Although I am in the midst of a
croud & but a few moments allotted me to write yet I feel it my Duty to appropriate
these few moments in communicating a few words to you & my Dear parents.
I thought it proper to direct this sheet to you in consequence of the writing
on the 3rd page which is the production of Brother Asahels pen which I found
among his papers which appears to be an address to you. Whether it is a copy of
writings already in your possession or not I am unable to say. But as I feel anxious
to put in your possession all writings that you have sent him or that he has
directed to you is the cause of my writing upon the same sheet. As Death has
closed all communications between Asahel & yourself & our parents I feel
it my duty to give you all information that I possess concerning his sickness
& Death or any thing concerning him that will be of interest to you. I also
feel it my Duty to write to you as often as my circumstances will admit
& I have matter of interest to comunicate. I have much upon
my mind at this time I would like to communicate which I mus[t]
omit for want of time but I will touch upon some importent items
Firstly I hold in my hands a letter Dated Farmington Oct 31st 1838 from Aphek & Azubah & Eunice Woodruff to Mr James Dayson. in fine I have
in my possession (I suppose) all the writings that were Directed to Asahel as well as
his own compositions I took them because I supposed that I should be able
to put them into the possession of my parents & Sister sooner than they
could obtain them any other way & I much doubt whether you would
ever obtained them had I left them in Terre Haute I shall give you
information upon this subject from time to time as I write. I have not had
time as yet to look over his writings but little & do not know what there is
among them, but all of his corresponding letters with his DearSister & parents & Azmon & myself & many other friends are among them there is many compo-
sitions of his own of interest among them I was particular to enquire of his clerk & also Mr Smith concering his mind, his sickness, & death & I learn
the following particulars that he was considered one of the first & most respect-
able citizens of Terre Haute & his death much regretted
[upside-down text]
Wilford Woodruff to
Eunice Woodruff
giving the Acco[un]t of the death of Ashael Woodruff
[end of upside-down text]
Although I am in the midst of a
croud & but a few moments allotted me to write yet I feel it my Duty to appropriate
these few moments in communicating a few words to you & my Dear parents.
I thought it proper to direct this sheet to you in consequence of the writing
on the 3 page which is the production of Brother Asahels pen which I found
among his papers which appears to be an address to you. Whether it is a copy of
writings already in your possession or not I am unable to say. But as I feel anxious
to put in your possesion all writings that you have sent him or that he has
directed to you is the cause of my writing upon the same sheet. As Death has
closed all communications between Asahel & yourself & our parents I feel
it my duty to give you all information that I possess concerning his sickness
& Death or any thing concerning him that will be of interest to you. I also
feel it my Duty to write to you as often as my circumstances will admit
& I have matter of interest to comunicate. I have much upon
my mind at this time I would like to communicate which I must
omit for want of time but I will touch upon some importent items
Firstly I hold in my hands a letter Dated Farmington Oct 31st 1838 rom
Septe & Azubah & Eunice Woodruff to Mr James Dayson in fine I have
in my possession (I suppose) all the writings that were Directed to Asahel as well as
his own compositions. I took them because I suppose that I should be able
to put them into the possession of my parents & Sister sooner than they
could obtain them any other way & I much doubt whether you would
ever obtained them had I left them in Terre Harte. I shall give you
information upon this subject from time to time as I write. I have not had
time as yet to look over his writings but little & do not know what there is
among them, but all of his corresponding letters with his DearSister & parents &
Azmon & myself & many other friends are among them there is many compositions of his own of interest among them I was particular to enquire of his
clerk & also Mr Smith concering his mind, his sickness & death & I learn
the following particulars that he was considered one of the first & most respectable citizens of Terre Haute & his death much regretted
Wilford Woodruff to
Eunice Woodruff
givigthe Account of the death
of Ashael Woodruffend of upside-down text
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Letter to Eunice Hart Woodruff Webster, 19 December 1838," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,