bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God and always maintain the Kingdom of God with all its laws & principles which may the Lord grant for Christ sake Amen
Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon your head a Fathers blessing and seal upon ^you^ the priesthood of Aaron which you have received, and also to dedicate you unto God for the purpose of the ministry. I seal upon your head all the blessings of Abram Isaac & Jacob. I seal you up unto Eternal life and no power shall take your crown. And you shall live long upon the Earth and do great good and bring many souls into the kingdom of God. And you shall stand in the defence of Zion and if you will be faithful in keeping the Commandments of God you shall receive the fulness of the priesthood and the Apostleship and the keys thereof and shall follow the footsteps of thy father wherein he has been faithful in the Apostleship. and thou shalt live and not die. thy body shall not be laid in the grave but thou shalt live till the coming of Christ. then shall thy body be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to
March 1st 1854 This is my birth day I am 47 years old this day so my days, months, years, & life is passing away I thank my Heavenly Father that it has been preserved so long I pray that I may have grace according to my day I pray that the spirit of God may abide with me & keep my footsteps in the paths of virtue, integrity, & Holiness all the days of my life and that I may have favor in the sight of God & his servants
Elder Kimball gave a strong pointed lecture for 3 Hours & spoke upon almost evry species of sin & warned the Elders that were going out on missions to be vary careful to keep all the commandments of God that they might be saved from sorrow, disgrace misery & suffering which is the effects of sin may all men give heed to such counsel & practice it in their lives & it will save them much sorrow
Thus closes the life of Brother Williard Richards He has been a man of strict integrity to his brethren & his God I have travled with him many miles both in England & America we have been warm associates many times. He has been the Historian of the Church many years He stood in Carthage Jail while the bullets flew like hail around him & Joseph & Hiram two prophets of God were martered by his side & brother Taylor fell pearced with many balls but did not die He has been a great Counsellor in the Church & Kingdom of God And He has died a mighty man in Israel O what sweet counsel he has given me from time to time & many of the saints of God He has posse[sse]d a strong mind a mighty intellect & a valuable peculiar combination of intellect & such another the world can Hardly produce He is the first man that has died a natural death in this Church & kingdom from the first Presidency or Twelve Apostles all that have died before have been martered
I Attended the prayer meeting with the Presidency & Twelve And President Young said while remarking upon the offices of the Priesthood that the seventies hold all the Keys in the church & Kingdom of God on earth & if the 12 were dead they would have to ordain all the offices of the Church for they are all High Priests & Apostles
My teaching is to tell the people what to do to be saved to day for if you get out of the path of salvation today you are in danger of being out of it tomorrow & the further you stray from it the more difficulty you will meet with in ever finding it again. it would be folly in me to spend my time in telling the people about the glories of the Millennium while I see them straying from those paths that would lead to those glories now
I wish to ask a question which is the most important to you A part in the first resurrection in exaltation & glory in the Celestial Kingdom of God with all its attendant blessings or a few Horses Cattle gold & goods Judge ye then why should it be thought a thing incredible or unjst unjust for a profit of God who is called to guide & controll us in all the weighty matters that consern us should also counsel us in those lesser matters of every day life
And you have to fulfill your covenants which you made at the waters of Baptism we must not forget God. He intends we shall do that which we ought to do when God tels us to do any thing we should go to work & do it willingly
If the Latter Day Saints cannot become one hart & mind & work in their temporal things which they do understand they cannot become one in Eternal things which they cannot understand.
we read in the New Testament that faith is the assurance of things hoped for & the evidence of things not seen have we all got faith it is our duty to have faith in God & his word & promises you have to trust in God. He will not reveal all things u[n]to us
we are required to become of one heart & mind & work together in those little things that we do understand or else we could not be prepared to work together and be one in those eternal things which we do not understand therefore we could not enter into the kingdom of God. it is nothing but the power of God that has preserved this settlement.
when you have become of one heart & mind he has treasures for you & has given us capacity to see if we will magnify our calling with every thing we have to do in our lives. we are approaching very swiftly the time when Jesus will come to see if we are of one heart & mind which the Prophet Joseph said would be in this generation & will manifest himself to the Saints & take up his abode with him.
now if you will all do right & live a holy life angels will come & visit us & sta[y] with us all night & you will have many revelations & be happy. we know we ought to pra[y] & would not neglect it, if we loved the Lord.
He said that if the Brethren would be faithful & united they would have great blessings that they would bring great good to Israel that there would soon be thousands of the Lamanites that would be gatherd together & saved & they would have revelation & they would do a great work in this kingdom.
I wam thankful for the privilege of meeting with you & to speak of the things of the Kingdom of God & to hear from my brethren. I have been full of thought & reflection this day while sitting & hearing from President Young, & I feel to thank God with all my heart that He has bestowed upon us such a leader in this dispensation yes president Young is a leader in Israel & one that is not ashamed to rebuke sin in high places He will guard well the interest & salvation of this People reguardless of all consequences & I feel it my duty as an Apostles of Jesus Christ & an Elder in Israel to sustain him in his office & back up ^his testimony^ by my faith & works & I also consider it the duty of evry Apostle Bishop, Elder, & officer & member in the Church of Jesus Christ to do the same
we as a people have to sanctify ourselves before the Lord in order to sanctify have the blessings & approbation of the Lord upon us. It will be far better for us to restrain our children from Evil than to suffer them to go headlong to ruin & they will thank God to all Eternity that there parents have given them good council & restrained them from Evil rather than to be permitted to plunge into misery sin sorrow & woe we should treat our wives & children with kindness & affection & give them good council & when we have done all we can for them then if they will do ^w^rong & go to ruin our gar- ments are clear & I hope from this time forth that we may not look upon sin with any degree of allowance of approbation which may God grant for Christ Amen
upon the subj- ect of the resurrection. He said the Identical particles of matter in which we had honored our spirits with ie our tabernacles in which we had suffered, travelled, laboured, & built up the kingdom of God that would be the Identical body & no other that would be raised from the grave to immortality & Eternal life.
so as soon as they began to eat of the fruit of the Earth they received into their system the seeds of mortality & of Death so their children wer mortal & subject to death sorrow pain & wo then when they partook of life, Joy, ease, & Happiness they would know how to prize it
President Preached strong doctring He told us our duty to the Lamanites & the consequences that would follow if we did not do it He warned us against neglecting that people, & neglecting prayer, & against our opposing any commandment, revelation, or doctrin that comes from God. O that we might be wise & listen to the things of God for we shall inherit the Kingdom of God with all its blessings if we do & sorrow morning & wo if we do not
In conversing upon various principles President Young thought none would inherit this Earth when it became celestial & translated into the presence of God but those who would be crowned as Gods & able to endure the fulness of the Presance of God
After retireing to bed I prayed to the Lord to show me what we should teach the People and I received for answer Let my servants obtain the Holy Ghost & keep my spirit with them & that will instruct them what to teach the people continually & instruct the people to keep my spirit with them & they will be enabled to understand the word of the Lord when it is taught them
I think there is a neglect among this people in not teaching their children as they should do the Old & New testament the History of the Prophets & Jesus & the Apostles And I think it time to teach the people the simple things of the word of God And this message of Good News is as necessary to this assembly as it was to the people of Judea we and our children should read the Bible more than we do at least Our children should read it untill they should learn whare Jesus Christ was born & understand his History
But was it not for the name of Jesus Christ all our ordinances & administrations would be in vain & of no Effect, for if we did not Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ our sins would not be remitted & if we did not lay on hands in his name for the Holy Ghost or the Healing of the sick the candidate would not receive the Holy Ghost nor the sick be Healed for their is no other name given under Heaven whareby men can be saved we have no promise of obtaining any blessing from God except through & in his name.
I think there is a neglect among this people in not teaching their children as they should do the Old & New testament the History of the Prophets & Jesus & the Apostles And I think it time to teach the people the simple things of the word of God And this message of Good News is as necessary to this assembly as it was to the people of Judea we and our children should read the Bible more than we do at least Our children should read it untill they should learn whare Jesus Christ was born & understand his History
But was it not for the name of Jesus Christ all our ordinances & administrations would be in vain & of no Effect, for if we did not Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ our sins would not be remitted & if we did not lay on hands in his name for the Holy Ghost or the Healing of the sick the candidate would not receive the Holy Ghost nor the sick be Healed for their is no other name given under Heaven whareby men can be saved we have no promise of obtaining any blessing from God except through & in his name
He told the people He was Jesus Christ who was born in Jerrusalem & there crusified for the sins of the world. He told them He had other sheep yet which were not of this Fold neither at Jerrusalem but were the lost sheep of the House of Israel He must also go & visit them & when we get the record of of the Ten lost tribes of Israel we shall get an account of his visit among them
But I can say I never knew a great man in the Kingdom of God but what was a praying man
we should not ownly have faith but works & treasure up evry useful knowledge within our reach for I do not believe that the spirit of God will go out of his course to te[a]ch men those things which they are to lazy to learn when they have the means within their reach.
I listened with attention to the remarks of Brother Clements upon the subject of Prayer I believe the Lord Hears prayers we had a sample of this in Harm[on]y the grasshopers had destroyed the crops in the settlements north of us & they began to approach our fields & began upon our grain we called a meeting & made the matter a subject of prayer at night we went out next morning & there was no live grass hoppers to be to seen but the ground was coverd with dead ones
I have spoken of my mission among the Lamanites the question has been asked will the Lamanites work I will say that the Lamanites work hard whare I have been some of them have worked for me & they would do more hard labour in a day than I could while making our picket fort two of the Indians would cut 100 cedar Pickets in a day. I have known old Indians plant Acres of land & dig up the ground with a paddle & when they saw us plough the ground they rejoiced much to see how much faster we could turn over the ground with an Iron plough than they could with a woodden paddle.
