Day in the Life

Jun 23, 1845

Journal Entry

June 23, 1845 ~ Monday

23 [FIGURES] I recieved 2 letters one from Mrs
Woodruff & one from R. Hedlock I wrote
2 Letters one to Mrs Woodruff & the other to
Br Hedlock. Sisters Eliza (Coffin) Emms, Elizabeth
, Deborah Scammel & several others raised
a subscription of about one pound to get me a good
wescoat, so I started this morning at 5 oclock & walked
5 miles to Br Laudent to buy of him a peace of
black silk velvet as he manufactured the article he
took me to the master of the shop who showed
me the best peace he had which was in the Loom &
I had to wait for some of it to be wove in order
to get enough for A pattern Sister Deborah Scammel
cut & made it for me after returning home from
this place we called & dined with a brothers &
then went into the borough & called upon Br
Wm Booth & spent the Afternoon & took tea
with a number of the Saints. Sister Booth was
totally blind & had been for two years which is a great
trial to her & the family we walked out in the evening &
attended A London singing school After which I
returned home with Br Davis deing quite weary &
spent the night whole distance of the day on the
pavements in London in a new pair of Boots cost £1–3
which left me sore feet at night 25 miles


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Letter from Maryan Emmett and Mary Douglas, 23 June 1845
Clithero Dear brother in christ i now take up my pen to right to you hoping to find you in good health as it leaves me at pressent since you left us we boath ^have^ ad maney Temtation and if we were to give way to them we soon ^shuld be^ over come i thing a great Deal of wat you said to me while you where h^e^ar at maney times i feel temted almost To give way the Lord has hether too brought ^us^ we still feiel to rejoice we hope the Time is not far distant when we shall have done with them all and if you have A word of comfort or consolation we shuld be verey glad to receve it And we wish you to right to us when you have an opertunity We send our love to you and your wife and brother Hedlock and brother ward We have send the cap and the border So no more at pressent from yours in the new and everlasting covnant Direct to Mis Mary an Emmett hold hall Clithero Maryan Emmett and Mary Dougles


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First Thursday of the month designated for fasting and prayer (later changed to first Sunday by Wilford).

Jun 23, 1845