Brethren and Sisters: I feel to take the
liberty of occupying a few moments in ex-
pressing some few of my feelings. I have
heard all the brethren that have spoken for
several days past. I have heard them say that
it was with great difficulty that they expressed
their feelings, and I did not wonder at this for
any one who will reflect upon the state of the
world and the kingdom of God upon the earth
and the dealings of God with us will be filled
feelings and reflections which they cannot ex-
press. No man could listen to what we have
heard to-day and yesterday, and I may say for
the past month, without having many feelings
in reference to the condition of the people, church and kingdom of God. There is no man
that has been acquainted in this church and
kingdom that has felt any responsibility rest-
ing upon him that has any desire in relation
to the gathering of Israel, that has beheld
with his eyes for the last week or two, and
that has listened to our brethren but must have
felt that the Spirit of God has been with
I have a desire to bear my testimony with
my brethren, for I feel thankful to God for his
blessings unto us and unto our brethren who
have journeyed on foot to the valleys. My
heart was filled with joy on listening to our re-
turned missionaries who have told of the deal-
ings of God with them. I have been much
edified and interested in listening to the testi-
mony of our returned missionaries.
By Elder Wilford Woodruff, Tabernacle, Monday Evening,
Brethren and Sisters: I feel to take the
liberty of occupying a few moments in expressing some few of my feelings. I have
heard all the brethren that have spoken for
several days past. I have heard them say that
it was with great difficulty that they expressed
their feelings, and I did not wonder at this for
any one who will reflect upon the state of the
world and the kingdom of God upon the earth
and the dealings of God with us will be filled
feelings and reflections which they cannot express. No man could listen to what we have
heard to-day and yesterday, and I may say for
the past month, without having many feelings
in reference to the condition of the people,
church and kingdom of God. There is no man
that has been acquainted in this church and
kingdom that has felt any responsibility resting upon him that has any desire in relation
to the gathering of Israel, that has beheld
with his eyes for the last week or two, and
that has listened to our brethren but must have
felt that the Spirit of God has been with
I have a desire to bear my testimony with
my brethren, for I feel thankful to God for his
blessings unto us, and unto our brethren who
have journeyed on foot to the valleys. My
heart was filled with joy on listening to our returned missionaries who have told of the dealings of God with them. I have been much
edified and interested in listening to the testimony of our returned missionaries.
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