Brother Parley pratt said I was ingaged in the best ^work^ I could be ingaged in I feel that we are bringing that people to a knowledge of the things of God when I have traveled among them they have treated me vary kind I called upon a chief one day & I was hungry. His squaw went to work & dryed some wheat heads by the fire rubed out the wheat in her hands put it onto a smooth stone & took another smooth round stone & ground it fine & made me a cake of it & baked it by the fire while she was doing this her daughter made me some good wine out of some buries she had preserved so I had bread & wine for my dinner, all manufactured in a few moments. they rejoiced at our visit with them & many of them have been baptized & in some instances try to imitate our practices. In one instance a company of three came to visit us all highly painted up & dressed in the best they had when they came to us we told them the mormons did not paint they went to the creek & washed it all off. we feel that much good is begining to be done among that People
some say shall we stay here long I do not know but I can say that we shall stay as long as we wish to. If all the Nations of the Earth were to come against us they could not drive us away if we doing our duty before the Lord & put our trust in him & do unto all men as we would wish to be done by in all things & if all will do this we shall not have much trouble in the kingdom of God
some think that we have not as much faith as we used to have I cannot believe this I believe we are advanceing in the kingdom of God. some are much tryed because all are not healed that they lay hands upon but I do not feel so I had a case during conference concerning the case of Sister Baris she was sick & I laid Hands upon her & blessed her with life & helth & went to meeting in an hour I had word that she was dead. it did not try me. the Lord saw fit to take her & all is right. there is many duties devolving upon us & one of these duties are to pay our debts if I owe a man & He comes to me & says you owe me so much & I need it in my family I will pay that man to the full extent of my power I will divide the last loaf with him. I consider this one of our duties & I will say I never knew a man get rich by taking great Interest neither do I ever expe[c]t to. He requested the Brethren to remember the Twelve & administer in temporal things while they Administered in spiritual things
I tryed to bring mysel[f] to this scene & fancied to mysel[f] how I would feel in Hearing the message of Glad tidings that a savior was born & also in being associated with him in life then the sorrow of his being taken away & crucified then the great Joy in his resurrection & his teachings while in his Immortal body. but when I think of the greater things which are to take place in our day I do not regret that I did not live in that day for there are greater things to come forth than was manifest in that day. For that kingdom of God of which all the prophets have spoken since the world began has now come forth as a preparation for the second coming of Christ not coming to be born in a manger but He will
Brethren & Sisters I am truly glad to meet with you in the capacity of a quarterly conference & visit you as a mission I am truly thankful that I have a mission appointed me in con- nextion with Parley P & Orson Pratt two of the Twelve Apostles for it is the first time since the organization of this church & Quorum that I have had this privilege of being associated together with those two men on a preaching mission ownly as we have met ain a conference from time to time to transact business as a Quo[ru]m I called them Apostles, is it true that they are apostles it is eith[er true] or false, if it false then your faith is vain your religion is vain you have not the Kingdom of God with you nor the priesthood with the blessings have you. but if you they are true Apostles then you have the kingdom of God with you the Priesthood & the keys of the kingdom of God & a presidency who hold the keys of the kingdom of God on the Earth & govern that kingdom for the benefit of the people then you are bound to listen to our words & teaching & to the teaching of the presidency of this Church.
when I arived in this place I spent the night at Brother Steeds after I retired to rest I prayed to the Lord to show me what he wished me to teach to the people the spirit of the Lord said to me teach the people to obtain the Holy spirit that they may receive teaching then let the missionaries keep the spirit of the Lord with them & that will constantly dictate them what to teach you have had a flood of light poured out upon you since the commencement of this conference & we should listen to it we should pay particular attention to our children & teach them good things & not permit them to spend their time in reading novels & filling their minds with fals hood & folly & things wharein there is no profit which will lead them asstray & make them fit subjects for destruction when this is the case through the parents neglect they will have to answer for that sin. The Bible Book of Mormon & Doctrins & Covenant should be read by our children instead of French novels & negro songs for whatever seed is sown in the minds of our children the same kind of fruit
I preached in great plainness to the people upon the subject of keeping the commandments of God. The spirit of the Lord rested upon me & we had a good meeting.
W Woodruff said I am glad to meet you in the capacity of a quarterly conference & I am glad to have the privileg of meeting with you as a missionary in connextion with so many other missionaries we know it is necessary for you to have the spirit of God in order to be benefited by our teaching & it is necessary for us to have the spirit of God as missionaries [in] order to teach to your edifycation. the Lord has a great deal to communicate to this people for we have much to learn before we are prepared to dwell in the presence of God so I wish you all to get the spirit of God that you may all be edify & that you may by faith draw forth those things from the Lord which it is his will you should obtain through his ser- vants who shall address you.
W. Woodruff addressed the people & said that when I look upon the mountains & vallies & hills & dales & both in the Heavens & on Earth I behold a great variety in all the works of God & in looking upon the portr- ait of the Presidency & Twelve I see no two men or things look alike & what constitutes a part of the glory of God is the great variety of his works so in the preaching of the Presidency & Twelve each man might preach upon a different subject & Handle it in a different manner yet all by the same spirit & will edify the people. so I feel incouraged to think that notwithstanding such a great flood of light & truth has been presented to this people since the commencement of this conference that the Lord will still give me sumthing that may edify the people this evening. I would warn the people to give heed to the strong teachings & exertations which they have
their is another subject that I wish to speak of & that is the principle of recording the dealings of God with us here on the Earth while all other prophets & Apostles record the dealings of God with them why should not the Elders of this last dispensation it is true that the Prophet Joseph wrote the History of the church in his day & that testiment is now gladdening the harets [hearts] of thousands while the testator is dead so with the Presidency of the Church who are now leading us they keep a History of the dealings of both God & man with them the History of which will be interesting to millions of future generations but does this excuse the many thousands of Elders & High priest & Apostles who have travelled for many years & built up this church & kingdom & had the gifts of the Holy Ghost with them so they have had power to heal the sick & cast out devils open the eyes of the blind unstop the ears of the deaf cause the lame to leap as an heart & commanded the Elements & they obey them. & have had guardian Angels to preserve them from Danger & Death I say shall the Elders be blessed with these things & not count them worth recording not even make the mark of a pen to leave the Account on record for their children & future generations to read I say they should. I think the Lord requires this at our hands & it is a Rich & Holy legacy which is Justly due our posterity And I do desire that the Elders of this church would keep a history & Journal of their lives I also wish that our young men would become acquainted with Phonography that we may have one thousand reporters whare we have one now that they may report the teachings of the servants of God & the work of God in this generation
Brethren & sisters I count it a privilege to Join my Brethren in bearing my testimony of the things of God I have a feelings of solemnity resting upon my mind concerning our duties as a people this feelings is increasing upon me daily I can bear testimony that what brother Pratt has said is true The Lord has a meaning in sending the Apostles & Elders into the vineyard in this Territory to preach to the Saints, and I know as God lives that the same spirit that rested upon the Ancient Prophets before some great Event has rested upon the Ancient Apostles & Elders upon this mission the spirit of God has rested upon them to prophesy & teach great things in the name of the Lord. I feel that as Prophets, Apostles & Elders we have no time to sleep, slumber, & rest upon our lees & feel that we have nothing to do but eat, Drink, dance & be merry for I know there is a mighty responsibility resting upon us as a people & we have no time to loose or throw away if we do our duty to God to the Gentile Nations, to the whole House of Israel, to Zion & Jerrusalem, & are prepared ourselves for the great & mighty Events which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of lightning.
Again let us turn our thoughts to the Lamanites of who are of the linage of Joseph who surround us in these mountains & vallies who are also cursed & cast down below the brute creation there is also a thick dark veil still hanging over them the God of Joseph has said they should be redeemed & become a white & Delightsome people here the Lord requires sumthing els at our hands besides praying we have manual laborur & work to do we have them to redeem no body els will attempt it. our duties are great towards that people. we have carried the Gospel to the Gentiles Nations & they have rejected it & our own Nation has shed the best blood that rolls in the veins of men, they have slain the prophets & saints & driven the whole Church & kingdom of God into these mountains in the midst of the Lamanites here the ark of God rests shall we cover it up & let it rest idle I say no the Lord requires the salvation of this branch of the house of Israel at our hands. As Prophets, Apostles, Elder & Saints of God we have no time to loose or sleep upon our oars & wait for somebody els to perform the work. we have it to do & the time has come. I know the day is at our door when the worship of that people will be excepted at the hands of God they will be visited by the Holy messengers of God who will be coworkers with us then let us call upon God earnestly in their behalf & do our duty towards them & they will soon stand in Holy places & recieve the ordinances of the Holy Priesthood & appreciate them & do a great work which will be excepted of the Lord thes things are resting upon my mind with great wait day & night. If we as a people have fallen asleep it is time we awoke to our duty or we shall come under condemnation as a people who bear the Priesthood.
we may rend the veil that we may obtain greater Blessings from God. we must pray earnestly in order to obtain the Holy spirit.
President Youngs text was Arise & shine O Zion for ^thy light is come^ & the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. He said I have always felt since I have been called to preach to speak of the practical things of evry day life instead of some great misteries a long way ahead in tEtearnity which the people do not know nor never will as the thing tought does not exhist I felt in the begining of my being called to the ministry that I had no right to preach except I was filled with the spirit of Revelation & prophesy as the Ancients & I feel the same to day in order to be qualified to preached we should be filled with Reve- lation I do not consider that any man is qualified to preach the Gospel & the sayings of the prophets unless he is filled with the spirits of the prophets. We are commanded to arise & shine but for us to sit down & say that we believe in this work we believe that ^Joseph^ was a Prophet, and still not carry out the work which we are commanded to do, not to build up or beautify Zion we shall find that we shall miss of our aim we shall not enter into the Celestial kingdom we shall not enter through the gates. We must show to the Lord that we are willing to fulfill What he requires of us and this we shall not do unless we are willing to arise & shine, but how are we to [do] it, we have got to build up Zion, and we have got to make Zion the most holy and polished, Refined & beautiful place upon the face of the whole Earth. So we may expect to see Zion in all that beauty majesty & glory which God has spoken of. But the people do not understand the things of God. I will prophesy that unless this people will rise up & build up Zion as God has commanded them they will be removed out of their place & another people will be raised in their stead who will perform the work & this I say in the name of God. I also say in the name of the Lord that the desendants of Ephraim who are among the Gentiles
if this people do not build up Zion they will be moved out of their place. evry time we build a House or city we should better it, evry thing around us should be neat & clean.
now look at this building for a school house. the ground around this building should be prepared for a play ground, & kept neat & Clean & prep[ar]ed so as to make the child Happy. Children should be in a clean plase but how is it here. the moment the children step out of door they see nothing but filth all the day long. the minds of our children while young are pure & they should not spend their time in filthy places for it affects their minds & feelings they should be in a clean place, for they are visited by the Angels of God but parents do not realize this although it is true.
