Day in the Life

Jun 1, 1844

Journal Entry

June 01, 1844 ~ Saturday

JUNE 1st

Conference Minutes

The Kalamazoo Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints met at Elder
Ezekiel Lee, in Comstock, CKalamazoo Co Michigan
on the 1st day of June 1844. Their were present
2 of the quorum of the Twelve, viz W. Woodruff
& G. A. Smith; 3 of the High Council

viz. S Bent C. C. Rich & D Fulmer; 5 of the
High Priest quorum, viz H. Green, Z. Coltrin,
Moses Smith, E. Thayer & G. Coltrin.
8 of the Seventies, viz E. Lee Thomas Dunn
E. M. Webb, P. Webb, J. Hatch, J. H. Perry,
W Hubbard, J. Vandeusan & D. Cornish.
14 Elders viz. E. Lee, J Cramer, S. C. Willard
L. Ensign, C. Dunn, Norton Jacobs, D Savage,
P. K. Smith, &c. 2 Priest And 1 Deacon. Total 35.

Conference was called to order by Elder Rich.
Elder W. Woodruff was called to the chair.
Elders C. Dunn & E. M. Webb chosen clerks.
Conference opened by singing & Prayer by the

Representation of churches called for, when the
following Representation was given

The Kalamazoo Branch rep By E. Lee Members 44 6 E[lders] 1 P[riest] 1 D[eacon]
Grand Prairie Branch CKalamazoo Co M. 8 1 E.
Ossego Branch Aligan Co. M. 6 1 E. 2 P. 1 T[eacher]
Pawpaw [Branch] Van Buren Co. M. 8 3 E [P] [T] [D]
Albian [Branch] Calhoon Co members 26 2 E. 1 P. 1 D
Fleorrence [Branch] St Joseph Co members 10 1 E [P] [T]
Motville [Branch St Joseph] [members] 7 1 E.
Barry Co. [members] 7
Scattering [members] 10 E P T D
Total 126 15 4 1 2

It was moved and carried that Gideon Brownell,
Jonathan Williard, And Charles Lee, be ordained Elders
And Seth Taft to the office of a Priest
And John W. Tyrril Teacher

The above named persons were ordained unto
the offices assigned them under the hands of
Elders W. Woodruff, G. A. Smith, Z. Coltrin, S. Bent
& D. Fulmer

It was moved and carried that we sustain
Elders Charles C. Rich & Harvy Green, in their
appointment to preside over the state of Michigan
assigned them by the quorum of the Twelve.

The day was occupied in giving much importan
instruction to the Elders. The assembly was
first addressed by the President, who was followed
by Elders G. A. Smith, Samuel Bent, C. C. Rich,
Z. Coultrin, Harvy Green, David Fulmer Ezekiel
, Graham Coltrin, E. M. Webb, & Crandell Dunn.
The Elders were strictly charged to keep within
the limits of the first principles of the gospel & let
mysteries alone. it was assertained that some
were unwise had preached fals things. such
things were corrected.

The congregation was dismissed & the Elders
Assembled together & was addressed by the
President, & Elder G. A. Smith who forcibly urged
home to their minds the necessity of their persuing
a wise course in relation to their teaching, to let what
they called the mysteries alone. the names of some
were called, as an exhample to the rest, who dhad
been unwise in their teaching, among whom was
Elders Kyser D. Cornish, & Keyzer. we were also
informed that Elder Bottom was injuring the
cause; As their was such a number of Elders present
the greatest care was taken, to give evry necessary
information information in regard to their missions
that they might persue a wise policy in all things
assigned them.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
352 mentions
Fullmer, David
7 Jul 1803 - 22 Oct 1879
41 mentions
Thayer, Ezra
17 mentions
Zion's Camp
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1438 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Bent, Samuel
19 Jul 1778 - 16 Aug 1846
10 mentions
Zion's Camp
Coltrin, Zebedee
7 Sep 1804 - 21 Jul 1887
43 mentions


