I wrote A Letter to Br & Sister Hiram
Clark & agreed to attend a quarterly conference
on Sunday the 29th I spent most of the day
at home writing In the Afternoon the man of
the house curse & swore & quarrelled badly with
his wife & children & much abused his wife with
Language that was disgraceful I spent most of
the day in writing in the evening in company
with Br & Sister Booth & Br Davis I visited the
Biographical and Descriptive Sketches of the
Destinguished Characters which compose the
Madame Tassaud And Sons have the the
gratfication to possess the coronation robes of
George the Fourth and the Emperor Napoleons
a most extraordinary sight to be under one roof
with an endless variety of relics of evry descrip-
tion which would fatigue the reader to ennum-
I have never in my travels seen any thing that
could begin to compare with the exhibition above
spoken of I purchased on entering a Book giving
a description of the contents of each room, the
cost of fitting up this exhibition must amounted
to Millions of Dollars, in this exhibtion could be
seen the exact appearance of the crowning of
the Queen of England & her courts at various
times & the Kings & Queens of England for centuries
& the Kings and Emperors of Europe, celebrated
Poets, oretors & Lords of the earth among which
stood General Washington in his dress of state
A Byron, Shakespeer, Voltair, Luther, Calven, Knox
Wesley & many others found among the groop
& what makes the scenery interesting is the
identical coronations robes with all their diamonds
stars pre[c]ious stones & costly array which they wore
in life are there. The sleeping beauty of France
with her jewels jems, necklace of brilliants around
her while her bosom heaves with breath while asleep
looks as natural as life Nepoleon under almost
evry circumstance of life is there represented the
Identical carriage with all its convenience for
sleeping, writindg, deposit for armour that he
rode in at the battle of watterloo is there & the
bed he died upon as [at] St Hellena, with his dressing
case gold snuff box, knives, pens, pencils, & all
small articles that he used about him their
is nothing fictitious but real except the
personages being of wax figures & their express
ion, countenances looking so much like life
& then some of them moving by clockwork
that wone would naturally suppose they were
living beings. The following is merly an extra
extrat of some of the characters & names that
are to be seen.
FIRST GROUP in honor of her ^{most glorious}^ Magesty &
the Duke of wellington
1st Her Majesty Victoria dresed in a full court costume
2nd Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg in a field marshal's uniform
3rd His Grace the Duke of wellington uniform of a brittish General
4th Nicholas I Emperor of Russia. uniform {of the} R Guards
5 Archbishop of Canterbury in robes worn ownly at the coronation
6th H. R. H. The Duchess of Kent in full coronation Robe
7th Frederick William IV Present King of Prussia
8th The Queen Dowager in a court Dress
9th Espartero, late regent of Spain uniform Spanish general
10th Louis Philippe king of the French in the costumes
of the national worn by himself
11th Comodore Napier As an Admiral.
12 Lord John Russel
13th Mehemet Ali in a Turkish costume
14 Charles XIV King of Sweeden And Norway
uniform of the Sweedish Guard
15th The Marquis of Anglesea uniform of a Hussar
16 Sir Robert Peel Bart.
17 Lord Hill Late Commander-In Chief
in the uniform of an English General
18th Marquis of Wellesley brother to the duke of
wellington in the cloths & orders worn by
him at the court of George the IV.
19th Lord Palmerston
20th HRH The Late Princes[s] Augusta in the
Actual dress she wore at the coronation of
Queen Victoria
21st His Majesty George the IV The figure of
his Majesty wearing the orders of the Garter Bath
and Guelph was modelled from life, the Robe
complete in evry respect worn by his Majesty
was that used in the Procession to Westminister
Abbey And measured seven yards long by three
wide, it was borne by nine eldest sons of Peers.
The robe placed on your extreem right, under
the looking glass, was used at the opening of
Parliament that on your left similarly placed
was the purple, or imperial Robe, used on his
Magesty' return from the Abbey. The three
robes contain five hundred & sixty seven feet of
velvet and embroidery and with the ermine
lining cost £18,000 or $90,000 dollars.
