as I did was not to injure you or out of any ill will towards you but I did this act with a settelled belief
that it was my duty. And I am more and more convinced that I did my duty in so doing. I acknowledge
your question to be vary civil in asking me whiy I "could not stay whare I was and worship God under
the true light of the gospel in spirit and in truth and with Liberty." In answering this question I would
say that you have the sentiments of my heart when I say that I verily believe that would have
been as safe to have remained in after being warned to flee out by the Angel of God as I should
have been to have remained in , calculating to make it my abiding place with the light I had
before me. No I could not remain there and worship God under the true light of the gospel in spirit and in truth
because the voice to me is, come out of her ye my people that ye partake not of her sins that ye receive not of her
plagues [Revelation 18:4]. Brother you may be assured that God hath not finished his work on the Earth &
his wsword is hathed in heaven and will soon fall upon Idumea or the world [Isaiah 34:5] yea I believe that
most awful events await this generation yea I believe God is about to exhort his power to overthrow Babylon
and to shake both Earth and heaven. yea I believe that sword pestilence and famine await this generation
of the human family who do not repent and turn unto God and . Brother Thompson
I feel deeply interested in your welfare and salvation both Temporally and spiritually both for time
& Eternity therefore let me this once perhaps for the last time waren you to prepare to meet your gGod and
also this once not to despise & reject the revelations of Jesus Christ for he will soon come to judge every man
for the deeds done in the body. Brother Thompson what more can I say to you, it is a day of warning
& not of many words [Doctrine and Covenants 63:58], the day is not far distant when you will know of a truth whether the cause
in which I am Engaged is of God or from a source of Darkness and Error. Yea I verily believe the
hour is nigh at the door that will report in the Ears of those who remain in Babylon far more heart rending scenes
respecting the things which await them & will overtake them than you are permitted to receive from my pen.
Although I should incur the displeasure of many of my fellow men or even my relatives by the assisting me I shall not scease to exhort my influence or to lift my voice to warn this generation to prepare
themselves to be accounted worthy to escape the Just Judgements of God that awaits this generation. I do not
expect to remain stationary long in But I expect to travel south during the winter how much
longer I do not know * * Brother Thompson I now bid you farewell and I desire that while the kingdoms
of this world are overturning that you may receive and obey the of God that you may abide
a And that God will Enlighten your understanding to that degree that you may so improve
the blessings which are within your reach in the last days so as to find a seat in the of God with
and is the prayer of your Absent Brother Wilford Woodruff
Brother I not ownly feel it a privilege but my duty to address you this again by writing and
answer some of your questions given to me in your communication. I am sensible we cannot give
a fair representation of things by writing as by word of mouth. We are more liable to form wrong
conceptions of things by letter (even where the intention is good) than by word of mouth. The questions
which you have asked in your letter appear very clear to me and could I see you I think I could e
explain them to your satisfaction but it is a thing almost impossible to do it upon one sheet of paper
yet I feel it my duty to say a few words respeting some of them as it respects carnal weapons being
used by the saints of God in the last days there is much said up on the subject by the Ancient Prophets
The Plough shares are to be beat into swords & the pruneing hooks into spears, Let th[e] weak say I am strong [Joel 3:10]
Yea, one is to chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight [Deuteronomy 32:30] this is to take place in Gods own time
in the . It is to be said to Zion, (according to the Prophet ) that her horn should be made
as I did was not to injure you or out of any ill will towards you but I did this act with a settelled belief
that it was my duty. And I am more and more convinced that I did my duty in so doing. I acknowledge
your question to be vary civil in asking me why I "could not stay whare I was and worship God under
the true light of the gospel in spirit and in truth and with Liberty." In answering this question I would
say that you have the sentiments of my heart when I say that I verily believe that would have
been as safe to have remained in Sodom after being warned to flee out by the Angel of God as I should
have been to have remained in , calculating to make it my abiding place with the light I had
before me. No I could not remain there and worship God under the true light of the gospel in spirit and in truth
because the voice to me is, come out of her ye my people that ye partake not of her sins that ye receive not of her
plagues Revelation 18:4. Brother you may be assured that God hath not finished his work on the Earth &
hissword is hathed in heaven and will soon fall upon Idumea or the world Isaiah 34:5 yea I believe that
most awful events await this generation yea I believe God is about to exhort his power to overthrow Babylon
and to shake both Earth and heaven. yea I believe that sword pestilence and famine await this generation
of the human family who do not repent and turn unto God and . Brother Thompson
I feel deeply interested in your welfare and salvation both Temporally and spiritually both for time
& Eternity therefore let me this once perhaps for the last time warn you to prepare to meet yourGod and
also this once not to despise & reject the revelations of Jesus Christ for he will soon come to judge every man
for the deeds done in the body. Brother Thompson what more can I say to you, it is a day of warning
& not of many words Doctrine and Covenants 63:58, the day is not far distant when you will know of a truth whether the cause
in which I am Engaged is of God or from a source of Darkness and Error. Yea I verily believe the
hour is nigh at the door that will report in the Ears of those who remain in Babylon far more heart rending scenes
respecting the things which await them & will overtake them than you are permitted to receive from my pen.
Although I should incur the displeasure of many of my fellow men or even my relatives by the assisting me I shall not scease to exhort my influence or to lift my voice to warn this generation to prepare
themselves to be accounted worthy to escape the Just Judgements of God that awaits this generation. I do not
expect to remain stationary long in But I expect to travel south during the winter how much
longer I do not know * * Brother Thompson I now bid you farewell and I desire that while the kingdoms
of this world are overturning that you may receive and obey the of God that you may abide
a And that God will Enlighten your understanding to that degree that you may so improve
the blessings which are within your reach in the last days so as to find a seat in the of God with
and is the prayer of your Absent Brother Wilford Woodruff
Brother I not ownly feel it a privilege but my duty to address you again by writing and
answer some of your questions given to me in your communication. I am sensible we cannot give
a fair representation of things by writing as by word of mouth. We are more liable to form wrong
conceptions of things by letter (even where the intention is good) than by word of mouth. The questions
which you have asked in your letter appear very clear to me and could I see you I think I could
explain them to your satisfaction but it is a thing almost impossible to do it upon one sheet of paper
yet I feel it my duty to say a few words respeting some of them as it respects carnal weapons being
used by the saints of God in the last days there is much said up on the subject by the Ancient Prophets
The Plough shares are to be beat into swords & the pruneing hooks into spears, Let the weak say I am strong Joel 3:10
Yea, one is to chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight Deuteronomy 32:30 this is to take place in Gods own time
in the . It is to be said to Zion, (according to the Prophet ) that her horn should be made