Day in the Life

Sep 1, 1840

Journal Entry

September 01, 1840 ~ Tuesday

Sept 1st I walked out in the after noon with
Elders Smith & Kimball to visit some of the great
works of man, we visited the Thames Tunnel
which is considerd one of the greatest wonders
of the world. We entered the Tunnel on the
south side of the river Thames at Rotherhithe
& after going about about 80 feet down into the
earth we entered the archway on the left which
was finished 1120 feet which was beatifully
lighted up with gas we walked through it under the
river Thames, with the river & shiping over our
heads & in some places not more than 15 feet betw
een the top of the arch & the bed of the river there
is two archways the whole length of the tunnel &
openings which afford free communication from one
archway to the other, this is considered the greatest
piece of Invention & most splended work ever acc
omplished by man in modern times. We wrote our
names & profession & residence in a record about und
er the centre of the river we then came out of
the Tunnel, & rode in a skiff 2 miles to the Tower
of London
which was built by the romans but is now
occupied for the garrison armory & Jewelry of the
British Navy & army &c we did not spend much time
it visiting this for it was late & we could not go thr
ough the different appartments on our return home
we saw near London Bridge exhibited a representation
as large as life in full costume the death of Marco Botzaris
Don Carlos & his staff. The Du[c]hess De Berri, the Infa-
nt Don Sebastian, Maroto Cyril & other officers.
And the atrocious Murderers Gould, Oxford,
Courvoisier, & Bailyey Greenacre & Sarah Gale.
We returned home to our lodgings & spent the night
I was quit ill through the night with the Bowel complai
nt which I have had for several days 8 mil


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

1 mention
Historical Figure
Oxford, Edward
3 mentions
Historical Figure
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1443 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1465 mentions
Greenacre, James
abt. 1785-1837
3 mentions
Historical Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
Botsaris, Markos
abt. 1788-1823
1 mention
Historical Figure
1 mention
Historical Figure
Gould, Richard
abt. 1817 - unk.
2 mentions
Historical Figure
Gale, Sarah
abt. 1802-1888
1 mention
Historical Figure


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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff and Margaret Thompson McMeans Adkins Smoot, 1 September 1840
Montrose Lee County My Dear Wilford I sit down this morn. to acknowledge the reception of your letter bearing date of June 3th & after sending many times to the office for a letter the day before yesterday I was persented with a letter from you brought by some of the brethren from Eng. as I learned that 4 family arrived in Commerce the 27 of this Aug. I have not seen any of them or learned any of their names ^yet^ and report says that there are 30 families more in Cincinata Ohio, on their way to Commerce. I was truly glad to hear from you of your health and the prosperity of the work with you—your last letter before this came to hand the middle of June dated April 24 you say you sent me 4 letters since you arrive in Eng. I have received them all and have sent you 6 before this am verry sorry you have not received more of them particularly my Jan. one in that I spare you a more particular acc- -ount of my situation and how things were with and around me and I commenced this morn with a determination to tell you something more but what shall I say I am almost inclined to pass over the past but as if I cannot tell my dear Willford about my troubles who can I tell while those around you me say I dont write anything to make him uneasey but I will give you a brief sketch of the situation of things with me who since you left me. — For 2 week after you left me I ejoyed quite good health then was taken with the fever and ague in a few days I was moved that is my bed and some other things out to brother Smoots where I had ^the best^ attention the house could afford although it had no floor in it or door or window—I was sick with the chills about 3 months and little Sarah was verry sick to for days together I was not able to sit up to have my bed made. I was reduced so low I remained there 8 or 9 weeks and sister Smoot was taken sick my house was not done and it was with the utmost exertion that I could get any thing done to it if sister Taylor had not moved into my room with sister Pratt in Montrose I thought of going there but I did not blame her in the least about it I think she could not help it as she was situated—about the forepart of Nov. they called it done it had no door or window or loft in it the roof verry poorly laid on so that the snow and rain came in verry plentifully the snow would be a number of inches deep and mostly over the floor thus was my house finished when I moved into it and I had the chill and fever then and could not sit up only apart of the time and Sarah was unwell to I had a young girl with me 2 weeks then she left me and then I had to do as I could with little Sarah cow and all I did not sit up all day thong but got much slandered for haveing that girl so long
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
I took a walk in the afternoon with Elders Smith and Kimball to see some of the great works of man. We visited The Thames Tunnel one of the greatest wonders of the world. We entered the Tunnel on the South side


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Sep 1, 1840