I will show you that I will set an example for
it is not gold that is going to bui[l]d up Zion though we shall use a good deal of it, but we have it to do with our hands. You can make a begining & do sumthing, you can set an example, you can clean out your house & yard & make that clean, & you can stop the Bed bugs from runing around you. I do not see the first fruit or shade tree in this city. come up to the Salt Lake City & get some Fruit trees & set out & have some fruit growing. Now this is Zion and the light has come, & shines upon you & you are call upon to build up Zion.
Now I say go to & make a fine house in this place. You may say I have not the capitol. vary well look at the salt Lake City we have built up that city without capitol that was built up with the strength of our hands which is our capitol Now I want to say to the people here what do you say to going out on to your lots to build to build your houses & set out Fruits trees.
I am determined to improve in all the buildings I do while I live. If we get our temple built I mean to go to work & build another one as much better than the one we are now building as this is better than the one that we built in kirtland and this wing of the state House which we have built here is a better building in its finish & structure than that temple was. Now go to & do what God requires of you. and what ever you want to get get lawfully
we have come here & we have Dedicated this people & this place to God. Now do the people realize why we are here no they do not. we are here for the benefit of all Israel we have not come here for a salary we have come here to do the w[ill] of God and I will say that the yoke is off from our neck & it shall never be put on again not on the necks of this people. for if we do not do as God wants us to do he will raise up a people that will do it. I tell you that God will smite any people that undertake to stop this work.
So it is with this people the things which God teaches us are small & simple in many respects but they are just as necessary for us to learn & practice ias it is for the child to learn his letters in order to understand the Arts & sciences for we have to learn & practice small things before we can obtain & carry out the greater things of God. Now we are required to begin to build up & adorn Zion we should set out fruit & shade trees
The people must learn & practice clean- liness in this life some people think they can live all their days in filth & dirt never even wash their bodies then die & go to heaven & be clean but if you do not learn & practice this lesson in this life you will have to learn & practice it in the next before you will be received into the society of those who are clean pure & holy. you have got to be passive in the hands of God. As the prophet has said if we are ^not^ passive in the hands of God as Clay is in the hands of the potter we shall have to be cut off from the whall & flung into the batch & ground over again before we
we can be made vessels of honour what can we be made vessels of honour after we have moved in the hands of the potter & ground over again yes this will be the case with man but it is far better to be passive in the hands of God & be made a vessel of honor the first time than to wait thill till we have to be ground over again this is a figure which the prophet Jeremiahah made use of. Now President Young is the Master Potter here on Earth & we should be subject to him in all things we should all remember that we have got to render up our stewardship to God therefore we should be faithful in all things. And I pray that the spirit of God may rest upon you that you may do right & be saved with a full salvation. And I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
22 I spent the day in reading & writing I read the Books of Ecclesiastes, songs of Solomon, & Isaiah through And I could see by the Prophet Isaiah that one of the causes of the universal destruction & abolishment of all the gentile Nations upon the face of the whole Earth in the last days will be in consequence of the univer- sal Ill treatment of the House of Israel viz the Jews among all Nations & the Lamanites in America.
Elder Orson Pratt spoke in a vary interesting manner concerning the fulfillment of Prophesy, the second coming of Christ, the building of the New Jerruselem, the blowing of the trump, the opening of the seals, the pouring out of the plagues, the resurrection of the dead &c. He said in 1829 He had this voice continually ringing in his ears "Prepare ye the way of the Lord & make his paths strait." After he was baptized he went to Kirtland & told Joseph that He knew he was a Prophit of God & wanted him to inquire of the Lord for him when he obtained the revelation recorded in the Doctrins & Covenants given Nov 1830 recorded on Page 280 there the Lord told him to lift up his voice long & Loud preparing the way for the second coming of the Lord
The President has said that it was necessary to send missionaries through this Territory to preach to the people in order to save them this I believe is true we as a people have got to rise up & become sanctifyed pure & holy in order to be prepared to meet the great events which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of lightning we have got to make up our minds whether we will keep a Celestial Law or what Law we will keep. It is necessary for us to send messengers of salvation to stir up the minds of the people as long as there can be found an Adulterer
Let us seek to lay aside our sins & call upon the Lord untill we do enjoy the Holy spirit continually.
let us fully realize that we should not go to sleep & be careless & indiferent towards the events which we are called to pass through we should overcome the world the flesh & the Devil, & trust in God for evry blessing their is neither Male nor female that finally overcome & receive a Celestial Glory no matter how great the sacrifice may be in order to obtain it but what will be satisfyed with the reward & would not wish to obtain it ^on^ any easier term
I advis- ed the young men to improve well their time & store their minds well with knowledge while in the days of their youth that they might have the benefit of it when they come to do business in the church & kingdom of God.
it is our duty to make evry sacrafice that is required of us so that our Father in heaven, the Holy Angels, & all Just men who sit enthroned in glory power, & dominion may look upon us in this capacity ie that is that they may see in their Kingdoms that we do prove to them that we are willing to make evry sacrafize ^if i may call it a sacrifize^ on Earth endearing to man in order that we may secure a seat with them in Eternal light & glory.
I see a thousand weakness in myself that I ^now^ regret and it is so with all those who have the light of the spirit of God they can see their weaknesses (& regret them & they will try to over come them
you have got to begin to learn to over come, you should begin to im- prove day by day. Shun the errors as you see them and improve upon them be better men & women tomorrow than you are to day Continue to improve there is not a man or woman here but what can do better here than they do.
if you will shun evil and extend the hand of charity to evry living being & do good to all (as far as you have an opportunity) this will grow in you & you will increase (in wisdom & knowledge) we should live so as to enjoy the spirit of Revelation that we may know the will of God concerning us in all things. You should not live for yourselves alone for if your Affections are not placed on the Lord Jesus Christ and do not possess charity you will mis the gate (& not enter into the glory of God yourselves) for you will not receive the spirit of the gospel, your hearts should be empted of evry thing but the spirit of the gospel. (that you may be filled with the spirit of Revelation that you may know the voice of the good shepherd
It is the duty of this people & their privilege to live in such a manner that they cannot be deceived by any deceiver. It is your duty to live your religion. No man can magnify the priesthood & their calling unless they live their religion, unless they are filled with the spirit of revelation, of the Holy Ghost, & of the Holy Priesthood then they can magnify their calling and do their duty to their Neighbor & to all men
Parents are under the deepest obligation to live their religion And the young men & women also that when you get married your children may be begotten in Holiness & born in Holy^iness^ Brought forth into the world in Righteousness
Brethren & sisters you are of the seed of Abraham & you should live your legio religion that you may claim the promises of Abraham This priesthood will turn the hearts of the children to the Ancient Fathers & the children to the Fathers now & those which are to come will be made perfect this chain must not broaken for mankind cannot be saved any other way. This Priesthood must be linked together so that all the children may be linked to Father Adam. It may be asked when will this work be done, it will be done in Temples in our day & in the days of our children.
when we return to Zion & build the great Temple which Joseph saw & the centre of Zion is Esstablished the glory of God will rest upon it by day & by night & those that are prepared will see the face of the sun of man & they will see Joseph & Hiram in the flesh in their resurrected bodies.
18th March 1856 Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff & myself in company with our two oldest children Wilford & Phebe repaired to the house of the Lord that our children might receive their endowment I washed & anointed my son Wilford and ordained him to the office of an Elder & sealed upon him all the Blessings of his ordination, Anointing, & my Birthright in compliance with the council of President Kimball.
I spent the day in the Council House & had an interesting day long to be remembered for the Blessing that Father Joseph Smith the Patriarch sealed upon my head before I had any children was fulfulled this day upon my head in a measure for He said that I should live to have posterity who should recieve the priesthood & my oldest son received it this day under my hands
April 28, 1856 ~ Monday 28th [FIGURE] I have been a marked victem as an attack for the power of the destroyer from my infancy up to the present day. I have faced Accident, misfortune, & apparently death so many times & in so many shapes & forms from my childhood through life thus far that it has become a proverb with me to say that there has seemed to be two powers constantly watching me & at work with me one to kill & the other to save me thus far the power to save me & preserve my life has prevailed. How long I shall be blessed with this preserving power & care time must determin.
all should be more cautious than what I have been in this matter & not run the risk of looseing their lives by trying to save the skins of Animals who die with disease, the following Account will show the operation of this disease with me from day to day & how near I came of loosing my life in fact I was ownly saved through the power & mercy of God.
Brother Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy priesthood I lay my hands upon your head to Bless you And I ask my Father in heaven to stay the deisease which is resting upon you & to cleanse your Blood & to heal you up & I say in the name of Jesus Christ that you shall not die but shall live to finish your work which is appointed you to do upon the Earth, the Adversary has sought many times to destroy your life from the Earth but the Lord has preserved you & will preserve you untill your work is done I feel to say that all is right here I fell to ask the Lord to bless all the means you make use of for your recovery. You shall be healed up from this deisease & live to enjoy the society of your family & your children shall grow up around you & you shall be a blessing to them let your heart be comforted all shall be well with you And I seal these Blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
President Young said while conversing upon Eternal improvement that He knew by revelation while in England that there would be an Eternal increase in knowledge & as we now are God once was & as he now is we shall be if we continue faithful
Priesthood is a perfect system of Government.
