"Iron and her hoofs Brass and she should beat, in peaces many people &c" [Micah 4:13] As it respects the remark I made
about the Lord's being pleased with those who came up in th[e] or they being compared with
, it was their offering which he was pleased with. that is to say they were willing to lay down
thare lives for Christs sake and the sake of their Brethren. Yet He was not pleased with any murmurings
or complainings that might be in the camp but rather they were chastized for it, some mens sins go
to judgment beforehand while others follow after. Again as it respects being a stake of Zion
there never has been any revelation given to infringe upon Kirtland's being a stake of Zion or
bearing any import why it should not become a stake & evry word of the Lord be fulfilled.
Because the Lord said He would not hold any guilty who should go up to Zion with an open
heart, after the space of 5 years, which time the Lord willeth to retain a strong hold in the Land of Zion
Kirtland [Doctrine and Covenants 64:21-22]. This saying does not prove that Kirtland will not be a stake of Zion for a longer
period than 5 years but it goes to show that the Lord wished many of his servants to remain in
Kirtland that length of time for a special purpose. Neither does it prove because the Lord
has commanded his people to build unto his name a or a city that it will not eventually
be thrown down. Again you say that if the brethren or sisters in are a fair sample
of Mormonism you wish to be delivered from it. I wish to ask you if you consider such means
a fair way to investigate the subject, if they as members of the Church of Christ have done wrong
does this prove that the whole body is corrupted or that it is not a true church. Because there was
a with Christ and the Apostles, does that prove that they were fals teachers or Christ a
fals Prophet certainly not. Brother I think it is for the want of intelligence &
information that causes you to discover such gross Errors and contradictions (as in your view)
there is in the Revelations given in there last days. for my part I cannot discover any
contradictions in themselves or that contradicts the teachings, precepts, & revelations of Jesus
Christ our Savior. But rather I behold them beaming with gospel light, truth intelligence and glory
Brother Azmon I was not a little surprised to learn from your letter that you had denyed and
rejected the Revelations of Jesus Christ for I know them to be such which you have rejected. I
say I was not a little surprised to learn this fact after your having received as great a degree of
light as you have in your day and generation. Let me this one call your mind to review the past with
reflection, and at the same time permit me to ask you some questions. I wish you to call to mind the days and
years of your youth. while standing as it were alone to maintain and contend for that faith once delivered
to the Saints. Also the many times you have stood and proclaimed in the ears of this generations those
things which awaited them if they rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ. Again have you not long been
looking for the Church of Christ to arise out of the wilderness of darkness and Error yea when you
heard the sound of the gospel proclaimed did you not gladly receive it with your whole soul and went
forth and was baptized the first sermon that you herd an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
day saints deliver unto the people. I now wish to ask you, By what spirit was you actuated and moved upon
when you bore witness unto your fellow men and testifyed unto them that the bore witness to
you of the truth of the and by what spirit was you governed when you went
to Brother in the name of the Lord and told him if He rejected the work which the Latter Day
Saints brought unto us that his days would be short and what light he had would be taken from him
And also when you told that you knew that He would be condemned if He rejected it
And also when you declaired that you was Delivered both soul and body by the of
"Iron and her hoofs Brass and she should beat, in peaces many people &c" Micah 4:13 As it respects the remark I made
about the Lord's being pleased with those who came up in the or they being compared with
, it was their offering which he was pleased with. that is to say they were willing to lay down
thare lives for Christs sake and the sake of their Brethren. Yet He was not pleased with any murmurings
or complainings that might be in the camp but rather they were chastized for it, some mens sins go
to judgment beforehand while others follow after. Again as it respects being a stake of Zion
there never has been any revelation given to infringe upon Kirtland's being a stake of Zion or
bearing any import why it should not become a stake & evry word of the Lord be fulfilled.
Because the Lord said He would not hold any guilty who should go up to Zion with an open
heart, after the space of 5 years, which time the Lord willeth to retain a strong hold in the Land of
Kirtland Doctrine and Covenants 64:21-22. This saying does not prove that Kirtland will not be a stake of Zion for a longer
period than 5 years but it goes to show that the Lord wished many of his servants to remain in
Kirtland that length of time for a special purpose. Neither does it prove because the Lord
has commanded his people to build unto his name a or a city that it will not eventually
be thrown down. Again you say that if the brethren or sisters in are a fair sample
of Mormonism you wish to be delivered from it. I wish to ask you if you consider such means
a fair way to investigate the subject, if they as members of the Church of Christ have done wrong
does this prove that the whole body is corrupted or that it is not a true church. Because there was
a with Christ and the Apostles, does that prove that they were fals teachers or Christ a
fals Prophet certainly not. Brother I think it is for the want of intelligence &
information that causes you to discover such gross Errors and contradictions (as in your view)
there is in the Revelations given in there last days. for my part I cannot discover any
contradictions in themselves or that contradicts the teachings, precepts, & revelations of Jesus
Christ our Savior. But rather I behold them beaming with gospel light, truth intelligence and glory
Brother Azmon I was not a little surprised to learn from your letter that you had denyed and
rejected the Revelations of Jesus Christ for I know them to be such which you have rejected. I
say I was not a little surprised to learn this fact after your having received as great a degree of
light as you have in your day and generation. Let me this one call your mind to review the past with
reflection, and at the same time permit me to ask you some questions. I wish you to call to mind the days and
years of your youth. while standing as it were alone to maintain and contend for that faith once delivered
to the Saints. Also the many times you have stood and proclaimed in the ears of this generations those
things which awaited them if they rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ. Again have you not long been
looking for the Church of Christ to arise out of the wilderness of darkness and Error yea when you
heard the sound of the gospel proclaimed did you not gladly receive it with your whole soul and went
forth and was baptized the first sermon that you herd an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
day saints deliver unto the people. I now wish to ask you, By what spirit was you actuated and moved upon
when you bore witness unto your fellow men and testifyed unto them that the bore witness to
you of the truth of the and by what spirit was you governed when you went
to Brother in the name of the Lord and told him if He rejected the work which the Latter Day
Saints brought unto us that his days would be short and what light he had would be taken from him
And also when you told that you knew that He would be condemned if He rejected it
And also when you declaired that you was Delivered both soul and body by the of