In about one ^hour^ after this my Brother Asahel also arived upon a visit and after shaking hands almost
the first words which he spoke was I wonder what the Lord wants of me in Rhode Island for the spirit of the Lord has been upon me for two or three weeks and told me to go to Rhode Island this caused
us to marvel as we had not spoken to each other or seen each other for several months I felt convinced it
was our duty to go there yet we could not tell what it meant. But Brother Azmon thought that as
we were about prepareing to go to the west we had Better omit it & I reluctantly consented to it. Subsequently I
learned that at that vary time Elders Orson Hyde & Samuel H Smith was preaching the gospel in that state
and had we have gone we should certainly have embraced the work & Joined the Latter Day Saints
for we were prepared in our minds to have received the truth at that time But like Jonah who was
sent to Nineveh went to Tarshish so I insted of going to Rhode Island Prepaired myself & went to
western New York. Brother Azmon & myself took each of us a tin trunk with some goods & $800
dollars in Monney and started for the west in the spring of we called upon Father Woodruff
at Colebrook Ct whare he had moved a short time previous to attend the flouring Mill of Mr Sage
we spent a day or two at Fathers House then went on our Journey for the west not knowing whare
we should go we finally wandered about through the western part of New York finally went north
of Sarycuse into the Town of Richland Oswego County & called upon a man by the name of Constant
Souls & we purchased his Farm of him containing 140 Acres of land a saw mill good Dwelling House Barn
& orchard for $1800. We Paid down $800, & the remainder afterwards. I made it my home with Mr
Souls and Azmon returned to Connecticut for his Family He soon returned & we commenced farming & fencing
& lumbering which business we followed together untill the spring of . As soon as I commenced doing business
for myself I commenced keeping satrurday the seventh day of the week for the sabbath as did my Brother
Azmon. we held meetings upon the seventh day and several others in the neighborhood attended the
meetings with us and kept the same day of the week for the sabbath I also attended with the various
donominations that were around us freequently. My Brother Azmon had been a vary peculiar person
from his childhood up He had been vary strict to his bible, his prayers & to his God. He prayed much
from his childhood & had much of the spirit of the Lord & had much light & I was much edifyed &
interested with his teaching & conversation He would never employ a physician when sick but always
trust in the Lord we were in Richland when the cholera first made its appearance into the United States via carrier
into Sackets Harbor. My Brother Azmon had a severe attack of the cholera in the fall of I laid hands
upon his head with his wife according to his request & prayed for him and Asked the Lord in the name of
Jesus Christ to rebuke his desease & command it to Depart from him & the cholera was stayed from the hour
and in the morning He was able to walk about & He immediately recovered. this had always been his faith
from his youth up He had been through some severe fits of sickness but would not empl[o]y any medical aid
but always trusted in God, believing it was his privilege to be healed by the prayer of faith and the laying on
of hands as it was in Ancient days this was the state of mind we were both in when the fulness of the gospel
reached us by an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. we were looking to find a people
who would build up the Chirsturch of Christ according to the Ancient Pattern. Thus I have given a Brief synopsis
of my life & experience up to the time of my Embracing the fulness of the gospel & Joining the Latter day Saints which
event was one of Great Joy to me which laid the foundation of a greater & more glorious work then
ever I expected to see in this life & I Pray God in the name of Jesus Christ to guide my future life
that I may live to his honor & glory & be a benefit to my Fellow man and at last be saved in his Celestial Kingdom even so Amen
In about one hour after this my Brother Asahel also arived upon a visit and after shaking hands almost
the first words which he spoke was I wonder what the Lord wants of me in Rhode Island for the
spirit of the Lord has been upon me for two or three weeks and told me to go to Rhode Island this caused
us to marvel as we had not spoken to each other or seen each other for several months I felt convinced it
was our duty to go there yet we could not tell what it meant. But Brother Azmon thought that as
we were about prepareing to go to the west we had Better omit it & I reluctantly consented to it. Subsequently I
learned that at that vary time Elders Orson Hyde & Samuel H Smith was preaching the gospel in that state
and had we gone we should certainly have embraced the work & Joined the Latter Day Saints
for we were prepared in our minds to have received the truth at that time But like Jonah who was
sent to Nineveh went to Tarshish so I insted of going to Rhode Island Prepaired myself & went to
western New York. Brother Azmon & myself took each of us a tin trunk with some goods & $800
dollars in Money and started for the west in the spring of we called upon Father Woodruff
at Colebrook Ct whare he had moved a short time previous to attend the flouring Mill of Mr Sage
we spent a day or two at Fathers House then went on our Journey for the west not knowing whare
we should go we finally wandered about through the western part of New York finally went north
of Sarycuse into the Town of Richland Oswego County & called upon a man by the name of Constant
Souls & we purchased his Farm of him containing 140 Acres of land a saw mill good Dwelling House Barn
& orchard for $1800. We Paid down $800, & the remainder afterwards. I made it my home with Mr
Souls and Azmon returned to Connecticut for his Family He soon returned & we commenced farming & fencing
& lumbering which business we followed together untill the spring of . As soon as I commenced doing business
for myself I commenced keeping saturday the seventh day of the week for the sabbath as did my Brother
Azmon. we held meetings upon the seventh day and several others in the neighborhood attended the
meetings with us and kept the same day of the week for the sabbath I also attended with the various
donominations that were around us freequently. My Brother Azmon had been a vary peculiar person
from his childhood up He had been vary strict to his bible, his prayers & to his God. He prayed much
from his childhood & had much of the spirit of the Lord & had much light & I was much edifyed &
interested with his teaching & conversation He would never employ a physician when sick but always
trust in the Lord we were in Richland when the cholera first made its appearance into the United States via carrier
into Sackets Harbor. My Brother Azmon had a severe attack of the cholera in the fall of I laid hands
upon his head with his wife according to his request & prayed for him and Asked the Lord in the name of
Jesus Christ to rebuke his desease & command it to Depart from him & the cholera was stayed from the hour
and in the morning He was able to walk about & He immediately recovered. this had always been his faith
from his youth up He had been through some severe fits of sickness but would not employ any medical aid
but always trusted in God, believing it was his privilege to be healed by the prayer of faith and the laying on
of hands as it was in Ancient days this was the state of mind we were both in when the fulness of the gospel
reached us by an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. we were looking to find a people
who would build up the Church of Christ according to the Ancient Pattern. Thus I have given a Brief synopsis
of my life & experience up to the time of my Embracing the fulness of the gospel & Joining the Latter day Saints which
event was one of Great Joy to me which laid the foundation of a greater & more glorious work then
ever I expected to see in this life & I Pray God in the name of Jesus Christ to guide my future life
that I may live to his honor & glory & be a benefit to my Fellow man and at last be saved in his
Celestial Kingdom even so Amen
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"Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865," p. 26, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,