Sunday morning June 2nd A large & respetable
Audiance was assembled by 10 oclok A.M. among whom
which was composed of many of the most
respectable citizens of the county, who were
addressed in the forenoon by Elder W. Woodruff
followed by Elder Z Coltrin. And in the Afternoon
by Elder G. A. Smith, followed by Elders D. Fulmer
S. Bent, & C. C. Rich all of which ably set forth
the first principles of the gospel of Christ, & deliverd
their testimony (attended with the spirit & power
of God) unto the audiance who sat in silence &manifesting
great interest and attention. At the close of the
meeting that warmth of friendship, & ^feeling of^ kindness of
that marks the noble & generous soul was manifest
by many of the assembly among whom was Gen.
Comstock, & Dr Hood.
At the adjournment of the conference the Elders
were again called together & President C. C. Rich
Proceded to appoint the Elders their stations in the
different counties in the state
Adjourned sine die
(W. Woodruff President)
(Crandell Dunn
E. M. Webb Clerks)
We have had an interesting conference & good
time iwith the Saints. General Rich manifested
much wisdom in concocking his plans in carriying
out his work both on politics & religion, in the state
of Michigan this season. we took up a collection
to assist us on our mission & obtained $4.50 & I
sold $8.25 cts worth of Books. we took the parting
hand with many of the Saints & Elders who began
to scatter abroad we spent the night with Elder Lee.
Elder Lee prooferd [proffered] to Elder Smith if he would returned
he would give him 2 Boxes of fine Honey comb to take home
with him one for his wife & one for mine
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