we are living in one of the most important Generations that man ever lived on Earth & we should write an ofaccount of those important transactions which are takeing place before our Eyes in fulfillmen of the prophesies & the revelation of God there is a great flood of Revelations fulfillig in our day & as they are transpiring before our eyes we want a record made of them if the power & blessings of
we are living in one of the most important Generations that man ever lived on Earth & we should write an ofaccount of those important transactions which are takeing place before our Eyes in fulfillmen of the prophesies & the revelation of God there is a great flood of Revelations fulfillig in our day & as they are transpiring before our eyes we want a record made of them if the power & blessings of
O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath this roof for the purpose of dedicating this Historians Office unto the Lord our God we feel this to be our duty as we consider that this is a blessing unto us, and that we have the privilege of being located in thes vallies of the mountains that we can worship thee & build Temples Tabernacles & Cities unto thy Holy Name & have none to molest us or make us afraid: and we realize that we have this blessing from thine hand O Lord we rejoice in the power of the priesthood which though hast given unto thy servants in these vallies of the mountains through the power of which & the mercy of God we are protected & preserved from the wickedness & abomin ations that are in the world. We thank thee O Lord that the power of the priesthood & righteousness governs & controlls us & predominates in these vallies of the Mountains for these things we feel to offer up our prayers with thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privilege of having an Office built for thy servants to occupy while writing & keeping a History of thy Church & Kingdom upon the Earth in these last days we feel it a privi- lege to bow before thee & dedicate this house unto the Lord our God even our Father in heaven & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood vested in us we do & in the name of Jesus Christ we do dedicate it & Consecrate it unto the Lord our God & we set it apart that it may contain the Holy records of the Church & kingdom of God & we ask in the name of Jesus Christ that it may be sanctified & Holy unto thy name And we pray that we may be inspiried by the gift & power of the Holy Ghost while acting as Historians or clerks for the church & may we keep a true & faithful record & History of thy church & kingdom & of thy servants and may it be kept in that way & manner that it may be acceptable unto thee O Lord
and unto they servants the Presidency of thy church & we dedicate this House unto the[e] from the Foundation to the top thereof And we pray that the spirit & power of the Devil may never have Dominion over any man or power or place in the mind of any man who labours in this room we pray that thou wilt bless us O Lord with thy holy spirit that we may never profane they name in this house or dishonour the Holy priesthood or bring reproach upon thy cause or grieve thy Holy spirit in any way & we ask the[e] to bless us & to prosper us in all things & we pray that thou wilt bring to our rememberance all things which is necessary to the writing of this history & that papers & documents & all things necessary may be brought to us to enable to compile a right, usful, & proper History. I pray the My Father in Heaven that thou wilt bless these my brethrn that are my companions in this office that our hearts may be united in the bonds of the Holy Priesthood according to the Anointings & Endow- ments givingen unto us that we may be one in spirit, in heart, in faith, works as touching the cause & kingdom in which we are ingaged & we ask the to bless all things that pertain to this office & we pray that when thy servants Brigham, Heber, & Jedediah may come to visit us that they may feel the spirit of God & the spirit of peace resting upon them & that they may feel at home with us while they are beneath this roof and may we understand our duties towards them & in all things. we pray thee to hear us in all things & to accept of this dedication & we pray thee to bless our households our wives & children from this time forth & forever. we pray thee also to bless the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles The Seventies & all the Authorities & Quorums of thy Church. And bless those of thy servants who are among the Nations of the Earth & grant that they may be inspired to send tous an account of there works that we may be enabled to keep a true & faithful record that when we have gone into the world of spirits that the saints of God may be blessed in reading our record which we have kept we ask the O Lord to grant these our request & every other blessing which thou seest we kneed And in the End of our probation may we be saved in thy kingdom & the glory of our salvation we will ascribe to God the Father through Christ our Redeemer even so Amen
O Gogd the Eternal Father we bow down before Thee upon this Font which has been made by thy servants to baptize thy people in, for the purpose of dedicating it unto the Lord our God. we dedicate ourselves before Thee O Lord & we ask the in the name of Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins that we may have Thy Holy spirit to guide us in all things that we may be guided in the ways of the Lord & that we may never do wrong. Look upon us O God that have now bowed before thee around this Font & help us to do thy will in all things Acknowledge the[e] in all things and honor The[e] & worship Thee at all times, help us to Honor our Tabernacles that we may never disgrace ourselves in any thing. Grant unto us thy Holy spirit that it may quicken our understanding & bring to our understanding rememb- erance all things which are necessary for us in the discharge of our duties. We now dedicate this Font unto thee O God we consecrate it unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Let thine Angel O Lord touch this water & this Font with his Finger that it may be holy unto Thee Lord. May no unclean thing ever enter into this Font to pullute it We dedicate ourselves our wives Children & all that we have unto the[e] O Lord Our God, may we be thine forever & all that we have. Now O Lord except of this dedication at our hands and as we go into this water may our sins be forgiven & not be remembered against us any more. May we feel the power of God and have power to work a great Refermation among this people. and may this people triumph over our enemies & may not our enemies ever again have power over us but wilt thou cause thine indignation to burn against them that they shall not have any power to do thy people harm. Now O Lord look down upon thy servant Brigham & cloth him with thy power that he may know the workings of the power of the devel in the Earth & among this people and he have power to stregth [stretch] forth his hand unto thy people & do thy work. we now dedicate this Font to Baptize the Living & the Living for the dead & for evry purpose which is necessary to perform the work of the Lord our God, even that the generations which are dead & passed away may be saved & that the sins of the Living may be washed away & that the sick may be healed of evry infir- mety that we may be renewed in body & spirit in all thing except [accept] of this dedication at our hands O Lord & hear our praysers and we will give all the glory to God our Heavenly Father and we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Brother Heber Chase In the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon your head and I confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & I seal upon you the gift of the Holy Ghost & Eternal life and I ordain & seal upon your head to be a prophet, Seer & Revelator in the church & kingdom of God & over the house of Israel and I seal upon you all the keys of the Kingdom of God on the Earth that was ever sealed upon the head of any man & I seal these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Brother Wilford Woodruff in the name of Jesus Christ we lay our hands upon your head & we confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon your head all the gifts & blessings of the Apostleship & priesthood & evry blessing which has ever been sealed upon you in any Temple or place we seal & confirm upon you in the name of Jesus Christ & we bless you for your infirmaties & ill health & pray that you may be healed & have the gift of writing the truth as a historian & we ask our Father in heaven to grant unto you these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Brother Brigham Young we lay our hands upon your head & confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints & we seal upon your head the Holy Priesthood with all the keys powers & blessings appertaining theretounto even to be a prophet seer & Revelator in the church & kingdom of God & over the House of Israel & we seal upon your head all the blessings all the blessing which were sealed upon you by the Prophet Joseph & we say unto you that you shall have power over your Enemies & you shall not be slain by them but you shall live to see them overthrown & to see the saints come off victorious over there enemies & I seal these blessing upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
He was followed by President Kimball who spoke in the power of God at the close of his remarks He called for all the Horse teams in the City & Country to go into the Mountains & pick up the companies who were coming with hand Carts & bring them into the City 115 Teams were raised in a few moments, all were to be prepared to start in the morning they were to take grain to feed them with. this is a great [expos] to this Territory to send out so many teams to bring in the companies in consequence of their starting so late this was in
I spent most of the day preparing my waggon & team to go into the mountain to assist the poor saints who are in the snow & on the road with hand Carts
I met President Grant He told me that there had come an express from the 1st Hand Cart Company & that there was bad news they were Caught in a snow storm & dying vary fast I went with him to the presidents office & saw the messengers who were Gideon H. Gibs & Horace Newel they went out to meet the hand cart companies when they met the Hand cart company there had been some 25 death 20 were men they were caught in a snow storm & the people became Chilled would draw all day & die at night those who would dig a grave for ther brethren would die the same day there were 5 deaths the day before we met them. Ther were
6th Presidents Kimball & J M Grant called into the Historians office & conversed upon principle Brother Kimball said that any man that was faithful in the priesthood would have all the blessings He could imagin or think in his heart and when Father Joseph Smith was on his dying bed I asked him to bless me so it might be written as he had blessed me several times & it was not written but Father Smith told me to write down every thing that I could think of in my heart or imagin & he would sign it & it should come to pass but He said a man must keep the Commandments of God
I have told the people a hundred times they do not know how to get rich. The way for the people to get rich is to do the will of God & they must be governed by the Revelations & spirit of God.
I have told the people a hundred times they do not know how to get rich. The way for the people to get rich is to do the will of God & they must be governed by the Revelations & spirit of God.
we never can be of one heart & one mind untill we can say that all we have is the Lords & that we are ^ownly^ his servants & stewards to controll it accord[ing] to his will. When the Lord gives me property He gives me wisdom to use it.
we never can be of one heart & one mind untill we can say that all we have is the Lords & that we are ^ownly^ his servants & stewards to controll it accord[ing] to his will. When the Lord gives me property He gives me wisdom to use it.
Their are things in Embrio which will try this people & those Events will ripen as theis dPeople do and all will have to get the spirit & Revelations of Heaven in order to stand, & thes things will be among all Nations & know it as well as I knew it would be a hard winter.
But if you will get the spirit of God upon you there will be no Jealous feelings in your heart. you want the spirit of God & the power of the priesthood to rest upon you as it did upon Joseph & does upon the Presidency & Twelve. take that priesthood upon you which belongs to you & magnify it.
live your religion & all will go well and if you will live up to your priviliges here & get the spirit of this refermation it will reach all over the Earth & go to the ends of the Earth & the wicked will not have power over us but this work will go from Zion through all the world as the sap of a tree will go from the trunk to the end of evry limb & twig. I want to see the power of God among this people that they may have faith to remove mountains if necessary but the power of God will ownly increase as the spirit of God increases among the people if we will do our duty
Now wake up Brethren & see that you purify yourselves before you try to purify others then go forth & lift up your voice like a trumpet & call upon all men to repent get full of the Holy Ghost & there is not a man that will do it but what will be filled with Prophesyings as were the ancient Nephites
The following Dream was related by H. C. Kimball Nov 25 1856 Nov 25 I dreamed that I was travelling with a companion & we came to a powerful rapid stream of water like the Niagara River, the waves were rolling vary high & increasing in size the waters had been muddy but were getting Clear, as we came to this powerful stream we did not know how we should get over it. I turned my Eyes a few moments from my companion & when I look back I saw him on the other side of the river & climing a steep hill I did not know how he got there I wanted to cross so I called to him as loud as I could to stop & wait for me but He paid no attention to me but went on as Hard as He could then a person came to me & said you have an iron rod in your hand which I percieve I had several feet long the Angel said to me you must use this rod & feel your way over the river & I awoke
December 23, 1856 ~ Tuesday 223 [FIGURES] I met in the Legislative Council there was no spirit to transact Business L Snow moved that President Kimball should give us an address. President Kimball said I do not feel much like speaking to day I feel feeble in body. & want my Liberty to act as I am moved by the Holy Ghost. but He began to talk & the power of God came upon him & he spoke for an hour I followed him & the room was filled as with Consumeing fire & all the member of the House came in & they all spoke untill sundown & the House was filled with the spirit of God almost to the consuming of our flesh & many things were revealed which were marvelous
I pray that the spirit of God will attend me & my brethren in the Priesthood that we may be saved from all evil & pthe power of the Devil and have power to build up the kingdom of God on the Earth
He said that He did not Believe in this custom of Adoption [FIGURE] that had been practiced in this Church no man should give his Birthright to another but should keep his birthright in the linage of his Fathers & go to & unite the link through the whole linage of their fathers untill they come up to a man in the Linage who held the priesthood like a Branch of a tree the branch of a vine still abides in the vine though it comes out of it unless the vine is cut of[f] or the branch it will abide in it. now unless a man is a poor Cuss he should keep his priest- hood & unite it with his Fathers & not give it to another. & the Lord will save our Father. Evry man that gets his Patriarchal Blessings & Priesthood He becomes the Patriarch of his own family & should bless his own family.
the spirit of God rested upon us in power & the vision of our minds was open upon the priesthood & its power & Blessings. I told the people that they did not prize the priesthood as they should & spoke of the great work which we had to perform who bore the priesthood in preparing this generation for salvation or damnation in redeeming our dead &c.