He was crowned 19th July 1821 Died in the 68 year of
his age, & on the 10 of his reign on the 26th June 1830
22nd George I In the robes of the order of the Thistle
23rd His Magesty George III In the robes of St Patrick
24th Princes[s] Charlotte of Wales dressed in a full court costume
25th HRH The late Duke of Kent in the
Robes and habit of the order of the bath wearing all
the Royal orders
26th Leopold I King of Belgium in the full habit of
the garter taken from Life in 1817
27th Her Majesty the Late Queen Charlotte in a full
court dress of her period wearing the hoop &c
28 HRH The Duke of Cambridge in a full field
marshall uniform with the coronation robe
& with all the Royal collars
29th George II In the full robes of the garter as
worn at that Period with the ancient collar
30th HRH. The Late Duke of York in the full robes
of the garter wearing various Royal orders
31 His Late Majesty William IV In the magnificent
coat worn by himself as Lord High Admiral of England
32 His Majesty King of Hanover in a full field Marshalls
Uniform with the robes of the bath collars &c
33 Queen Caroline in a court dress of the period
34 H.R.H. The Late Duke of Sussex in a suit of cloth
worn by himself as colonel of the city Artillery
wearing the mantle he wore at the coronation of Queen Victoria
Representing the coronation of her most Gracious
Majesty Queen Victoria. Her Majesty dressed in her
royal robes is seated on the Throne having on her head
the imperial crown & in her hands the sceptre & orb
Near the Queen the Archbishop of Canterbury is implo-
ring a blessing supported by the Archbishop of York
And the Lord Bishop of London. The throne
is the Identical one under which George IV
recieved the Allied sovreigns. all the figures
are dressed in strict accordance with the regula-
tion at the coronation
35 Her Most Gracious Magesty Victoria
36 Lord Melbourn in the robes of A Peer
37 Arch Bishop of York in robes worn ownly
at the coronation
38 Duke of New Castle In A Peers Robes &
uniform of Lord Lieutenant wearing the collar o[f] the garter
39 Marquis of Londonderry uniform of the 4th Hussars
40 Marquis of Normonby in the robes of a peer and
a knight of the order of St Patrick
41. Bishop of London in a bishop full dress
42 Earl Grey in A Peers robes and coat of a minister
43 Duke of Sutherland
44 Duke of Devonshire court Diplomatic Dress
45 Lord Liyndhurst in the robes of a peer
46th Lord Vicount Nelson in the uniform of An Admiral
47 Right Honorable George Canning
Representing the most celebrated characters of
the Late war includindg the members of the
Holy Alliance
Description= The figure pointing to the Eagle represents
Buonaparte Immediately behind him, Marshal Ney &
next to the Pedestial is Murat the Late King of Naples
behind them stand Prince Talleyrand & Roustan the
favourite Mameluke. The figure seated is intended
for the Emperor of Austria; behind him next to
the Pedestial the kind [king] of Prussia and the brave
Blucher, with Allexander Emperor of Russia offering
on behalf of the Allied monarchs the Kingdom
of France. The intention of the Group is to show
at one view the Principal actors in a war which
can never have a parallel; to give to give effect
to which the Allied Monarchs are supposed to be
offering to Napoleon the kingdom of France as
it was under Louis XIV (an historical fact) which
he refuses perfering to risk the chance of war
against Europe in arms rather than give up his prete-
ntions to universal dominion. Napoleon grasping that
sword which opened the road to the highest pinna-
cle of renown points to his favourite Eagle, and
determines never to submit, but to fulfill his destiny
The Eagle surmounting the whole was presented
by Napoleon to his Imperial Guard and was taken
at Waterloo by the Prussians under Von Bulou
57 Portrait Model of his Royal Highness prince of Wales
57 HRH The Prince of wales & Princes[s]
Royal in theire splended cot of the same as the
original at the Palace
Fifth or Armour Group
Interesting Group of Historical characters
in magnificent suits of Armour with the
badge of the Garter—period 1649 [FIGURES]
Cromwell is supposed to communicate
to the unfortunate Charles his death warrent
58th Charles Ist In a magnificent suit
of chevelier Armour with the bad[g]e of
