repeatedly requestied him to Let the have a
a cow but he refused as often. I then complaned of him
before the council & their compelle ^him^ to let the old
man have a cow. With my assistence Father Woodruff
Saved Last fall 3 acres of wheat & 2 1/2 of rye, but
it all didnot Yeald him 12 bushels of grain which
has bredid them up to this time & some 2 or 3 bushels
Left for Seed a po[r]tion of which Bevin clames
he also ^clames^ one half or 2 thirds of the corn crop for which
he has commenced a Suit, if he obtaines it it will Leave
the old man vary Scant of breadstuff. says he
has nothing more to do with you only to retain posses
ion of one of those roomes you built untill he
gits his pay for the building of them. That deprives
Br of going into Eather of them. Consequen
tely he refuses to take charge of your goods & they Lye
Just as they did the Last year Exposed to the murcy of
whom soever Bevin is disposed to quarter their in
he however tells brother Benbow that he may come ^the room^ in
with him in according to your request in the Letter
you wrote to him. Br Benbow says their was no such
understandings between you & him. & he willnot submit
to Live in a room with Eny Man I dont know yet what
disposition will be made of your good. Was they intrusted
to my care I would remoove them from that house
but what course Br Benbow will take I know not
Bro Benbow & myself gave them a brief
Examanation & found them in good order & we conclud^ed^
they was all there with the Exception of 1 new we
repeatedly requestied him to Let the have a
a cow but he refused as often. I then complaned of him
before the council & their compelle him to let the old
man have a cow. With my assistence Father Woodruff
Saved Last fall 3 acres of wheat & 2 1/2 of rye, but
it all didnot Yeald him 12 bushels of grain which
has bredid them up to this time & some 2 or 3 bushels
Left for Seed a portion of which Bevin clames
he also clames one half or 2 thirds of the corn crop for which
he has commenced a Suit, if he obtaines it it will Leave
the old man vary Scant of breadstuff. says he
has nothing more to do with you only to retain posses
ion of one of those roomes you built untill he
gits his pay for the building of them. That deprives
Br of going into Eather of them. Consequen
tely he refuses to take charge of your goods & they Lye
Just as they did the Last year Exposed to the murcy of
whom soever Bevin is disposed to quarter their in
he however tells brother Benbow that he may come the room in
with him according to your request in the Letter
you wrote to him. Br Benbow says their was no such
understandings between you & him. & he willnot submit
to Live in a room with Eny Man I dont know yet what
disposition will be made of your good. Was they intrusted
to my care I would remoove them from that house
but what course Br Benbow will take I know not
Bro Benbow & myself gave them a brief
Examanation & found them in good order & we concluded
they was all there with the Exception of 1 new we