Day in the Life

Mar 28, 1841

Journal Entry

March 28, 1841 ~ Sunday

Staffordshire Conference
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints met according to adjournment &
by appointment in the Majestrates assembly
Room in Hanley on Sunday the 28th Day of
March, there being Present W. Woodruff &
G. A. Smith of the Travleling High Council
& one High Priest 13 Elders 28 Priest 10 Teachers
& 8 Deacons the meeting was called to
order by Elder Woodruff at half past ten oclock
when it was moved by Elder Woodruff second
ed by Elder Simpson that Elder G A Smith
be appointed President of the Conference
carried unanimously

moved & carried that Br T. J. Filcher & O. Shaw
be clerks of the meeting.

Moved & carried that Brothers Player, Taylor
Simpson & Burrows, be appointed to assist in
the business of the Day keeping order &c
The President opened the meeting by singing &
prayer & then called upon the officers to
Represent the various Branches of the Church
when Elder Cordon read the minutes of
the Birmingham Conference which represented

member E[lder] P[riest] T[eacher] D[eacon]
Birmingham Conference 112 2 11 5 2
[Elder Cordon represented] Leek Conference 67 2 9 2 2
Elder R Steel [represented] Cox Bank [Conference] 34 1 1 1
E Wm Bradbury [represented] Knutton [Conference] 14 2 1
[E Wm Bradbury represented] Bradley Green 7
Elder Whittaker [represented] Longton 102 2 5 3 1
H Booth [represented] Badley Edge 19 1 1
E W. Smith [represented] New Castle 14 1 3 1 1
E Rowley [represented] Stoke [Conference] 19 1 4 1 1
E W. Bradbury [represented] Hanley & Burslem 144 6 8 4 1
E C Stephenson [represented] Tunstall 23 1 2 1 1
Br Vernon [represented] Chesterfield 10
[Br Vernon represented] Minutes of Mackclesfield Conference 91 2 8 6 3
[Br Vernon represented] scattered 7
Total one High Priest 663 17 54 25 14
^5^ ^8^ ^7^ ^2^
^22^ ^62^ ^32^ ^16^

T It was then moved & carried that Brothers
T. J. Fitcher J. Taylor O Shaw, W Ridge & H
Booth be ordained Elders. Also Brothers
W. Edwards H Simpson
Wm Bradbury J Robinson
E Parker Wm Evans
J Forister & J. Kent Be ordained Priests
Also J Johnson J. Ball
G Taylor J. Billington
T Silcock G. Grocott
& W. Alcock be ordained Teachers
Also R. Brown & H Billington be ordained Deacons
The conference then Adjourned untill half past 2

Met according to adjournment President
opened meeting by Prayer After which 15
of those named for ordination were ordained
under the hands of Elders Woodruff, Smith
& Cordon, Moved & carried that the remaining
ordinations nominated be attended to by Elder

The President then brought up the case of a Br
Mumford Moumford, who was holding the office
of a Priest, from whome fellowship had been
withdrawn by the council of official officers in
consequence of ^his^ practizing fortune Telling,
Magic, Black art &c & called upon Elders Woodruff
& Cordon to express their feelings upon the
sudbject when Elder Woodruff arose, & spoke
Briefly upon the subject, & informed the assemb-
ly that we had no such custom or practice in the
Church, & that we should not fellowship any
individual who Practiced Magic fortune Telling,
Black art &c for it was not of God, when
It was moved & carried by the whole Church
that fellowship be withdrawn from Br

Moved & carried that this conference grant
unto Elders Woodruff & G. A. Smith a letter of
recommendation, manifesting that the Church
in this region, accept of their labours & considerd
that that they have filled their mission with
honour & Dignity

Moved & carried that this conference
adjourn for three Months

G A Smith (President)
T J Fitcher
O Shaw (Clerks)

we had a vary interesting conference on
this occasion it being in the Majestrates assembly
Room which would hold about 800 which was
crouded but in perfect order much ^good^ feelings
was manifest during the Day & a prospect of
a continual increase in the Potteries. I dined with
Elder Taylor & spent the night with Br Box


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cordon, Alfred
28 Feb 1817 - 13 Mar 1871
Whittaker, Andrew Isaac
13 Dec 1812 - 23 Apr 1874
1 mention
1 mention
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1446 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Simpson, George
abt. 1814-1855
1 mention
Booth, Hugh
abt. 1818 - unk.
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
3 mentions
1840 British Convert
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
1 mention
1 mention
1 mention
Evans, William, b. 1818
1818– aft. 1869
16 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Vernon, William
abt. 1802-aft. 1849


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Mission - Letter of Recommendation, 28 March 1841
Alfred Cordon President of Conference Osmond Shaw. Clerk of Conferance
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On Sunday the the Staffordshire Conference of the Church of Latter-day Saints met and there were present of the Twelve George A. Smith and Willford Woodruff with one High Priest 13 Elders 28 Priests 10 Teachers and eight Deacons. The conference was held in the Majestrates Assembly Room. At the close of the Conference it was voted that "This conference grants unto Elders Woodruff and George A. Smith a letter of recomemendation manifesting that the Church in this region accept of their labours and consider that they have filled their mission with honour and dignity" We had a very interesting time on this occassion. The conference was held in a place which would hold 800 and it was crowded; but there was perfect order and much good feeling manifested during the day. There was a good prospect of a continued increase in the Potteries George A. Smith was the President of the Conference and T. J. Fitcher and O Shaw clerks
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
On Sunday, the , the Staffordshire conference met, and there were present of the Twelve, George A. Smith and Wilford Woodruff, with 1 high priest, 13 elders, 28 priests, 10 teachers, and 8 deacons. The confer- ence was held in the Magistrate's Assem- bly Room. At the close of the conference it was voted that "this conference grant unto Elders Woodruff and George A. Smith a letter of recommendation manifesting that the Church in this region accept of their labors and consider that they have filled their mission with honor and dig- nity." We had a very interesting time on this occasion. The conference was held in a place which would hold 800 and it was crowded; but there was perfect order and much good feeling manifested dur- ing the day. There was prospect of a continued increase in the Potteries. George A. Smith was the president of the conference and T. J. Fitcher and O. Shaw, clerks. Next day George A. Smith and my- self met the officers in council at the Hanley Meeting Rooms and gave such advise as we deemed wisdom, and then took our farewell.


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Mar 28, 1841