I spoke of the organ- ization of the Church & the Patriarchal order of the Church & the Blessings given us & exhorted the people to prize the blessings which God had put into their hands & not to treat lightly the Holy things of God.
It is wright that we should meet together often to pray sing preach teach & recieve instruction in order to assist us to live our religion, but none of thes things or any of the ordinances of the gospel which we admin- ister to the children of men or to each other does not benefit the Lord Our worshiping the Lord is of no particular benefit to our Father in Heaven but it is all entirely for our own benefit & in this light we should view it.
I might have heard Joseph Smith preache & testify of the truth of the Book of mormon & of this work untill he had been as old as Methuselah & in the end I should have snaped my fingers at him & said to him you are a foolish old man & turned upon my heels & walked off if I had not have had some other testimony besides his but I went to the Lord & the Lord revealed to me that it was true & that it was his word & I received it upon that principle, & I have lived upon that principle from that day untill now & it is the right privilege & Duty of evry man & woman to get the revelation of Jesus Christ for themselves & evry person should get the spirit of God & live by it
do not speak while you are angry for you will say sumthing that you will be sorry for but if you will keep your thoughts to yourself when you are angry they will not become the property of another. Any person who is acquainted with me knows that I have controll over myself I do not speak in anger to my wives, children or the people. I make all my Passions be in subjection to the priesthood & the spirit of God. people cannot fulfill their calling & do their duty unless they are filled with the Holy Ghost
I told the people to seek for happiness by doing the works of wrighteousness & not seek for happiness by doing evil for that was contrary to the principle of Salvation as taught by the Lord our God. I exhorted them to live their religion
the Aaronic priesthood hold the keys of administering of Angels & their has been but few men even High Priest or Apostles that have enjoyed all the blessings that belongs to the Lesser priesthood.
we done a good deal of work at that time on the temple. & it was difficult to get bread for the hands to eat. I told the people toor the committe who had charge of the temple means to deal out all the flour they had & God would give them more & they done so & it was but a short time before Brother Toronto come & brought me twenty five hundred dollars in gold the committee & the Bishop met & I met with them & they said that the Law was to lay the gold at the Apostles feet yes I said & I will lay it at the Bishops feet so I opened the mouth of the bag & took hold of the bottom end & gave it a yerk [jerk] towards the Bishop & strewed the gold across the room at his feet & I said now go & buy flour for the workmen on that temple & dont distrust the Lord any more for we will have what we need
It was also manifest with Joseph while made fast in chains & in prision in Missouri & his wicked ungodly persecuters gathered around him & while he was made fast in chains with his chains Brethren yet they goaded his feelings by boasting of how many murders they had commited & rapes upon mormon women & how they had cut the mormons to peices then they would blaspheme the name of God untill his spirit was reigned up & he rose up in the power of God in the midst of his chains & spoke as in the voice of thunder "Silence ye fiends of the pit. I will not live another momen[t] & hear such vile language from mortals, either you or I shall die right here or els you shall scease from boasting of shall such damnable deeds as you are guilty of." They quailed before his words like leather wilting in the flames & they bowed before him & made acknowledgements to him this was done by the power of God.
He said -["I have for myself learned a fact by experience which on reflection gives me much sorrow. It is a truth that if I now had in my possession evry decission which has been given upon important items of Doctrin & duties since the rise of this church they would be of incalculable worth to the saints but we have neglected to keep a record of such things thinking perhaps that they never benefit us afterwords which had we now would decide almost
At all times when you assemble in the capacity of a council to transact business let the oldest of your Number preside & let one or more be appointed to keep a record of your procedings & on the decission of evry important item let it be what it may let such decission be noted down and they will ever after words remain upon record as LAW covenants & doctrin. Questions thus deci[d]ed might at the time appear unimportant but should they be recorded & one of you lay hands upon them after words you might find them of infinate worth not ownly to your brethren but a feast also to your own souls" "Should you assemble from time to time & procede to discuss import- ant (subjects) or questions & pass decissions by & by upon them & omit to record such decisions by & by you will be driven to straits from which you will not be able to extricate yourselves & not being in a situation to bring your faith to bear with sufficient perfection or power to obtain the desired information. Now in consequence of a neglect to write these things when God revealed them not essteeming them of sufficient worth the spirit may withdraw & God may be angry and here is a fountain of intelligence or knowledge of infinate importance which is lost. what was the cause of this the answer is slothfulness or Neglect to appoint a man to occupy a few moments in writing" "[FIGURE] Here Let me prophesy the time will come when if you neglect to do this you will fall by the Hands of unrighteous men were you to be brought before the authorities and accused of any crime or misdemienor and be as innocent as the angels of God unless you can prove that you were some whare els your Enemies will prevail against you but if you can bring Twelve men to testify that you were in some other place at that time you will escape there hands now if you will be careful to keep minutes of these things as I have said it will be one of the most important & interesting records ever seen I have now laid these things before you [for] your consideration and you are left to act according to your own Judgment"]- (See record of the Twelve Historians office) ^and History of the Church February 1835^
I have had this same subject upon my mind ever since I have been a member of the church I have been inspired & moved upon to keep a Journal & write the affairs of this church as far as I can I did not understand why my feelings was exercised so much in the early age of this church but I understand it now I seldom ever heard Brother Joseph or the Twelve preach or teach any principle but what I felt as uneasy as a fish out of water untill I had written it then I felt right I could write a sermon of Josephs a week after it was delivered almost word for word & after it was written it was taken from me or from my mind this was a gift from God unto me and I have kept a Journal of almost evry day of my life for the last 24 years I could tell each day what I had done, what company I was in & what was transpiring around me and any teachings or councils from the presidency of the Church except whare I knew that reporters had
evry man should write a brief history of his life his parentage, His birth his religion when he was baptized & by whom when ordained what to & by [w]home give a brief sketch of all his missions & of all his offical acts & the dealings of God with him then if He was to die & the Historians wished to publish his history they would have sumthing to go by.
My daughter Phebe had a vary severe attack of inflamation on the Lungs or sumthing like plurisy she could not Breath ownly with great Difficulty we holstered her up in the bed & she would Retch for breath like a person strangling she was so for several hours we annointed her, laid hands upon her, & rebuked the desease I finally got Joseph Smiths silk Hankerchief which He gave me in 1839 and said it should ever remain as a League between us as long as I would keep it I laid it upon her stomach. Brother Dunyon came in to see her in the evening she became some better & slept some.
Phelps said that the man the who was [at] Clay County Court House who said He would kill Jo Smith & if the Turkey Buzzards did not eat out his eyes they should cut out his own. Phelps stood within a few feet of him while going home the boat sunk He was drowned floated upon some flood wood the Buzzards eat out his eyes & his flesh Phelps saw his body after this was done & a man said He had fulfilled his own Prophesy.
the saints will be tried whether they will abide in his covenant even unto death whether we are willing to lay down our lives for Christ sake, word has been sent out to call in the Elders from abroad from among the Gentiles, & the gospel has begun to go to the Lamanites & the Lord is about to remember his covenant with that people, the Judgments of our God must now soon be poured out upon the Gentile world & the children of Jacob & the House of Israel must go forth & fulfill their destiny & help build up Zion all nations are becomeing vary wicked may the Lord give us grace according to our day & help us to stand the test & prove in the hour of trial & temptation torue to our God, our Brethren, & our covenants.
You will find when the Lord sees that we are willing to fight & get Just ready to shoot that He will fight our battles.
