Day in the Life

Mar 29, 1841

Journal Entry

March 29, 1841 ~ Monday
March 29th I walked to Burslem spent the
Day at Br Johnson's. Br J. A. Smith & Myself
packed up some crockery or china ware that
was given us by the Saints. We met the officers
in council at the Hanly room & gave them
such advise as we thought wisdom had a good
time & took our farewell of them spent the
night at Br Johnsons 10 miles

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Elder D. C. Smith at Nauvoo


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Next George A Smith and myself met the officers in council at the Hanley ^Meeting^ Room and gave
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
On the following we also parted from the Saints at Burslem, took coach to Manchester, and called upon Parley P. Pratt, 47 Oxford Street, and found him and his family enjoying good health.


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Mar 29, 1841