the Garter period 1669
59th Oliver Cromwell in his favorite
dress. born April 1st 1594 Died Sept 3
60th Charles IInd in A suit of chevalier
Armour with the badge of the garter
61 Wolsey In the dress of A cardinal
-[62]- John of Arc As represented at Versailles
63rd Henry IV of France in a suit
of chevalier Armour withe badge of the
Holy Ghost He granted toleration to the
Protestants was Assassinated by Ravillac
May 14 1610
64th Francis I of France in a cap a pie-suit
of the time with the badge of the virgin
The unfortunate Mary Gueen of Scots
Reproved by John Knox
This Group is intended to represent at
one view the celebrated characters of the
15th centaury to give effect to which John
Knox is supposed to be insulting the Queen
(an historical fact) which she bore with
Great resignation. Near Queen Mary
stands Henry the VIII and his daughter
Queen Elizabeth, behind John Knox are
figures of the great reformers Luther and Calvin
65 Mary Queen of Scotts the costume
copied from an original picture
66 King Henry the Eighth in the costume
of Francis I. He was the Hardest harted
villian And the most consomate wretch
that ever sat on a throne, lived to the
Age of 55 reigned 37 years during which
he sacrificed the lives of thousands He
had six wives two of whome were
67 Queen Elizabeth from A picture
At Hampton Court Palace by Holbein
68 John Knox costume of the day
69 John Calvin in clerical Dress
70 Martin Luther the costume from
An original statue
71 James II in A miliatary dress of 1687
72 William III In a milatary dress of the period
FAME standing on A Pedestial between Pitt & Fox
73 Rt. Hon William Pitt As a Master of Arts
74 Rt. Hon C. J. Fox As A Master of Arts
75 Earl Eldon Taken in 1833
76 Joseph Holme ESQ taken from life in 1836
77 Daniel O Connell Esqr
78 Lord Brougham
79 Sir Francis Burdett
80 Earls of Leicester
81 Earl Spencer
82 Lord Durham taken from life
83 Lord Byron taken from A bust
84 Sir Wm Scott taken from life in
Edinborgoh in 1828 by Madam Tassaud
[FIGURE] 85 George Washington dressed as the
President of America taken from
A bust executed from Life this person-
age bespoke as much dignity as any
member of the Group
86 William Cobbett in the stile of Dress
usually worn by him
87 Richard Cobden Esqr
Louis the Sixteenth his queen And the children
88 Louis the Sixteenth of France
costume of the Saint Espirit.
89 Maria Antionette Queen of Louis XVI
90 The Dauphin in the dress usuall worn at the period
91 The Duchess Dangouleme
92 Voltaire Ancient costume taken from
life two months before his death
93 A coquett in the dress usually worn
by ladies at the period
94 Madam Saint Amaranthe (or sleeping beauty)
95 The Artist taken by himself
96 The Rev John Wesley As A Doctor of Arts
97 Rev John Clows AM
98 Baron Sweedenborg costume Senator of Sweeden
99 Shakespeare 100 J P. Kimball Esqr
101 Mrs Siddons in the character of Queen Catherine
102 Mr Liston in the character of Paul pry
103 The vary Rev Theobald Mathew usually
called father Mathew
104 Madame Malibran De Beriot
105 Paganina
106 Frost the Chartist Leader
107 Commissioer Lin And his favourite consort
108 An Infant found on the River Seine
109 An Infant represents son of Madame Tassaud
110 Charles S Stratton known as General Tom Thumb
He weighed at his birth nine lbs
And 2 oz is now 14 years of age his present
wait is but 15 lbs
101 The celebrated campbed used by the
Emperor Napoleon 7 years at St Hellena with
the original mattresses And pillow on which He
died. And on which he is represented lying in
state in his chasseurs uniform coverd with the
identical cloak He wore at Marengo And prized
so highly that he expressly left it by will to his
son the king of Rome In it he lay in soldiers glory
And it served as his pall to the grave. They paid for
the bed alone £550. The likeness of the Emperor
102 The representation of the Regalia of France the
crown of Charlemagne the septere with the Eagle
103 Coronation Robe of Napoleon
104 Coronation Robe of the Empress Josephine the train
of which at her coronation was bourn by 4 Queens
105 Two Girandoles presented by the Emperor Napoleon
At a cost of £800
106 Magnificent clock & candalabras with the
chene. Marble chimney piece, looking Glass frame &c
107 Figure of the Emperor Napoleon & in the Identical