President Brigham Young related the circumstances of their seeing a circle of about 40 persons dressed in white robes & caps in the upper story of the Temple in Kirtland during the spring of 1835 after the Endowments their was no person in that room at the time that was mortal yet the room was filled with light & many personages did appear clothed in white & freequently went to the windows & looked out so that the Brethren in the street could see them plainly Brother Young & Truman Angel stood to gether in the street & looked at them a long time W W Phelps says he saw them for 3 hours they were visable by all the Brethren Present. Brother Angel said they must have stood some 2 feet from the floor if they were ownly the size of common men they could not have been seen from the place whare they stood except it should be the head & those personages appeared nearly down to the waist as they looked out of the window with a front view see if this is named in the History
President Brigham Young related the circumstances of their seeing a circle of about 40 persons dressed in white robes & caps in the upper story of the Temple in Kirtland during the spring of 1835 after the Endowments their was no person in that room at the time that was mortal yet the room was filled with light & many personages did appear clothed in white & freequently went to the windows & looked out so that the Brethren in the street could see them plainly Brother Young & Truman Angel stood to gether in the street & looked at them a long time W W Phelps says he saw them for 3 hours they were visable by all the Brethren Present. Brother Angel said they must have stood some 2 feet from the floor if they were ownly the size of common men they could not have been seen from the place whare they stood except it should be the head & those personages appeared nearly down to the waist as they looked out of the window with a front view see if this is named in the History
It snowed all day & was cold 1300 men are ordered into the mountains in addition to wh those already there Col Phileman C Merrill commanding the Davis County troops past the governors office for the mountains with 242 men 56 of which were mounted 17 offercers of the line & 4 of the col staff they had 23 Baggage waggons after stoping a short time in front of the Gov office they continued their march towards the mountains of snow as near 2000 of their Brethren had done before to meet the Enemy many went with wet feet poor shoes & straw hats on without tents or fire at night as they could not reach timber untill next day yet it shoes the willingness the saints have to maintain the kingdom of God & defend themselves against our Enemies it was a cold night
We can now clearly see the Hand of God made visably bear in our behalf concerning the campaign of our Enemies against us this season past. The American Government with James Bucannan at their head as president, have sent forth An Armey of 2,500 men fully armed and Equipt for war for the sole purpose of destroying the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & the Kingdom of God from off the Earth. This Church and kingdom of God has been driven from the midst of the people in the United States into the vallies of the Rocky Mountains a thousand miles from the confines
Brother Wells said that Brother Maxfield had the command of a small scouting party they took a horse from the Enemy & was fired at by the Enemy, but no one hurt they went back to their encampment. Brother Maxfield had an impression that their was Danger in their path and ought to leave their camp He told his Brethren so but some of them did not think so & all went to Bed But these feelings increasing upon Brother Maxfield He arose from his bed & told his Brethren He was agoing to leave that place immediately & they all gathered up their Horses and went several Miles Back & camped for the night & soon the Encampment which they had Just left was surrounded by a Hundred men & had it not been for their warning they would probably have been all taken prisioners.
Thy soul hath been inspired with the spirit of God, and Eternal light and truth and Noble sentiment and God has given thee gifts to utter them. Thy lamp hath been lit at Gods Holy altar whare the oil was pure and the spirit free so thou couldst weigh Eternal truth and tell it unto men. Why hath this talent this choice gift been given unto thee Eliza.
Ah the spirit whispers it was to cheer the heart of aA Prophet A Patriarch, An Apostle in the dark hours of Gloom. It was to give the Lords Anointed a ray of light, and a consoleing thought while Hells dark Billows rolled around in the midst of wicked men and Devils who continually cry out and say that no kingdom on the Earth shall belong to God. [FIGURE] It was to tell the assassins of Missouri and Illinois in streams of Living fire that the Judgments of God awaited their guilty souls and that there Judgment had begun. It was to tell the wicked Nation who now Pollute the sacred soil of Joseph that when their cup was full they would find a grave there to remain untill called to Judgment by the trump of God. Hast thou not been faithful in thy mission to Earth. Yes the spirit whispers Yes. Many an hour has Joseph spent in gloom and sorrow because of Fals Brethren and wicked men, even the hearts of the saints were so barred by fals tradition that He could not unbosom his soul in the House of his Friends. This caused him pain. Then thou dist comfort him. Thy frendly thoughts and acts and words inspired by Gods Eternal truth was like a flaming shaft though launch by a female hand, that hand was nerved by faith and power that it pierced the walls of Darkness fear and death and gave the Prophet Joy. But who can tell the best deeds of a true friend in time of need, None They are not told in time, but like gold in the mine are concealed from vhuman view, if known at all the Judgment must reveal them.
Thou hast been a true Friend and com- forted the Heart of Joseph, Hiram, Brigham, Heber, Willard, Jedediah, Thy Brother Lorenzo and thousands of the saints I need not name them. Thy words and testimony will live and speak in flames of Holy fire to inspire the Hearts of Prophets Apos- tles and Holy men of God to noble Deeds, and steal [steel] the nerve of many a Noble Son of Zion. to avenge the Blood of the Prophets and martyrs of Jesus Christ, long after thou art with thy Father in heaven clothed with Immortality and crowned with Light Thy Pen hath pierced many a wicked withheart with barbed darts which no Earthly power could remove. Thou hast freely told the wicked their doom and warned them of approaching Judgment. Thy garment are clear of the Blood of all men.
Continue to let the inspiration of thy soul be given unto men. Haste thy mission here upon Earth. For Eloheam, Jehovah, Michael Angels seraphs Apostles Prophets Thy Father and Mother Brethren and sisters await thy coming with Joy. Thou hast been true and faithful and art sealed unto Eternal life and secured unto thyself a Crown of glory. No Power shall take it. It awaits thy coming Soon this Blessing will be thine. Ah what Joy what consolation who can comprehend it None but a saint. Soon will thou Enjoy this Blessing. Did I say soon, Yes not because I expet thee to leave us. But shouldst thou remain to see Zion Redeemed (which ma^y^ God grant) and her Enemies conquered and sin and sinners find a grave, and Zions Land be cleansed and the Temple of our God in Jackson County be reared, clothed with the Power of God, with her towreers marked with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day, And the way prepared for the coming of the Son of Man, it will be soon.
We spent the day in the office and in the evening we called upon President Brigham Young at his office. to make some enquiries upon certain teachings of Joseph concerning the Endowments Elder G. A. Smith said that Joseph taught that but one King & Priest could be anointed at one meeting in a private Room Dedicated by permission to Anointed in but one person could be anointed in a day but in the Temple several could be anointed in a day But ^at^ each anointing the meeting was dismissed and them came together President Young said Joseph taught him to take the Quorums of the Church in their order begining at the Oldest of Each Quorums & Anoint them Kings & Priest u^n^to God When I got through with that begin at the begining again to administer for the dead. When the Temple is finished & a place duly prepared we should not be confined to any particular Number in sealing and Anointing. the rooms next to the East pulpit or over it will be the place to attend to the 2nd Anointings. Under the pulpit in the west End will be a place to offer Sacrafizes there will be an Altar prepared for that purposes so that when any sacrafices are to be offered they should be offered there [FIGURES]
In the remarks which I made I said I did not think their ever was an Assembly of men on Earth that deliberated upon so weighty a subject upon which hung such important consequences with the same feeling which pervades the boso- ms of this assembly. for all that we possess in this life inclu- ding all our lives are couched in this important subjet yet evry mind is calm and serene and not a disenting vote or voice, why is this, when Our Fathers set in solumn convention upon the subject of our Declaration of Independance they knew well that their cause was just, yet it required the strongest talent and argumet and language was exherted to bring that august body of senators to agree as a unit in putting their names to that sacred instrument; ^the^ speech of sir Patrick Henry was a masterly Effort of talent & oritory upon that solumn occasion.
his body of Men are far more inspired by the same God to esstablish the Kingdom of God upon the Earth and lay a foundation for the Liberty and salvation of our children and to lift up a standard for the oppressed of all nations Our path is marked out as plain asto our view as is our broad street or the missippii River to the natural Eye. The same God who inspired our Fathers to esstablish a Free government said through the prophet Joseph Smith that if ever the constitu- tion of the United States or its principles were ever preserved it would have to be done by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints even the servants of God Holding the Holy priesthood. that day has now come & the day is dawning when we are called to act the same God who has destroyed two Nations who have dwelt upon this continent because of their iniquity, has also said that all other Nations who should occupy this continant when they were ripened in iniquity should in like manner be cut off from the earth and not left to pollute the Land of Joseph or the Land of Zion
1857 will be the year on histories page which will be dated the commencement of the downfall of the United States. For it is during this year that they have ent- ered the field as the open Enemies & persecuters of the saints of the Most High God and have sent an Armey of 2500 men 1000 miles for the purpose of laying a foundation for the destruc- tion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called Mormons whoave have setled in the great Bason of North America called Utah Territory or the State of Deserett Here is esstablished the Kingdom of God as Daniel saw it by vision, and the people of the United States are Determined to destroy the kingdom of God from off the Earth. For these things the Judgments of God will now begin to rest more fully upon that Nation and will be increased upon them year by year untill they are broaken up and wasted away from under Heaven and cease to become a Nation and this calamity will begin to come spedily upon them. And they will be visited with thunder, lightning, storm, whirl winds, Earthquakes floods, pestilence plagues, war and Devouring fire and the wicked will slay the wicked slay the wicked untill the Nation wais wasted away and broaken up
we live in a day and generation which is big with Events As the Church and kingdom of God advances to fulfill its destiny it carries in its train Events, and is accomplishing a work which is of the Deepest interes to all mankind whether the living or the Dead who have ever tabernacled or ever will tabernacle upon this the footstool of our God. All Prophets or Apostles or inspired men of God who have written or spoken concerning this Generation whether Recorded in Records revealed or sealed have pointed out clearly the events as they have transpired and as they will transpire before our Eyes. It has now been over 30 years since Joseph Smith the prophet received the gold plates from the Hand of the Angel Moroni from which He translated the Book of Mormon And it will be 28 years the 6th day of next April since the first Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ was organized upon the Earth containing 6 members This little Branch of the Church like a small mustard seed has been nourished by the hand of God through all of its difficulties afflictions and persecutions, untill it is becoming the greatest off all herbs according to the parable of the Saviour who refered to it. It has continued to grow and flourish in the midst of a strong warfare and opposition of wicked men and Devils Untill it is growing into a kingdom in the midst of these moun- tains and Everlasting Hills as spoken of by Daniel and other Prophets.
you must be of one heart and one mind for Jesus said when two or three are gathered together in my name and are agreed as touching any one thing and asked the father in my name it shall be given unto you now Jesus did not tel a lie and when any prayer is offered up & not answered it is because you are not agreed in it and their prayers are not offered in faith and Union.
President Young conversed upon principle and said that all our sufferings in this life was for our good that we might learn the contrast between good and evil Jesus descended below all things that He might ascend above all things all men have to pass throug the same thLaw in order to receive the same Glory.
