Day in the Life

Aug 18, 1840

Journal Entry

August 18, 1840 ~ Tuesday

AUG 18th 1840 [FIGURE] London
We took coach at Cheltenham ^9 AM^ & rode 40 miles through
a level country having quite the appearance of the
Illinois & Missouri prairies occupied altogether for
farming, we past three villages & thousands of acres
of wheat & barlyey fields in the midst of harvest part
of which was cut & part was standing, we past thro-
gh Oxfordshire & in about 8 miles of the Oxford
the Largest & most noted univesrsity
in the world which consists of 20 colliges endowed
& five Halls not endowed at which place all Europe
ans finish their studies, before they consider thems
elves perfect schoollars we took the railroad we
saw vast herds of cattle sheep & deer &c, we passed
in sight of Stow & the wychwood forest containing
7,500 acres of timber in which thousands of cattle
feed it is also a noted place of resort for sportsman
to hunt Deer & hares &c. We arived at the farington
road station
& took the cars afor London at 1 oclock PM
Passed through Relicks & had a plain view of old
ruins, & as we passed we also had a fair view of
the splended Winser Castle, after travling 70 miles
on the rail road we were landed at the city of
LONDON at 4 oclock, making 110 miles from
Cheltenham to London which we travled in 7 hours
& did not stop more than two minutes at any time
we rode to the centre of the city we then left the
coach & walked across London Bridge into the
Borough & called upon (Mrs W. Allgood 19 King street
Borough London, which is Mr Allgood's Address, she
is own[ly] sister to Elder Theadore Turleys wife she
treated us with kindness gave us some refreshment
& then directed us to a publick house wheare I wrote
A hand pointing to the right a letter to my wife & spent the night at Kings Arms King stree Borough
I am now in the great city of London
the largest most pnoted & poupulous
commercial city in the world containing a
population of about (1500000) one million five
hundred thousand people. I am In company
with Elders H. C. Kimball & G. A. Smith. We are the
first Elders of the church of Latter Day Saint
that have ever walked the streets of London
O, London as I walk thy street & behold the mass
of human beings passing through thee & view
thy mighty pallaces, thy splended mansions, the

costly merchantdize wharewith thou art adorn
ed even as the capital of great Babylon, I am
ready to ask myself what am I & my Brethren
here for, & as the spirit answers to warn thee
of thine abominations & to exhort the[e] to repent of
thy wickedness & prepare for the day of thy visit
ation thy mourning thy calamity & thy wo. I am
ready to cry out Lord who is sufficient for
these things, O Mighty God of Jacob cloth us with
thy power. Let the power of the Priesthood rest
upon us & the spirit of our ministry & mission &
enable us to warn the inhadbitants of this city
in such a manner that our garments will be clean
of their Blood & that we may seek out the honest
in heart & the meek from among men & have many
souls as seals of our ministry

we spent the night at kings Arms, King street, Borough
London distance of the day 114 mile


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Turley, Frances Kimberley
22 Jun 1800 - 30 Aug 1847
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1448 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1467 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Turley, Theodore
10 Apr 1801 - 12 Aug 1871


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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 18 August 1840

Kings Arms, King Street, Borough, London My Dear Phebe, After a spedey journey of 100 ^110^ miles which we travled in 7 hours I have arived (with my Brethren viz Kimball & GA Smith) in the city of London, & feeling disposed to improve evry opportunity of communicating any intelligence to you in my power I improve the present moment of droping a few lines to you which I shall put in a wrapper & send to Liverpool to Elder Turley hopeing he will get it before he will leave. My last letter which you will receeve by the hand of Elder Turley was Dated Aug 10th 8 days since. I will inform you in few words what I have been about since. We took the parting hand with Eldr Turley on the 11th for the last time untill we meet him in America. We also spent several days in passing through the Herefordshire & Glostershire churches & taking the parting hand with them which was truly an affecting scene to see hundreds of friends or Saints which we had baptzed into the kingdom flock around us & take us by the hand & weep as though they would break their hearts, appear as though they were taking their leave of their father to see him no more, the many sensations of this kind which I have passed through since I have been in England have been peculiar, to my feelings & clearly show me the Effect that the Everlasting gospel has upon the honest in heart & the meek of the Earth. We held a camp meeting on Sunday the 16th at the Leigh Gloucestershire which is the last meeting we have had with the Saints, we Baptized 15 while there & ordained one Elder & two Priests. the two that we ordained and to Priests came 12 miles to hear us & they went forward & was Baptized the first sermon & we confirmed & Ordained them at the same time, the work is progressing rapidly in that region, those churches which I built up there now number about 900 all of which have embra[c]ed the work in little more than 5 months they will No 1000 at the end of 6 months from the time that I first preached to the people in that region. 17th we parted with the Saints at the Leigh & travled 5 miles to Cheltenham & spent the night at a Temperance Hotel pop 40,000 (following is a short extract from my Journal) Aug 18th 1840 I took coach at Cheltenham at 9 oclock P.M. in company with Eldrr Kimball & G. A. Smith it was an exceding chilly day we rode 40 miles through a level country having quite the appearance of the Illinois & Mo prairies occupied altogethr for farming, we past three small villages & many thousands of acres of wheat & Barley fields in the midst of harvest part of which

Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes

Went to London.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

for the night and on the morrow we continued to journey to the metropolis of England We took coach at Cheltenham and rode 40 miles through a level country having quite the appearance of the Illinois and Missouri prairies occupied altogether for farming. We passed by three villages and thousands of acres of wheat and barley fields in the season of harvest. Part of the crops were cut and part standing and the country arround everywhere wore the golden hue of plentiful harvest. We passed through Oxfordshire and within about eight miles of the Oxford University. This is the largest and most famed University in the world Journing through Oxfordshire we saw vast herds of cattle sheep and deer. We passed insight of Stow the family residence of the Duke of Buckingham and the Wychwood Forest containing seven thousand five hundred acres of timber in which thousands of

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

^I visited^ London on the with Elders H. C Kimball and G. A. Smith I laboured with them in esstabliching the Church in London I spent over 5 months in that City ^we^ visited nearly evry part of the City and notable places that we could have access to. I attended all the General Conferences in England and set sail with my Brethren of the Twelve on the

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

I visited London in company with Elders H. C. Kimball and G. A. Smith, I labored with them in establish- ing a church, spending over 5 months in that populous city. We visited nearly every part of the city, and all the notable places that we could have access to. I attended all the general conferences in England, and set sail with my brethren of the Twelve on the ship, Rochester

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I visited London in com- pany with Elders H. C. Kimball and G. A. Smith. I labored with them in establishing a church, spending over five months in that populous city. We visited nearly every part of the city, and all the notable places that we could have access to. I attended all the General Confe- rences in England, and set sail with my brethren of the Twelve on the ship

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— I visited London in company with Elders H. C. Kimball and G. A. Smith. I labored with them in establishing a church, spending over five months in that populous city. We visited nearly every part of the city, and all the notable places that we could have access to. I attended all the general conferences in England, and set sail with my brethren of the


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Aug 18, 1840