Day in the Life

Aug 15, 1840

Journal Entry

August 15, 1840 ~ Saturday

15th we spent the day in the Leigh writing I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 3 Letters one to Elder Whittaker one to Br John Rowley
one to Brother Hume A hand pointing to the right also one to Young &
Richards & one to G. Simpson we Baptized &
confirmed one


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Whittaker, Andrew Isaac
13 Dec 1812 - 23 Apr 1874
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Simpson, George
abt. 1814-1855
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions
13 mentions


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Elder Smith spoke first & recommended the Saints to spend 5 minutes each day in getting an Idea in their minds from the scriptures & in one year they would have 365 new Ideas in their minds which would form a fountain of Intelligence & knowledge which would benefit themselves & man kind.
~ George Albert Smith
Elder Smith spoke first & recommended the Saints to spend 5 minutes each day in getting an Idea in their minds from the scriptures & in one year they would have 365 new Ideas in their minds which would form a fountain of Intelligence & knowledge which would benefit themselves & man kind.
~ George A. Smith

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Letter to Brigham Young and Willard Richards, 15 August 1840
Leigh Gloucestershrie Eldrs You[n]g & Richards Dear Brethren you see we have not yet quite to London but expect to go on Monday we have a camp meeting on the morrow. I have a few words I want to say to you in particular ie the money which Broth[er] Benbow has lent for the printing They are willing we should make use of for the gathering of the Saints but they wish their friends to share first in it if if they come into the church before we go to America their has been no writing passed between u[s] upon the subject anyway, they still have our recepts for the money you can make what arangements you think proper with them concerning it, or make such inquiries of them about it as you may think necessary. I am enjoying good health & the Brethren with me. I have not sa[i]d any thing to any one about that money matter excepting to Broth[er] & Sister Benbow, please not send any more letters to me at Ledbury but we will inform you whare to send to us in London myy respect to Sistr Richards & all the Saints who inquire I ever remain yours in the Everlasting covenant W Woodruff


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Aug 15, 1840