Day in the Life

May 4, 1842

Journal Entry

May 04, 1842 ~ Wednesday

2 3 & 4 spent in the printing office


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Daybook (1841 - May 1844)
May 4th Bough William Clayton cr By 2 sacks 82 1/2 $1.25 8 Wm Clayton Dr to 2 3/4 Butter to 7 1/4 Butter 93 Mr Mccanshir Dr to the Wasp 1.50 Cr By 10 3/4 lbs Bacon at 4 cts 43 Cr By 20 lbs flour 2 cts 40 83 Due 67 cts 23 weeks 4 cts per week (23 x 4) = 92 cts due Temple 92 at 2 cts per week each they wer in May 2 put 2 cans into the Temple Drive Oct 8 took them out Oct 8 June 14 B young Dr to 2 lb Butter 25 Br Fory is to have $2 applyed ofon vol 4 of Times & Seasons which settles for a cap I had of him Due Albert Smith $2 on vol 4th of Times & Seasons which settles all accounts with him


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Millennial Star begins serial publication of Manuscript History of the Church in England.

May 4, 1842