Day in the Life

Jul 26, 1840

Journal Entry

July 26, 1840 ~ Sunday

26th Sunday I walked to ridgway cross & preached
& confirmed 8, Blessed 8 children, & lade hands upon
many that were sick. I walked to Moorends Cross &
Preached & confirmed 2. I returned to Ridgway
Cross & communed with the Saints & had an interest
ing time which will be the last time that I break
Bread unto many of those Saints, as they are about
to emegrate & gather with the Saints in Commerce &
Montrose. A company of about 50 is about to start
for America from Herefordshire England about
40 of which will go by the free charity & philanthro-
py of Elder John Benbow. I walked after meeting to
Froom Hill & spent the night {Distance of the day} 9 miles


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Benbow, John
1 Apr 1800 - 12 May 1874
173 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Jul 26, 1840