Day in the Life

Jul 14, 1840

Journal Entry

July 14, 1840 ~ Tuesday

14th Sarah Emma is two years old this day may the
Lord preserve my wife & children from sickness
& Death untill my return O Lord I commit them into
thy hands, feed, clothe, & comfort them & thine shall
be the glory.

I spent the day in Manchester, in company with
Elder Young I took supper at Br John Smiths
{I went to the store and bought Phebe a dress, Sarah Emma a dress, Wilford} 3 {yards of flannel
and} 22 {dollars which I left with Elder Young to send to my wife all} 1 4 11 1/2
I preached in the evening at Br Blacks & spent the
evening night at the Star office with Elder Young
I had an interview in the afternoon with Sister Richards
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Phebe & sent it with the {parcel and [goods]}


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3457 mentions
Apostle, Family
Richards, Jennetta
21 Aug 1817 - 9 Jul 1845
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1583 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Emma
14 Jul 1838 - 17 Jul 1840
165 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions
Black, William Young
20 Aug 1784 - 28 Jan 1873


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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 13 July 1840
Man[chester] [page torn] England My Dear Phebe ^Date May 9th to 25^ yesterday I recevd your long interesting letter which I was truly happy to receevd, was sorrow to hear of the sickness of the little babe, feel thankful that his life was spard, & pray god to preserve you & the children from the power of the destroyer untill my return. I feel much for you Phebe & nothing but the great work of the Almighty in the vineyard hindereth me from embracing you spedily. I know your sufferings are many & sacrafices great, but try to bear these things a little ^longer^ & I will return to you We are laying the foundation of a great & mighty work in Europe so that when We return I trust we can spend a length of time with our families. I am going this afternoon to Herefordshire to spend a few days in counciling the Saints about going to America & then I shall go direct to London. it will probably be some months before this line will fall into your hands. as I expect you will receive it with a small parsel of goods which I expect will be conveyed to you by Elder Turley I did not have an opportunity of sending any thing to you by the other compa[n]y that went over But I will send several parsels by Elder Turley to you. Such things as I think you may need I shall also send you some money. I have Been to the Store to day & bought you the following articles which you will find in the ^a^ bundle to which this letter is attached. A vary nise dress for Phebe & lineing for the same, I dont know how you will like the figure but I did the best I could. A dress & lineing for Sarah Emma seeing it is her birth day & that she is two years old. I did not know what to get for Willford. so I bought 4 yards of soft nise flannel use it for him or yourself or any thing els you plese 2 gause vails to do with as you please the following is a Bill of the articles 5 1/2 Yrds fine Saxony for ^P.W.W.^ dress 2/8 - 14. 8 [Plaid] Lining dress for Sarah - 1 - 9 5 - yards lining for P.W. dress 3/2 1 62 2 do lining for Sarah dress 4 - 0 8 3/4 do - 9 - 0 6 1/2 - 4 yards fine flannel 1/2 4 10 2 veils - 1/ £. 1. 4. 11 1/2 - I suppose these articles would have cost three time the amont in the U.S. I shall send you other parcels & shall send you an acont of them I shall send you a small Hymn Book with your name on it & also several caps from Manchester. that you may be deliverd from sickness & death & want is my prayer W. Woodruff
Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 14 July 1840
Man [hole] England My Dear Phebe yesterday I receved our long interesting letter ^Date May 9th to 25^ which I was truly happy to receve, was sorrow to hear of the sickness of the little babe feel thankful that his life was spard & pray God to presere you & the children from the power of the destroyer untill my return. I feel much for you Phebe & nothing but the great work of the Almigty in the vineyard hindereth me from embracing you spedily. I know your sufferings are may & sacrafices great, but try to bear these things a little ^longer^ & I will return to you. We are laying the foundation of a great & mighty work in Europe so that when We return I trust we can spend a length of time with our families. I am going this afternoon to Herefordshire to spend a few days in comiting the Saints about going to Amercia & then I shall go direct to London. it will probaby be some months before this line will fall into your hands. as I expect you will receive it with a small parsol of goods which I expect will be conveyed to you by Elder Turley I did not have an opportunity of sending any thing to you by the other compay that went over. But I will send several parsols by Elder Turley to you. such things go I think you may need I shall also send you some money. I have Been to the Store to day & bought you the following articles which you will find in to ^a^ bundle to which this letter is attached. A vary nise dress for Phebe & lineing for the same. I dont know how you will like the figure but I did the best I could. A dress & lining for Sarah Emama seeing it is her birth day & that she is about two years old. I did not know what to get for Willford. so I bought 4 yards of soft nise flannel use it for him or yourself or any thing els you plese 2 yarne rails to do with as you please the following is a Bill of the article 5 1/2 Yrds fine Saxony for ^P. W. W.^ dress 2/8 - 14-8 [Reir'd] lining dress for Sarah 1 - 9 5 - Yards lining for P. W. dress 3/2 1 6 2 2 do lining for Sarah dress 1/4 0 8 3/4 do 1/9 0 6 1/2 4 yards fine flannel 1/2 [5] 4 10 2 veils 1/ [total] £.1.4.11 1/2 I suppose these articles would have cost th[r]ee time the amont in the U. S. I shall send you other parcels & shall send you an accout of them. I shall send you a small Hymn Book with your name on it & also several caps from Manchester. That you may be delivered from sickness & death & want is my prayer W Woodruff


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Jul 14, 1840