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Mission - Kalamazoo Conference Minutes, 1-2 June 1844
county, Michigan, on the . There were present two of the quorum of the Twelve, viz: W. Woodruff and George A. Smith; three of the High Council, viz: S. Bent, C. C. Rich and D. Fulmer; five of the High Priest's quorum, viz: H. Green, Z. Coltrin, Mo- ses Smith, E. Thayer and G. Coltrin; eight of the Seventies, fourteen Elders; two priests, and one deacon; total, 35. Conference was called to order by elder C. C. Rich; W. Wood- ruff was called to the chair; C. Dunn and E. M. Webb chosen clerks. Conference was opened by singing and prayer by the president. The following branches were then represen- ted: The Kalamazoo branch represented 44 mem- bers, six elders, one priest and one deacon. Grand Prairie branch represented eight mem- bers, one elder. Otsego branch represented 6 members, one elder, two priests and one teacher. Pawpaw branch represented eight members, three elders. Albion branch represented 26 members, two elders, one priest and one deacon. Florence branch represented 10 members, one elder. Motville branch represented seven members, one elder. Scattering members, 10. Total, 126 members, 15 elders, four priests, one teacher and two deacons. It was moved and carried that Gideon Brown- ell, Jonathan Willard and Charles Lee, be or- dained elders. Also Seth Tuft, to the office of a priest. Also W. Tyrril, to the office of a teacher. The above named persons were then ordain- ed under the hands of elders S. Bent, Z. Col- trin and D. Fulmer. It was moved and carried that we sustain el-
Letter to Aphek and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 1 June 1844
Comstock, Kalamazoo, Co. Michigan, Father & Mother Woodruff, Dear parents. I feel Disposed to address a few lines to you to infoerm you that I have commenced my Summer work ie to attend a long list of Conferences which lie through the western middle & New England States. You probably may have seen the list of coferences which we publish in the Times & Seasons, but lest you might have missed of it I will make metion of it here. The following places the quoroum of the Twelve were Expecting to visit. Quincy, Princes Grove, Ottaway & Chicago, in Illinois. Comstock, Pleasant Valley, & Franklin, Michigan. Kirtland, Ohio. Lockport, Batavia, Portage, Hamilton, Oswego, Adams, London, State of New York. Boston, Salem, New Bedofrd, Mass Petersboroug N. H. Scarborough & Vinal Haven, Maine. Westfield Mass July 27 & 28 (Farmington Aug 3th. New Haven July 13, ^&^ 14, Aug 10, ^&^ 11, Canan Aug 17, 18 Norwalk 24, 25, Connecticut) New York City, Philadelphia, Washington City Sept 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, &c. I Expect to attend those Conferences on most of them especially, Westfield Farmington & New Haven so you may Expect a visit from me the first of August I shall be thare on the 3 & 4th if the Lord will & probably some of the Twelve with me; I dont know what a chance their will be for a Conference in Farmington but I thought I would appoint one any how & pay you a visit of nothing more, for I do not intend at any time to go through New England without calling at my fathers house. We understand that the work is prospering well in the regions of New Haven so it will be necessary to hold a conference there, & we have approved an Elder to go to Hartford that will be capable of meeting any thing that that City can present. Perhaps the people in Farmington would like to come out to attend one of our Conferences & some good might be done. I should be pleased to have Uncle Ozem Woodruff to be there & as many of his family as feel disposed Aunt Hannah &c. Aunt [Anna Hart Cossett|Cossett]] & Betsey, Bulah &c if they are alive & able & all who have any friendly feelings. I have not heard from Aunt Cossetts family since I herd from Betsey By letter which gave a distressing accoung of her mother. I have often remembered her in my prayers but know not how she is Neither have I herd any thing from Dwight & Eunice since they wrote me that they were coming west I suppose they have gone but know not I moved my family into the new house the day before I left. I got two rooms done off & the rest of the house is not finished for I
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the we held the Kalamazoo Conference in Comstock Kalamazoo Co. Michigan. There were present 2 of the quorum of the Twelve—Wilford Woodruff and George A Smith; 3 High Priests ^council^—S. Bent Charles C. Rich and D. Fulmer; 5 of the High Priest quorum—H Green, Z Coltrin Moses Smith, E Thayer and G. Coltrin and also 8 of the Seventies, 14 Elders 2 Priests and 1 Deacon. The Conference was called to order by Elder Charles C. Rich when Elder Wilford Woodruff was chosen to the chair and Elders C. Dun^n^ and E M Webb as clerks of the Conference. The various Branches were represented & President C. C. Rich in council with the officers after the close of the Conference appointed the Elders to their stations in the different counties of the state and he manifested much wisdom in arranging his plans in carrying out his work both on politics and religion in the state of Michigan that season


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford completes brick home in Nauvoo; over the next 2 years he lives in it for less than 6 weeks.

Jun 1, 1844