President Young remarked I know to take this life as it is and as men make it it does not appear worth living in but I well tell you that when you see things as they are you will find life is worth preserving and blessings will follow our living in this life if we do right. Now if God should say I will let you live in this world without any pain or sorrow we might feel life was worth living for but this is not in the economy of God. we have to partake of sorrow affliction sorrow and death and if we pass throug through this affliction patiently and do right we shall have a greater reward in the world to come
The Presidency and Twelve met in council at the office. Meeting opened by Prayer by O. Hyde I presented before the meeting the case of O. Pratt who did not believe in some of the teachings of President Young and thought President Young had reproved him unjustly the subjet was discused at length by the Twelve and President Young. much instruction was given at the close Orson Pratt confessed his faults and said that He would never teach those principles again or speak them to any person on the Earth we all forgave him and voted to receive him into full fellowship
we are all vacating our towns and cities and going into the southern settlements we shall evacuate the city of the Great Salt Lake if needs be into the hands of our enemies or burn our habitations and lay waste evry thing we possess inasmuch as our enemies are coming upon us and determined to destroy them us because we are deter- mined to worship God and acknowledge his hand in all things the rodes are lined with men, women and children, teams and waggons all moving south
8th I started this morning with 3 loads for provo two loads of secretaries and one of Goods it soon began to snow and I rode 12 miles on a slow walk in the worst snow storm we have had this winter I came near freezing my hands and I became so chilled I could hardly move when I got to Unionville the rode was lined with people and teams to Provo for 50 miles many suffered and some came near perishing horses died by the way side men unloaded their goods in the mud others took their team off and left their teams waggons sticking in the mud some teams gave out and whole families lay in the mud under their waggons over night women carried their children in their arms and waided in water mud and snow knee deep. I stoped at Unionville and spent with sister Martecia Smith and was glad to get into a harbor
If the devil had all power I should not have any hope but would say Mr Devil go at it now and use us up as soon as you please But I know Jesus Christ has more power than the Devil I have rebuked the devil many times and he has obeyed me and many Elders in this when we have spoken in the name of the Lord
while speaking of Col Kane President Young said Col Kane did say to President Buchannan that he owed Gov Young an apology for sending an army to Utah in the way he did and persuing the course he had towards the people of that territory and He should make that apology to Gov Young for President Buchannan and he was an agent sufficient to do it. we will never bow down to their opression we will not have a mock trial over us we will sooner apply to the mountains and then to the rifle, before we will do it. Col Kane is as good a Lawyier as we will find abroad and he sustained us in our course and said that it was the cream of creams. you have taken the right course and I want to have you keep in the right.
11th [FIGURES] The Presidency Twelve and many others met with the peace commissioners in the Council House Governor Powell a senator Elect Hailing from Kentucky and Maj McCullough from Texas were then introduced to the Assembly as the peace commissioners sent by President Buchanan Gov Powell spoke to the people & informed us what the President wished at our hands President Buchanan sent by them a proclamation accusing us of treason & some 50 other crimes all of which was fals yet He Pardoned us for all those offences if we would be subject to the Constitution and laws of the United States and if we would let his troops winter in our Territory He pledged himself that they should not interfere or infringe upon any city town or people of this Territory that he had no right to interfere with our religion, tenets, faith, or practice in any of our religion. The peace confirmed the same they did not wish to enquire into the past at all but let it all go but talk about the present & the future President Buchanan
A public meeting was again held in the Council house with the commissioners Col Forney and the Presidency Twelve and a House Full of the saints they were addressed by John Taylor G A Smith & James Furguson spoke much to the point. President Brigham Young then addressed the saints and spoke in the power of God those commissioners herd the voice & roar of the Lion. all the speeches were reported at 5 oclok we herd an address from Governor Powell He said all arangements were made we should now have peace and he seemed to be much rejoiced at having peace.
we left the City rode to the American fork took dinner then met in the afternoon with the saints in that place President Young addressed the saints. He said I will say a few words upon those subjects which we feel interested in at the present time I feel interested in all things that concern this people many want to know what will be the result of this summers troubles or movements the hand of God is visible in all things with us he has brought us to our present position of peace and has hedged up the way of our Enemies. He spoke much to our Edifycation
Brother Enoch BReese arived in Provo this morning with several others direct from the States He called at Gov Youngs office. In company with G A Smith & A Lyman I called at Presidents Youngs office and I gleaned the following News 110 of the missionaries Left the states the 3rd of May the Government had started 210 trains of supplies 26 waggons in a train total 5,460 waggons and over
six ^thousand^ troops on the way but it was reported that they had word to stop untill they heard from the peace commissioners sent to Utah. he said when we left England we expected to be taken prisioners when we reached the states but the way was open before them from day to day when they passed forts Carney & Laremie they were overshadowed by a cloud & dark mist so they passed unseen we passed Johnsons command & came into the road 12 miles below them in the Echo & came suddenly upon two companies making a road they asked us whare Johnson's command was we replyed we had not seen any thing of them. whare did you come from then we came from the states we passed around the Armey. Are you not afraid of being taken prisioners? No their is not men enough in these mountains to take us prisioners. The Journey was harder than the hand cart Journey for we had to take care of our animals besides walking they met Col Kane near the Chimney rock 13 days from our City
The people in the states are now for stoping the war the current is strong against President of the United States evry thing which he touches is a course [curse] to him our prayers have been answered in his behalf. he is devided in all his councils and troubled by night & day and all good sense & Judgment is taking away from him The times are worse in the United States than have been known for many years.
A man called upon President Young said Arropene was vary sick & wanted some things. Joseph A Kelting called upon the president to know if he might not sell grain to the armey. President Young said I dont want you to ask me any such Question. If you love the kingdom of God more than you do gold you wont trade with them or sell them wheat I have sold them no wheat to sell them and this people should not sell their wheat but preserve it against the day of need many people have more inter- est in a little gold than in the salvation of their souls many other remarks were made by President Young
I spent the evening at President Youngs office He said I am sorry for the Armey & have thought of sending word for the Brethren in Great Salt Lake City for the brethren to sell vegitables to them I have also had it in my heart when peace is esstablished to take all the Cattle Horses and Mules which we have taken from the army and return them to the officers. In speaking of the moving of the people out of G. S. L. City is there evil in the City and I the Lord have not done it. Is our movement an evil no it is for our good.
this People hold the Constitution of the United States sacred.
He thought [it] vary strange because we were not afraid of the armey I told him we were not afraid of all the world if they made war upon us the Lord was able to deliver us out of their hands and would do it if we did right. God controlls all of these matters.
those who were valiant in the first esstate would be in this & would be crowned in glory in the next the day is at hand when things will be done here on Earth as it is done in heaven then Enoch will come and fall upon our necks & we upon his & we shall kiss each other.
it is our duty to live our religin & to set a good example before all men & watch & pray that we enter not into temptation.
President Young said while speaking of the Indian war that it was better for us not to fight them but feed them well treat them kindly & they would kill far less of our people & die much Faster themselves than they would to fight them & drive them to subsist upon their former living upon roots & herbs
I feel to acknowledge the Hand of God in all these things. The Lord has sustained us through the war and is now sustaining us through the courts & is thwarting all the designs of our Enemies in all their wicked designs against the Latter Day Saints the Lord has given President Young wisdom to out general all the United States with their Armies Judges & courts so that they have had no power over him or this people for which I feel to praise the name of the Lord
In speaking of the opposition against this work President Young said I should loose all hope if I did not know that God begun it & begun it in the right time and has sustained it & carried it on ever since and he is able to Finish it & will do it
While the Quorum of the Twelve met in there pray[er] circle the conversation turned upon the subject of the dictation of the spirit of God & the great importance of following the dictation of that spirit in all our lives.
I told the people to get the spirit of God & follow its dictates & to remember daily their prayers & to pray for the Presidency & all the Authorities of the Church & to pray for the President of the United States & for all men in Author- ity as the spirit of God shall dictate.
The God of Israel hath laid the foundation of his church and kingdom upon the Earth in these last days & he has guided it by his Almighty power up to the present day he has preserved his saints in the midst of all the ware fare against them
He is bringing to pass daily the fulfillment of the Holy scriptures & the Book of Mormon, the fullness of the Gentiles is fast coming in and the Lord is fast preparing the way for the salva- tion of the House of Israel he is withdrawing his spirit from the inhabitants of the Earth and at the same time inspiring his Prophets with wisdom Knowledge & understanding that they have been enabled through the Mercy of God to thwart all the evil designs of the wicked and ungodly who have laid snares for the feet of the Right- eous. The signs of the Times clearly indicate that the gentile Nations are ripened in iniquity and that God is about to sit in Judgment upon the^m^ Nations
January 1, 1859 ~ Saturday This is a vary plesant New Years morning. One year ago this morning I reflected in my own mind upon the scenes which lay before us as a people and asked the Question whare another new Year would find me and my Brethren for we were threatened with war and extermination by the General Government and an armey of several thousand men lay upon our borders ready at the opening of spring to try to begin to put their threats into Execution but the Lord has warded off the blow & we still occupy our houses, gardens, orchards, fields, cities & Tabernacle and this is the Lords doing, & it is marvelous in our Eyes. and we now have the army in our midst under the form of peace we have the United states courts in our midst who are striving to stir up strife in the midst of this people May the Lord protect his saints through 1859 and in all time to come from the evil design of our Enemies And may he so lead the President & Congress of the United States that they shall not be able to accomplish any evil design against the Church, Kingdom & Zion of our God which dwells in these vallies of the mountains but may the Lord so guide & controll the helm of state so as to give us a state Government or esstablish the Kingdom of God on the Earth May he inspire the heart of his servant Brigham continually with power, light, & truth so that He may continue to lead the Church & kingdom of God in peace & safety as he has done heretofore untill the saints of the Most High shall possess the kingdom in power & Glory and be prepared for the comeing of the Son of Man
January 16, 1859 ~ Sunday 16th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. O Pratt continued his lectures upon the evidences of the Book of Mormon He preached one the most convincing interesting sermons I ever heard He Quoted the 49 chapter of Genesis He spoke of the Blessings of Jacob upon the Head of Joseph also pupon Ephraim & Manasseh and the Blessing of Moses upon Joseph land & the the word of the Lord through Ezekiel concerning the sticks & recor[d]s of Judah & Joseph becoming one in the Hands of the Lord in the Last days and Ephraim becom- ing [illegible] a multitude of Nations in the midst of the Earth which was in America
O pratt Prayed that the Holy Ghost might be poured out upon us, that our hearts might be filled with good desires that we might be taught to pray & what to ask of the Lord
O. Pratt said there is one thing I think would be of advan- tage to us in prair the Lord has said that whare two or three agree as touching any thing it shall be given you He said we should cast in our minds what the spirit would wish us to ask for, then we should agree and all ask for the same thing and exercise all the faith we could upon that one thing, now if we asked for a hundred things & all diferent it does not seem as likely to be answered as though we asked for a few things the Nephites when Jesus appeared to them asked for the Holy Ghost and it was given them
G. A. Smith said that I understand the Idea of Brother Pratt is that we be united in what we ask for but not to limit us I know that we want the Holy spirit. And one of the Greatest Gifts that we want is wisdom to help us to use the Holy spirit when we pray we want a gr[e]at deal of wisdom to know when to speak & when to be silen
we shall have trials but I think we ought to do our duty magnify our calling and trust in God and all will be right
Brother Kimball said I consider evry ruling man in the Church that has the Holy Ghost is a prophet seer & Rev- elator & he should have the spirit of that office
Brethren I will say one thing to you that you should understand that evry minute of our lives we should watch vary carefully evry thought act and word in such a manner as not to grieve the spirit of God.
