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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Collection Name Historian's Office general Church minutes, 1839-1877
Collection Description Salt Lake City, 1856 September 14
Collection Number CR 100 318
Collection Box N/A
Collection Folder N/A
Collection Page 19-20
Source Link The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Introduction Wilford Woodruff's Sunday sermon on gathering to and building Zion, given December 10, 1854 in Salt Lake City, from Historian's Office general Church minutes, 1839-1877.
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48 mentions
Scriptural Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
118 mentions
Scriptural Figure
43 mentions
Scriptural Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Jedediah Morgan Grant
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
282 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Orson Hyde
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
Heber Chase Kimball
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1467 mentions

Robert Mason
1 Aug 1748 - 5 Feb 1835
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
John Van Cott
7 Sep 1814 - 18 Feb 1883
Aphek Woodruff, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family


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I rejoice in all those men who have stood up to their posts as men of God and defended the words of His servants, and assisted in carrying out their plans and designs in gathering the people from the nations; they have been in- spired by the power of the great God, and they have carried the words of his servants into operation with success, and had it not been so the devil would have gained a great victory over the Saints; they have conquered and this has been the case in every operation that we as a people have taken in hand under the direc- tion of the servants of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The moment that you take in hand any new operation in the kingdom of God that moment you have to renew your warfare, and the Saints will find that wherein they undertake any new enterprize and are sent to the nations of the earth the devil will be up against them. Look how he raged when the Prophet Joseph com- menced preaching upon this continent, and then again when we went from this country to Europe it seemed as if all hell was let loose. As soon as brs. Kimball and Hyde arrived in England all the devils in Europe, or in Eng- land at any rate, were let loose upon them, and it was precisely the same in London when the brethren went there, and I will say still fur- ther it has been so in every place.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I thank God that those men that have been appointed to lead these hand carts have been filled with the Holy Spirit and have had cour- age and faith to carry out the plan designed by the servants of the Almighty. It is an omen not only to the Jews, but to the gentiles; it shows them that there is a God in Israel whose power and priesthood have been commited into the hands of men upon the earth, and their works cause 'the wisdom of the wise to perish and the understanding of the prudent to be hid;' and this power and principle is felt by the great and the mighty among men.
~ Wilford Woodruff

We should impress upon the minds of our children the evil consequences of com- mitting sin or breaking any of the laws of God, they should be made to understand that by do- ing wrong they will inherit sorrow and tribu- lation which they can easily escape by doing right, and they should learn this principle by precept without learning sorrow and affliction by experience from doing wrong.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We as a people should be humble, be prayer- ful, be submissive to the powers that be that we may receive the promised blessings of our Heavenly Father.
~ Wilford Woodruff
It is our duty, brethren, to live in that way and manner before our God that we will find no diffi- culty in administering in any of the ordinances of the kingdom of God; we should live so that the spirit and power of the Holy Ghost will rest down upon us; we should humble ourselves be- fore the Lord in our closets and live day by day so that we can know what is right and what is wrong, and when the Presidency give us any in- struction or charge, to live so that we will be ready to follow their counsel.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Show me a man that does control him- self and I will show you a safe man, or a man that has prepared himself by this principle is on the road to salvation. A man that is prepared to lay all that he hath upon the altar and his life with it, for the gospel's sake and the kingdom of God, is in the right way, but the moment that we teach a doctrine that we do not practise we show our weakness. The moment a man or a woman becomes angry they show a great weak- ness, and so with any of us when we do any- thing wrong.
~ Wilford Woodruff
If men could see and understand their relation- ship to God and the position they occupy, they would not see one moment of their lives that they would desire to do a wrong thing, but they would pursue a straightforward course, they would avoid all kinds of evil words and improper expressions.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I feel that this call of repentance and baptism for the remission of our sins is an important one, and that we cannot again go to sleep with impu- nity, and I feel that inasmuch as we will walk in the light, awake from our slumber, repent of our sins, we shall receive the blessings of the Gospel of Christ and all things that pertain to the king- dom of our God. These things that God has given to us through our Prophets, will prove the savor of life unto life or of death unto death.
~ Wilford Woodruff
When I was a boy, there was an old man used to visit at my father's house; his name was Robert Mason, and I heard teachings from him from the time that I was eight years old and up- upwards, and they were teachings that I shall ever remember, and he taught my father's house- hold many important truths concerning the church and kingdom of God, and told them many things in relation to the prophets and the things that were coming upon the earth, but his teachings were not received but by few, they were unpopular with the Christian world, but nearly all that did receive his teachings have join- ed the Latter-day Saints. Prophets were not popular in that day any more than now, and I have often thought of many things which the old man taught me in the clays of my youth since I received the fulness of the Gospel and became a member of the Church of Christ. He said when you read the Bible do you ever think that what you read there is going to be ful- filled? The teachers of the day, said he, spiritu- alize the Bible, but when you read in the Bible about the dreams, visions, revelations and predic- tions of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, or any other of the prophets or apostles, relative to the gather- ing of Israel and the building up of Zion, where they say that Israel shall be gathered upon litters, swift beasts and dromedaries, you may under- stand that it means just what it says and that it will be fulfilled upon the earth in the last days. And when you read of men laying hands upon the sick, and healing them and casting out devils and working miracles in the name of Jesus Christ, it means what it says, and he further said the church of Christ and kingdom of God is not upon the earth, but it has been taken from the children of men through unbelief and because they have taken away from the gospel some of its most sacred ordinances, and have instituted in their stead forms and ceremonies without the power of God, and have turned from the truth unto fables, but said he, it will soon be restored again unto the children of men upon the earth, with its ancient gifts and power, for the Scriptures can- not be fulfilled without it; but I shall not live to see it, but said he to me you will live to see that day and you will become a conspicuous actor in that kingdom, and when you see that day then that which the Prophets have spoken will be ful- filled.
~ Wilford Woodruff
If we as a people follow the council of the Presidency of this church, repent of our sins, wake up, do our duty, keep on the armor of righteousness, live our religion, and are filled with the Holy Ghost we shall soon see that sinners in Zion will tremble, and fearfulness will surprize the hypocrite.
~ Wilford Woodruff