Day in the Life

Oct 7, 1840

Journal Entry

October 07, 1840 ~ Wednesday

On the while the man that
tends the gas lights at the Carpenters Hall was light-
ing the chandaliers for a publick discussion
12 of them burst in peaces Elder O Pratt stood
beside of me at the time, the man said he had
never seen such a thing before, this was to light
the Hall to accomodate Mr Berry who pledged
himself to prove the Book of mormon fals & water
not essential unto salvation

Oct 7th ^John Burry^
I sat in council with the Twelv & many
other Saints at the Star office, we all attending
A discussion in the evening held at the Carpenters
Garrett Road Manchester A Mr Baurretty
attempted to prove the Book of Mormon fals
& water Baptism or Baptism by immersion not esse-
ntial to salvation he was answered by Elder
Corden who proved the Book of mormon true
& Baptism by Immersion a gospel ordinance &
essential to salvation the Discussion was before
1500 people Elder Cordon had the privilege of
preaching to the people. 12 chimneys in the chandeliers ^birst on lighting in the evening^

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a long letter containing two
mamouth sheets giving an account of my
travels from Montrose to the present time
which I sent to Elders E Robinson & D. C. Smith by
the hand of Elder Samuel Mulliner


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cordon, Alfred
28 Feb 1817 - 13 Mar 1871
Smith, Don Carlos, b. 1816
25 Mar 1816 - 7 Aug 1841
Robinson, Ebenezer
25 May 1816 - 11 Mar 1891
3 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions
Muliner, Samuel Mulliner
15 Jan 1809 - 25 Feb 1891
35 mentions


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while the man that tends the gas lights at the Carpenters Hall was light- ing the Chandaliers for a publick discussion 12 of them burst in peaces Elder O Pratt stood beside of me at the time, the man said he had never seen such a thing before, this was to light the Hall to accomodate Mr Berry who pledged himself to prove the Book of mormon fals & water Baptism not essential unto Salvation
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiographical Notes, circa 1850-1880
In company with the Twelve and many other Saints I attended a discussion in the evening held at the Carpenters Hall, Garrett Road, Manchester. One Mr Barrett had tried hard for a length of time to get some of the Twelve to hold a discussion with him, though his continued teazing [president] Brigham Young told him the Twelve would not stoop to discuss any subject with him but if he must discuss the subject of Mormonism he would appo[in]t some body to meet him, as Mr Barrytt would not take no for an answer Brother Alfred Cordon was appo[in]ted to meet him Brother Cordon as it were was a beardless boy yet he had been ordained an Elder & received much of the Spirit of the Lord and they met for this purpose at early candle light, the Stand was occupied on one side by my Methodist Priest, & on the other side by the Twelve Apostles & Elders. The Home was lyted by 3 chandeliers with 12 lights in each lighthed with gass there were some 1500 people present. Mr Barrett pledged him- self to prove th Book of Mormon false & water baptism ^not^ essential to Salvation while Brother Cordon pleged himself to prove the Book of Mormon true & water baptism essential to Salvation. As Mr Barrytt arose & declyaired to the Assembly that he would prove the Book of Mormon false & water baptism not essential to Salvation 4 glass chimneys in each of the chanderliers burst
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Next day I sat in council with the Twelve and many other officers at the Millennial Star Office and in the evening we all attended a discussion held at the Carpenter's Hall between a Mr T [blank space] and Elder Alfred Cordon on the one side to prove the Book of Mormon not true and baptism non-essential to salvation. Elder Cordon sustained the affirmative. The discussion was before 1500 people In lighting the chandeliers before the meeting 12 of the glasses bursted. During the day I filled two mamouth sheets with an account of my travels from Montrose to the present time to send by the hand of Elder Mulliner to E. Robinson and Don Carlos Smith editors of the "Times and Seasons" In Council with the Twelve next day at the house of Willard Richards and on the following Father Peter Melling Patriarch of the Church in England bestowed a Patriarchal blessing upon my head and also upon the heads of brother Willard Richards and his wife who two days after became the mother of as fine a son as I ever saw. He was named Heber John Richards
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
The we attended a dis- cussion held between a sectarian minister and Elder Alfred Cordon on the subject of the Book of Mormon. There were present 1,500 people. This was the first discussion of any note on Mormonism held in Great Britain.


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Oct 7, 1840