his clerk said to never find a more [page torn] task than to part with him he said
he never saw a [page torn] mind than his he also remarked that he was very absent minded
for several months before his Death cheerful most of the time but occasionly lost
in Deep meditation he spent muc^c^h of the time During his last months among his friends
in public at ^times^ almost to the neglect of his business this was a secret they could not account for (But
I could have told them that it was his mind upon spiritual subjects he was convinced of light & truth had none to
unbosom his feelings unto & mingled with company to pass away his time & c.) [None] knew his mind upon
religious subjects he was moral in all his conduct far from any thing leading to disruption
he often spoke of his friend, & [doted] much upon a visit from me he remarked when he was
taking sick that he feared he should not recover. he did not convers upon religious subjects
after he was takingen sick & I do not wonder at it for there was no spirit in
to receieve it I wonder how mind would have suffered him to have remained
there as long as it Did. the Land was as [page torn] the but a wicked barren
place spiritually. I wrote Asahel a Letter which he received just before his Death in
which my mind was much exercised I never felt like bearing stronger testimony to any
person than in that letter I little thought that it was my last testimony to him I
write a letter to him afterwards but it did not arive untill after his death There was
three Doctors attended upon Asahel During his sickness (which was 3 to many) I visited my
Brothers grave I felt solumn while viewing it poor man he had not a relative to attend
on his bed side or follow him to his grave I picked up some small stones from his
grave in memory of him I was sorrow that in the sale of his papers that some articles
of his clothing was not reserved but every thing of that nature was sold I have all of his
[former] account Books his journals compositions, his watch two silver thimbles
& pencils & penknife & c. you can make any enquiries of me by letter concerning
those things that you wish as soon as I can inform you where to direct a letter I
am sensible that Asahels Death will be deeply felt by you all he was a beloved
Son & Brother truly may the Lord comfort you all under this affliction. My Dear
Sister since Asahel is gone It has given me great consolation to meditate upon
the cause. you have persued continue faithful in the cause in which you are
engaged & you will receive a crown of Life! O that I can but meet my Sister
in the the thought of it will sweeten my tri[a]ls on Earth. Do not
think that your Brother is Discouraged because of persecutions in the west. No God forbid
it is true a number of our worthy brethren have sealed their testimony with their Blood
of late, it is equally true that if it is the your Brother is ready & willing to share the
same fate. I tremble not at the approach of Death it has no terror to me I may be called to
feel a Missourian's steel or lead for my religion if so & my work is Done I say amen, I am
ready to meet it you may hear of my Death, but by the assisting me you
shall not be pained with the intelligence that I have drawn back unto perdition I am
travling through the cold of winter with a wife & which is severe at this time but I
endure these things patiently many of our Brethren are stoped at the beca[u]se
of there faith I may be stoped myself but I shall travel untill I am give me your
prayers Dear parents & Sister while Asahel sleeps in Death let me be consecrated to
live or Die for Christ. O glorious strength, O Blessed hope. If we do not meet on Earth if we
are faithful we shall meet in heaven. wishes to be remembered to you als[o]
give our respects to all enquiring friends
Your friend & Brother Willford Woodruff
his Clerk said to never find a more page torn task than to part with him he said
he never saw a page torn mind then his he also remarked that he was very absent minded
for several months before his Death cheerful most of the time but ocasionly lost
in Deep meditation he spent much of the time During his last months among his friends
in public at times almost to the neglect of his business this way a secret they could not account for (But
I could have told them that it was his mind upon spiritual subjects he was convinced of light & truth had none to
unbosom his feelings unto & mingled with company to pass away his time & c.) None knew his mind upon
religious subjects he was moral in all his conduct far from any thing leading to disruption
he often spoke of his friend, & told much upon a visit from me he remarked when he was
taking sick that he feared he should not recover. he did not converse upon religious subjects
after he was taking sick & I do not wonder at it for there was no spirit in
to receieve it I wonder how mind would have suffered him to have reward
there as long as it Did. the Land was as page torn the garden of Eden but a wicked barren
place spiritually. I wrote Ashel a Letter which he received just before his Death in
which my mind was much exercised I never felt like bearing stronger testimony to any
person other in that letter I little thought that it was my last testimony to him I
write a letter to him afterwords but it did not arrive untill after his death There was
three Doctors attended upon Asahel During his sickness (which was 3 to many) I write my
Brothers grave I felt solumn while recieving it poor man he had not a relative to attend
on his bed side or follow him to his grave I picked up some small stones from his
grave in memory of him I was sorrow that in the sale of his papers that some articles
of his clothing was not reserved but every thing of that nature was sold I have all of his
finance account Books his journals compositions, his watch two silver thimbles
& pencils & penknife & c. you can make any enquiries of me by letter concerning
those things that you wish as soon as I can inform you where to direct a letter I
am sensible that Ashels Death will be deeply felt by you all he was a beloved
Son & Brother truly may the Lord comfort you all under this affliction. My Deer
Sister since Ashel is gone it has given me great consolation to meditate upon
its cause. you have persued continue faithfulness in the cause in which you are
engaged & you will receive a crown of life! O that I can but meet my Sister
in the celstral glory the taught of it will sweeten my trials on Earth. Do not
think that your Brother is Discouraged because of persecutions in the west. No God forbid
it is true a number of our worthy brethern have sealed testimony with their Blood
of late, it is equally true that if it is the will of God your Brother is ready & willing to share the
same fate. I tremble not at the approach of Death it has no terror to me I may be called to
feel a Missourian's steel or lead for my religion if so & my work is Done I say amen, I am
ready to meet it you may hear of my Death, but by the grace of God assisting me you
shall not be pained with the intelligence that I have drawn back unto perdition I am
travling through the cold of winter with a wife & child which is severe at this time but I
endure these things patiently many of our Brethren are stoped at the because
of there faith I may be stoped myself but I shall travel untill I am give me your
prayers Deer parents & Sister while Ashel sleeps in Death let me be consecrated to
live or Die for Christ. O glorous strength, O Blessed hope If we do not meet on Earth if we
are faithful we shall meet in heaven. wishes to be remembered to you also
give our respects to all enquiring friends
Your friend & Brother Willford Woodruff