of which the bill spoke that couldnot be found
wished to to informe you that
you was incorrectly informed in relation to his se-
lling you tooles he has only sold 3 whipsaw files &
2 handsaw files that he found in a box that he broke
open to Look for his saw, he also wishes me to informe
you that Doesnot desire Leavening his house
the present year although she sayes she requested
the book of [decorum] ^privlege of leaving the old man^ & you grantidit. If she stops
at your fathers a nother year their will be no other way
than to sell property for her mantainence for Father W.
has not half enough to surstain himself & sister
Edwards the present year. is not situated
to help Surport the family does not seem to feel
much responcibility notwithstanding he is foreman in the
commity he has setled with ^family^ haveing been [page torn]
ointed in giting the Lot Lake of far him by you
I am Destitute of means & have a Large family to sur-
port by the Labor of my own hands. We are all destitute
of clothes prety much, & dry goods is from 2 to 500 percent
higher than in the states, hence it will be all that I can
do to Keep the old man & sister Edwards in provisions if
they should Lack Evrything. Z You have one yoak of catle
& a goverment ox that Br Benbow drove in Left yet
& one wagon neather of those oxen are fit to beef
this winter, yet your folkes will be under the neces
ity of haveing some meet this winter. I wish you to
wright to me by the spring mail & let the Commity
know what property they had best dispose of in case
Mary Jackson should stay in your family for surport
of which the bill spoke that couldnot be found
wished to informe you that
you was incorrectly informed in relation to his selling you tooles he has only sold 3 whipsaw files &
2 handsaw files that he found in a box that he broke
open to Look for his saw, he also wishes me to informe
you that Doesnot desire Leaveing his house
the present year although she sayes she requested
the privlege of leaving the old man & you grantidit. If she stops
at your fathers a nother year their will be no other way
than to sell property for her mantainence for Father W.
has not half enough to surstain himself & sister
Edwards the present year. is not situated
to help Surport the family does not seem to feel
much responcibility notwithstanding he is foreman in the
commity he has setled with family haveing been page torn
ointed in giting the Lot Lake of far him by you
I am Destitute of means & have a Large family to surport by the Labor of my own hands. We are all destitute
of clothes prety much, & dry goods is from 2 to 500 percent
higher than in the states, hence it will be all that I can
do to Keep the old man & sister Edwards in provisions if
they should Lack Evrything. You have one yoak of catle
& a goverment ox that Br Benbow drove in Left yet
& one wagon neather of those oxen are fit to beef
this winter, yet your folkes will be under the neces
ity of haveing some meet this winter. I wish you to
wright to me by the spring mail & let the Commity
know what property they had best dispose of in case
Mary Jackson should stay in your family for surport