Day in the Life

Jun 25, 1845

Journal Entry

June 25, 1845 ~ Wednesday

June 25 I attended a tea meeting with the Saints
in London & had a good time I deliverd my
farewell address to them. After walking to
the borough with Br Davis & some of the Saints
I returned with him & spent the night at
Br Joiners distance of the day 12 miles


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Letter from Aphek Woodruff, b. 1778 and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 25 June 1845
Farmington Dear Son & Daughter Wilford & Phebe Woodruff Days weeks & months have elapsed since your Parents commen- enced looking for a communication from their Children the other side the atlantic, but they looked in vain, they however had the satisfaction at length (th o, a mysterious one,) of hearing secondhanded by the way of sister Betsy that they were in the land of the living & in the enjoyment of health which we were truly glad to learn, yet we were much pugzzled in our minds as to what it could all mean for we knew that Son Wilford had ever paid special attention to addressing his Parents by way of writing & particularly so when at England, but we could not understand why a Letter should not come as direct here as to simsbury & yet we could not feel that he would now pay less attention to his Parents than formerly under their present peculiar cirscumstances, but, we had finally concluded to write you without waiting longer to hear from you—when about three days since your father brought in a Letter saying, he believed it was from Webster, I took it very anxiously & said, are you sure it is from Nauvoo—he thought so. I commenced reading it & had poerused some lines before I found that it was actually from England this was under date of April 18th we were rejoiced to learn as we did there from that you were enjoying good health through the mercy & favor of God & also that you had the heartfelt joy of learning that your little one you left behind is also alive & well together with other friends, your Letter was all interesting but yet w[e] [c]ould not feel that this was the first, written by you to us since your arrival at England your father said he was sure this must the second & I thought truly the exspression that you had not heard a word from us denoted that you had previously written, as the understanding between us was that I should write after hearing from you—But I will Inform you somewhat of our situation the winter past, we have both enjoyed comfortable health for the most part, your father has laboured in the old Saw Mill thro the winter when he has not at Wards, or the Doctors old Mill, he ^has^ taken charge of both which has
Mission - English Copyright Registry Certificate, 7 June 1845
Witness my hand, this . -Geo. Greenhill - Registering Officer appointed by the Stationers` Company. [stamp] STATIONERS COMPANY. COPYRIGHT REGISTRY.


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First Thursday of the month designated for fasting and prayer (later changed to first Sunday by Wilford).

Jun 25, 1845