Brethren I will say one thing to you that you should understand that evry minute of our lives we should watch vary carefully evry thought act and word in such a manner as not to grieve the spirit of God.
H. C. Kimball said I will predict in the Name of Jesus Christ if you will be one with the Head, the Presidency and sustain them and you will never see the Body of Christ moved or disturbed I do not mean members but the Body, untill the coming of Christ and if you will be one with the Presidency not any of you or the Presidency shall fall by the Armey or By the Gentiles But you shall all be crowned in the presence of God you are connected with all the prophets and Apostles from the Begining and they are united with us and will sustain us if we do our duty, And we shall never be broaken up if we will be united all Hell cannot move us you unite with the presidency and have an Eye to the head all the time, & sust- ain the Head & no power will prevail over us. I have the best of feelings towards this Quorums if these two Quorums ownly Just stands together the kingdom will stand and prosper go to and prune yourselves & begin at the root Brother Brigham told it that we should not do any thing but what we know is right
I no it is the work of God and if any of us get in the way it will rooll on without us for the Lord will carry it on. I have a great desire to have the spirit of God so that evry act thought & word may be except- able before the Lord
March 1st 1859 This is my birth day I am 52 years [FIGURE] old this day I was born on the 1st day of March 1807 thus I have lived over half a centaury I pray the Lord to preserve me through through the present year & in all time to come and enable me to be useful during the rem- ainder of my days and fill me with wisdom & understa- nding and preserve me from all presumptious sins and unwrighteousness, that I may stand approved in the sight of God & my Brethren which I ask in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
In speaking at the funeral today of Brother Hardy's child I said little children when they died went home to God who gave them and I had no fears about them not half as much as I had about those who lived. I had great anxiety abo- ut the children of theis people that they might walk in the light of the Lord & be prepared to sustain this kingdom in their Generation I said those who were faithful in keeping the commandments of God would have their children again
I spent the fore part of the day in assisting Wilford to make out his Journal of his life. I have taught him to keep a Journal of his life to commence while young & keep it up through life as I consider evry good man should do who holds the Holy Priesthood & record his official acts that his children and future Generations may know what he has done & the dealings of the Lord with him.
we have learned that the being which inhabits this Tabernacle will live forever and not die. we have to lay our tabernacles in the dust but they will again be resurrected with an immor- tal body for Jesus Christ through his death and sufferings restored unto all the children of men the privilege of the resurrec- tion of their bodies, and if we keep a celestial law we shall have a celestial Resurrection but all the righteous & the wicked will have their bodies again. we cannot imagin the greatness of the glory of the saint of God after the resurrection.
but as soon as our spirits leave these imperfect tabernacles or rather bodies cloged with mortality & evil our spirits will be in lively reco- llection of evry thing that took place with us before we came here and all things appertaining to us since we came in this world. It is right for us to take proper care of our bodies and do right & when we have done that we should leave all in the hands of God and not be over anxious for our lives for if we are faithful I expect we shall be raised in the morning of the first Resurrection. And if we expected to be crowned Kings and Priests & sit upon thrones we want experience in this world and the next in order to be prepared for thes things.
If we were to be judged by the knowledge we once had before we came here it would not be right, for we have to be judged according to the light we have and if we break the Law of God after having received great light and knowled[ge], our condemnation would be accordingly. when the righteos come forth with their resur- rected bodies, they will have great Joy in the remembrance of their faithful deeds while the wicked will have great sorrow in the rememberence of their wicked deeds, & the persecu- tion of the saints, their sorrow will be increased a thou- sand fold while the Joy of the saints will be a thousand fold
I believe that all the children of God will be called to perfore duties through all Eternity as great as they are capable of performing, that they may continue to receive the blessings of their Father in heaven
Those who lived and died before the coming of Christ who were faithful received their resurrected Bodies after Christ arose and if you are faithful you will also have your resurrected bodies at the second coming of Christ and when we come to meet with them we can then tell our labours & toils over together each in their generation, and if they had persecution so have we, and if they were driven from their homes & had perils for Christ sake so have [we] and we can be mutual in our communication together
He said many wondered if they were in their place if they are not they will be in the next world for evry body will be rewarded according to their deeds & if they cannot keep a celestial Law and are not able to abide a celestial Glory, they will have a glory according to the lay [law] they do keek [keep] and they will will have a fulness as much as they will be enable to Endure.
Thus with every exertion which has been made by the gentile Judges, Army, Merchants, Gamblers, and all our Enemies to get up a war with the morm- ons in this territory The Lord God of Israel has warded of[f] the blow has faught our battles and giving us the victory and to him be all the glory, and he will reward the wicked as well as the righteous.
"I will not take the council of any man that lives on the Earth but God" Himself our Enemies are not at war with me but they are at war with God & his kingdom & the Holy Priesthood, & If I would renounce my Religion I could go into Camp Floyd or any whare in the world & be respected & treated kindly but I will not renounce my religion but I will maintain it while I live I care nothing about property or a good name among the world all I ask for is the favor of God & to do his will"
I preached in the afternoon & bore testimony to the discourse in the fore- noon & the fullness of the gospel & that Joseph & Brigham and others were true Prophets of God & that all the world who were fighting against the L D. Saints & their prophets were fighting against God and his kingdom & the Judgments of God awaited them and they had not the power to destroy the Kingdom of God for he had planted the kingdom on the Earth & he would maintain it if the wicked had power to kill the prophets they had not power to stop the work of God
O Hyde presented the busi ness of the meeting which was to go out once more & warn the Saints to sell no more grain but lay up all the food they can get to prepair for a day of famine which is at the door the Saints have been warned to do this for a long time but they have given no heed to the warning ie many of them, others have.
O Pratt Preached upon the second coming of Christ the Building of Zion & Jerrusalem & their final location on the Earth the Thrones of Christ & his Twelve Apostles will be in Jerrusalem while the New Jerrusalem & Zion of Enoch & the Zion of the Saints will be in Jackson County Mo. Adam dwelt in that land as the garden of Eden was there
Mr Greely asked President Young what is the difference between your religion & Church from the Christian world. B. Y. The difference between us is that we believe that No Church is the Church of God who has not the Holy Priesthood. We have the Priesthood & the sects of the day have not got it. The Lord has delivered the Priesthood unto us & without the priesthood no man has auth- ority to administer in the ordinances of the gospel.
G Then this would become a slave state would it not if it was admitted. Y. No the climate & situ- ation would not admit of it. slavery is a thing I do not want any thing to do with it. I consider it more of a course [curse] to a man to have slaves than a Blessing.
if you will look carefully at the History of Christ & the Apostles you will find that all manner of Evil was spoken against them falsly. As to Joseph Smith he was a good man & he was persecuted even unto death becasuse he did do good. He passed through over 30 law suits got up by his enemies & it was shown in evry instace that He was innocent & it was got up through persecution
have you not read the Book of Mormon G But vary little of it. How extensive are miracle in the Church & are they confined to the leaders of the Church. Y They are as extensive as it is the will of God to give they arne not confined to the Head But all Elders lay hands upon the sick when called upon and the sick are often healed.
I have wronged No man I have paid for what I have had as I have said I do not have as much as an ear of corn out of the tithing office ownly what I pay for I Borrowed money to help the poor when I came here and I want you to write my statement as I give it for it is true as the Son. I financeer my affairs according to the wisdom God has given me & I trust to him & he alone gives me my increase. there isare fears here that there will not any potatoes grow I shall look for potatoes when it is time to dig them I do so with all my business the Lord kan make me rich or poor Just as he pleases I care not a groat for all the gold & silver in the world and Jesus Christ did not.
it is a wrong doctrin to always keep up a constant thinking this is the way I get through so much business. I will deal with fifty different subjects in an hour & when I get through I will think no more about any of them I can lie down & go to sleep in a minute & let my mind & Body rest & my business to dont fret or get a hurrying spirit for that wears the body.
I then called upon President B Young He asked me what news I had from the spirit world I told him I had none
I went into the office in the morning. G. A. Smith related a circumstance of a Mr Woodson who has got possession of the Land upon which the Temple Block stands in Jackson Co Missouri in 1857 Ferrymore Little was in Jackson Co & Mr Woodson said to him I have heard that your people expected to return to this country and ^Build^ a Temple on the Temple Block on my farm. Brother Little Answered to be sure they do. Woodson said you are a Hell of a set. G. A. S. also said He got a statement from Lewis Bidemon that the people of the towns of Warsaw, Carthage pontoosuc & Appanoose made up a subscribtion of $500 & paid it to Joseph Agnoe for Burning the Temple and He went & burnt it for that sum of money I spent the day in the office filing High Council Records
President Young said a Letter was received by Musser by the last Mail from Brother Gibson who was on his mission to England saying while travelling on a rail road they had a collission with another train and mashed up the Engine and care that he was in & yet not a soul was hurt as they walked out of the ruins one man said there must be some man of God on that care by which they were saved Brother Gibson remarked it was in fulfillment of prophecy for Brigham Young said when He Blessed me that I should go in safety by rail road & steamboat and this is in fulfillment of his Blessing.
President Young said there was an exertion made to separate the union without war but it cannot be done the union cannot hold together but a few years it must soon part. The southern people have more fears of there own servants than any body els. Many other remarks were made
The signs of the times show that 1860 may be the commencement of the desolution of the American Union and of Bloody European wars But the Lord will guide the destiny of ^the^ world in such a manner that his will will ofbe done and the Prophets Fulfilled