cloths he wore at Helena waistcoat small cloths stockings
morning gown, sword belt, late property of Prince Lucien
108 The celebrated flag of Elba which Napoleon presented
to the National Guards of Elba afterwards used by him
on his return to france it was Again presented to his Guard
before the battle of waterloo was taken by the Prusians
this flag acconpanied Napolion in the most interesting
period of his marvellous History
109 The Identical sword worn And used by Napoleon
during his campaign in Egypt
110 A Diploma with Napoleon signature
111 A sword of honor picked up at waterloo name Junat
112 The {cradle} or cradle of the son of Napoleon the king
of Rome valued at £500 sterling
113 Gold Repeating watch presented by Napoleon to Mali
114 Cameo ring preseted by Napoleon to Prince Lucian
115 Diamond found in the carriage when taken
116 Napoleon's tooth brush
117 Table knife taken in the carriage at Waterloo
118 Pair of shue socks worn by the Emperor
119 The Emperor Pocket Hankerchief
120 Under Neck Handkerchief the Emperor wore at St Helena
121 Extraordianary And probably the most curious relic
in existance the counterpane used on the camp bed on
which Napoleon Died Marked with his BLOOD
122 Dessert knife fork and spoon bequeathed by the Emperor
to his brother the ex king of spane
123 Coffee cup used by the Emperor at St Helena
124 Splendid Gold snuff presented by Napoleon to Prince Lucian
125 Spoon taken in the carriage 126 Also smelling Bottle
127 Tooth of Napoleon 128 Instrument that drew the tooth
129 Belt of the King of Rome mounted with fine gold
130 A singular secret clock containing small figure of Napoleon
131 Shirt, waistcoat Drawers, Madras Handkerchief worn
by the Emperor in Exhile
Busts 132 of Princes[s] Eliza 1323 Maria Eliza 134 Napoleon
135 Lucien by Trentenova [blank] Pictures
136 Magnifficent Gallery Picture by order of the Emperor
137 Full Portrait of the Empress Maria Louise worked
in Tapestry value £1000.
138 Josephine in her Imperial costume
139 Prince Lucien 140 The King of Rome
141 Madam Mere Napoleons Mother
142 The Princes Caroline Queen of Naples wife of Murat
143 Napoleon crossing the Alps NB It will be noticed
that this room contains Napoleon's Mother as General
Emperor Exile and in Death
144 The table of the Marshalls Presented by Napoleon
to Paris in 1810
This painting on Porcelain formed of a single slab
ten feet two inches in circumference was ordered by
Napoleon on his return from the battle of Austerlitz it
contains 14 portraits correct likenesses of the following
Persons Napoleon in the centre at full length in his
Imperial Robes seated on a throne of bronze represented
as A star surrounded by 13 rays upon which are
inscribed the following names Wertengen, Hemmingen
Flechengin, Ulm, Augsbourg, Braunau, Lintz Diernstern
Vienne, Inspruck, Brunn, Austenlitz And Presburg
The first cost of this slab was £12,000 or $60,000
Second Room carriage taken at waterloo
145 The celebrated & highly curious military carriage of
the Emperor Napoleon in which He made the campaign
of Russia And which was captured on the evening
of the battle of waterloo And sent with the officer
that took it to the Prince Regent from whom it was
perchased for £2,500. 800,000 paieople have paid to see
it. It accompanied Napolien in many of his campaigns
And was used by him as sovreign of Elba
It was so constructed as to make good accomodations
for riding sleeping writing, eating storing Arms &c
I Wilford Woodruff sat in this carriage in which
Napoleon had spent so many Anxious hours &
from which he gave command in his last battle
even that of waterloo
146 whip picked up on the spot whare the carriage was taken
147 The curious Toilette Box presented by Maria Louise to the Emperor
this was taken with its contents & 300 diamonds of
great value by the Russians at waterloo
148 Superb bust of Napoleon
149 Desert service of 28 pieces used by the Emperor at St Hellens
150 Exquisite Miniatures in oil by Monsiur Mansion
151 Travelling case in which was carried Napoleon
Mattresses pillow &c
Purchased by Messrs Tassauds at the sale of Dis. R.D. the
Duke of Sussex at Messrs Christies
1 peace of cloth of gold. 2 Ribon of Lord Nelson. 3 Star &
garter presented by George IV to the Duke of Sussex.
