all about the Endowments in Public and the world know Nothing
about it I could preach all about Masonry & None but a mason
know any thing about it And the mane part of Masonry is to keep
a secret.
I attended the 14 ward evening Meeting S. M. Blair
first spoke of his sickness acknowledged the hand of God in his rec-
overy was Followed by Lorenzo Young also Elder O. Pratt spoke for
1 1/4 hour there was a full house
~ Monday
23rd It is thawing to day. I spent the day in the office A man by the name
of Cub Johnson or is so called kcame into the office with S. M. Blair
He wished to see President Young Br Blair said President Young
sent word to that Party viz Lot Huntington & party that he wished
them to lay down their arm repent of their sins and Become good
men & this Johnson was willing to do it & wished to see the President
about it But He did not see him. we had an evening school
in the office. J. V. Long gave us a lecture upon Wells grammar
and Phonography
~ Tuesday
24 I setteled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland for 1859 which
amounted to $295.32 cts Paid $253.32 & the remainder $42 I Paid in Molasses through the office
The Eastern Mail came in and we obtained some papers and the
Presidents Message. President Young & CarringtonCarrington
called upon us at the office a short time Read one letter from J. Vancott who had arived at Copenhagen and letters from
other Brethren I received A jGenesse Farmer of Jan 1860, and one
Tribune. I preached to the 27th Quorum of Seventies at Thomas Bullocks
I herd four gun shots at 11 oclok at night
~ Wednesday
25th I spent the day in the office also the evening on a lesson in phonography
~ Thursday
26th I spent the forenoon at home settleing accounts and the afternoon
in the office I attended the D. A & M. Society I was apointed to
correspond with the sheep raisers in the United States.
~ Friday
27th I wrote 23 Letters to J. C. Taylor of Holmdel, Monmouth Co N. J.
and Josiah Wm WareBarryville Clark Co. V.a. concerning she[e]p
I spent the day in the office reading letters I wrote 1 Letter to Edwin Whiting of Sanpete County I met at Presidents Youngs
for A Meeting whare C C Rich gaven an Account of the Death
of John King who was killed by riding down the mountain on a snow
slide on the 25th Jan 27 186[0] He wasould ^be^ 26 years old 29th Jan 1860 He was born
in Australia He was Found with his face on the ground & feet doubled back over his head
Jan 22 1860
all about the Endowments in Public and the world know Nothing
about it I could preach all about Masonry & None but a mason
know any thing about it And the mane part of Masonry is to keep
a secret. I attended the 14 ward evening meeting. S. M. Blair
first spoke of his sickness acknowledged the hand of God in his recovery was Followed by Lorenzo Young also Elder O. Pratt spoke for
1 1/4 hour there was a full house
~ Monday
23rd It is thawing to day. I spent the day in the office. A man by the name
of Cub Johnson or is so calledcame into the office with S. M. Blair
He wished to see President Young Br Blair said President Young
sent word to that Party viz Lot Huntington & Party that he wished
them to lay down their arm repent of their sins and Become good
men & this Johnson was willing to do it & wished to see the President
about it But He did not see him. we had an evening school
in the office. J. V. Long gave us a lecture upon Wells grammar
and Phonography
~ Tuesday
24 I setteled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland for 1859 which
amounted to $295.32 cts Paid $253.32 & the remainder $42 I Paid in Molasses
The Eastern Mail came in and we obtained some Papers and the
Presidents Message. President Young & Carrington
called upon us at the office a short time Read one letter from
J. Vancott who had arived at Copenhagen and letters from
other Brethren I received A Genesee Farmer of Jan 1860 and one
Tribune. I preached to the 27th Quorum of Seventies at Thomas Bullocks
I herd four gun shots at 11 oclok at night
~ Wednesday
25th I spent the day in the office also the evening on a lesson in phonography
~ Thursday
26th I spent the forenoon at home settleing accounts and the afternoon
in the office I attended the D. A & M. Society I was apointed to
correspond with the sheep raisers in the United States.
~ Friday
273 Letters to J. C. Taylor of Holmdal Monmouth Co N. J.
and Josiah Wm WareBarryville Clark Co. V.a. concerning sheep
I spent the day in the office reading letters I wrote 1 Letter to
Edwin Whiting of Sanpete County I met at Presidents Youngs
for A Meeting whare C C Rich gaven an Account of the Death
of John King who was killed by riding down the mountain on a snow
slide on the 25th Jan 27 1860 He would be 26 years old 29th Jan 1860 He was born
in Australia He was Found with his face on the ground & feet doubled back over his head
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 22, 1860 - January 27, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,