Day in the Life

May 7, 1842

Journal Entry

May 07, 1842 ~ Saturday

May 7th 1842


[Joseph Smith Papers Document] The whole Nauvoo Legion met on parade
this day consisting 23 companies & they
truly made a splended appearance the
whole Legion that were on parade were
not much less than two thousand, &
mostly well dressed in uniform Gen. Joseph
prepared a splendid dinner for
the whole staff intire with their Ladies
A Steem boat Landed under the salute
of their music at noon near Gen Smiths
& landed about 40 Saints mostly from
Herefordshire England


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Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
The whole Legion was mustered and it consisted of 23 companies. The Legion that day on parade numbering not much less than 2 thousand men and officers mostly all ^in^ well dressed uniform truly made a splendid appearance. General Joseph Smith had provided a sumptious dinner for the whole staff with their ladies A steam boat landed at noon, under the salute of the martial band, and landed about forty Saints mostly from Herefordshire England The second Sunday following I attended meeting at the Grove and in the afternoon preached. This was the first time I had spoken to the Church at head quarters for two years At the close of the meeting with brother Charles C. Rich I went to the font and ^we^ baptized ^I was also baptized for^ about one hundred persons mostly for the dead. At this time I was baptized for my great grandfather Josiah Woodruff and my great grandmother his wife. This was


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Millennial Star begins serial publication of Manuscript History of the Church in England.

May 7, 1842