4 Snuff Box of James II. 5 Paste star of the Duke of Sussex
6th Cap worn by the Duke in the presence of her Majesty
7 Three embroiderd stars of the garter. 8 Riband of the garter
thistle And St Patric 9th Order of the garter worn by the Duke
10 Shoe of Pope Pius VI. (11 Autograph of George IV & William IV
12 Hair of the Late Marquis of wellessley (13 Handkerchief
of George IV (14. Hair of George III. (15. knife with Margarett
Nicholson attemped to assassinate George III (16 pair
of spurs of the Duke of Sussex worn at Court
152 Count DeLorge As in prision in the Bastile
153 Marat Taken immediately After his assination by
Charlott Corday with a knife in his bath
154–155 Burke And Hare taken Burke 3 Hours after his
execution And Hare in prision there trade was killing
people for there bodies to be desected
156 Robespierre Taken immediately after his execution
157 Carrier Taken immediately after his execution In seven
instances He caused 24 innocent persons to be but [put] to death
in one day but was at last guillotined 1794
158 Foquier Tinville [Taken immediately after his execution] Devoted 80 persons to death in
4 hours But was at last guillotined 1794
159 Hebert [Taken immediately after his execution] was guillotined 1794
160 Ravaillae for stabbing Henry the IV His right hand
was consumed in boiling brimstone his flesh was pulled
off his bones with red hot pinchers boiling oill rosin &
brimstone was poured on his wounds And melted lead on
his Navel was then drawn in quarters by 4 Horses
161 The original cast of Burkes face 162–163 Stewart And
His wife taken from there faces 3 hours after there
execution poisoned And robed a captain of a Vessel
164 Greenacre Murdered Hannah Brown And executed 1837
165 Daniel McNaughten shot Mr Drummon thinking it
was Sir Robert Peel is now at St Lukes insane
166 Courvoisier Murdered Lord William Russel, executed 1840
167 Richard Gould Murdered Mr Templeman And transpo[rte]d
168 Dennis Colllns Attempted the life of William IV
was transported but died on the way
169 Daniel Good. Murdered Jane Jones And burned her bed
170 Edward Oxford shot at Queen Victoria & prince
Albert to kill them but missed
171 Sir William Courtney Dressed as king of Jerrusalem
He shot a constable And an officer He with 17 of his
followers was killed and wounded
172 John Francis found guilty of High treason for
shooting at her Magesty
173 Job John Ward murdered Timothy Easthead 18 months old
174 Fieschi Attempted the Life of the king of the french
And his sons He with his confederates wer guillotined
Models And Relics
175 Model of the Guillotine
176 Model of the Bastile (177 Shirt of Henry IV
worn by himself when stabed by Ravillac with
the Blood still to seen upon the shirt
178 An Egyptian Mummy 179 Case containing the Mummy
180 Holloway Murdered his wife in a horrible manner
181 Corder. 182 Mr Kean
Cabinet Figures
183 Louis XVI And the DUC. D. Ordeans
184 Tippoo Saib was killed fighting May 4 1799
185 Tippoo Saib Sultana 186 Cleopatra Dying
187 Socrates Dying 188 Volta^i^re at the age of fifty
189 Madame Popeire A fish woman
190 Shepherd And Sheep
191 Shepherd And Shepherdess
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