why cannot I feel at home with them & worship with them why am I left alone like a speckled bird of the
forest why do they oppose me in those things which the spirit & word of God teach me is true. And again
if they are not the people of God and are not excepted of thee why do they prosper why do they gather
many souls unto there churches who appear cincere. And if they are not the people of the Lord where
shall I find they people O Lord show me these things and teach me what to do and I covenant to
obey thy voice and do thy will, and after praying earnestly onto the Lord with this prayer on a
certain night in my mill untill after midnight the spirit of the Lord rested upon me & the voice of
the spirit of the Lord said unto me go to my word & I will there show thee my will and answer
thy prayer. I opened the Bible promiscously praying the Lord in my heart to direct my mind to
that portion of his word which would answer my prayes & show me the truth and I opened to the LVI Chapter of Isaiah which I read and was satisfied that it was in answer to my prayer. I was satisfied
the salvation of God was abot to be revealed and his righteousness to come forth I was also satisfied that I should
live to see the people of God gathered, and I should be with them and that I should have a name & a place
in the House of God with his sons and Daughters, and I felt that I ought not any more to say that I was
utterly seperated from the people of God. I aslso believed that the priests of the day were in great measure like
the shepherds described in that chapter that they were ignorant and did not understand, and that they all looked
for their gain from there quarter and that they were not satisfied and were like greedy dogs who could never
have enough. from that hour I was satisfyed to remain as I was untill I should find the people of God which I
looked for in faith and believed I should know them when I saw them. I had no one to lead or guide me in the
way of the Lord except the spirit and word of God, these I tried to cling unto. My mind abut this time was
deeply exercised upon one principle and that was Keeping the seventh day of the week for the sabbath in[stead]
of the first day I found that the seventh day was esstablished by the Lord himself as the sabbath day
and all Israel was commanded to keep it as the sabbath day forever throughout there generation &
I could never find where the Lord ever changed the sabbath day. Jesus & the Apostles kept the seventh
day of the week as do all the Jews up to the present time and my mind was troubled upon this subject
and I was never satisifyed in my mind upon the subject untill I promised the Lord that I would keep that
day for the sabbath as soon as I was liberated from the gentile yoke so that I could. During the spring of
while at Mr Cowles I read a short article in a News Paper stating that there was a New sect rising up that
were called Mormons that professed to have the ancient gifts of the gospel they healed the sick, cast out devils spoke in tongues and performed miracles as the Apostles did and that they were going up to Missouri to a place
they called Zion and that they had got a New Book called the Book of Mormon which was revealed
to them by an angel of God. [Joseph Smith-History 1:59] The Editor of the paper ridiculed the people I heard there was one of the Books
in Barkhampstead 10 miles distant from me I felt very anxious to obtain it to read but I did not get an
oppertunity. I said when I saw the article and read it that I did not care what was said about
the people if they really had the gifts which the Ancient Saints possessed it was all I would ask, they
were the very people which I was looking for.
I settelled up my business with Mr Cowles in
an Amicable manner although he wished me to remain with him yet I had made up my mind to go to the
Western Country to purchase a farm. for about 2 weeks previous to leaving him my mind was deeply
exercised upon the subject of going to Rhode Island the spirit that was upon me day and night said
go to Rhode Island. I called upon my Brother Azmon's to stop with him untill we should start for the
west. as soon as the salutation was past I said to him I wondered what the Lord wanted of me in
Rhode Island for the spirit of the Lord had rested upon me for 2 weeks & said to me go to Rhode Island
why cannot I feel at home with them & worship with them why am I left alone like a speckled bird of the
forest why do they oppose me in those things which the spirit & word of God teach me is true. And again
if they are not the people of God and are not excepted of thee why do they prosper why do they gather
many souls unto there churches who appear cincere. And if they are not the people of the Lord where
shall I find thy people O Lord show me these things and teach me what to do and I covenant to
obey thy voice and do thy will, and after praying earnestly onto the Lord with this prayer on a
certain night in my mill untill after midnight the spirit of the Lord rested upon me & the voice of
the spirit of the Lord said unto me go to my word & I will there show thee my will and answer
thy prayer. I opened the Bible promiscously praying the Lord in my heart to direct my mind to
that portion of his word which would answer my prayes & show me the truth and I opened to the
LVI Chapter of Isaiah which I read and was satisfied that it was in answer to my prayer. I was satisfied
the salvation of God was abot to be revealed and his righteousness to come forth I was also satisfied that I should
live to see the people of God gathered, and I should be with them and that I should have a name & a place
in the House of God with his sons and Daughters, and I felt that I ought not any more to say that I was
utterly seperated from the people of God. I also believed that the priests of the day were in great measure like
the shepherds described in that chapter that they were ignorant and did not understand, and that they all looked
for their gain from there quarter and that they were not satisfied and were like greedy dogs who could never
have enough. from that hour I was satisfyed to remain as I was untill I should find the people of God which I
looked for in faith and believed I should know them when I saw them. I had no one to lead or guide me in the
way of the Lord except the spirit and word of God, these I tried to cling unto. My mind abut this time was
deeply exercised upon one principle and that was Keeping the seventh day of the week for the sabbath instead
of the first day I found that the seventh day was esstablished by the Lord himself as the sabbath day
and all Israel was commanded to keep it as the sabbath day forever throughout there generation &
I could never find where the Lord ever changed the sabbath day. Jesus & the Apostles kept the seventh
day of the week as do all the Jews up to the present time and my mind was troubled upon this subject
and I was never satisifyed in my mind upon the subject untill I promised the Lord that I would keep that
day for the sabbath as soon as I was liberated from the gentile yoke so that I could. During the spring of
while at Mr Cowles I read a short article in a News Paper stating that there was a New sect rising up that
were called Mormons that professed to have the ancient gifts of the gospel they healed the sick, cast out devilsspoke in tongues and performed miracles as the Apostles did and that they were going up to Missouri to a place
they called Zion and that they had got a New Book called the Book of Mormon which was revealed
to them by an angel of God. The Editor of the paper ridiculed the people I heard there was one of the Books
in Barkhampstead 10 miles distant from me I felt very anxious to obtain it to read but I did not get an
oppertunity. I said when I saw the article and read it that I did not care what was said about
the people if they really had the gifts which the Ancient Saints possessed it was all I would ask, they
were the very people which I was looking for.
I settelled up my business with Mr Cowles in
an Amicable manner although he wished me to remain with him yet I had made up my mind to go to the
Western Country to purchase a farm. for about 2 weeks previous to leaving him my mind was deeply
exercised upon the subject of going to Rhode Island the spirit that was upon me day and night said
go to Rhode Island. I called upon my Brother Azmon's to stop with him untill we should start for the
west. as soon as the salutation was past I said to him I wondered what the Lord wanted of me in
Rhode Island for the spirit of the Lord had rested upon me for 2 weeks & said to me go to Rhode Island
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865," p. 25, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://2023.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/9XMz