26. I spent the day writing and reading
I wrote 4 letters to Susan, Eugenia, Phebe & Cozy Sholes
The following is a copy of the Testimony of the Apostle
Wilford Woodruff to be published to the whole world
St George Temple Feb 22 1879
To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
throughout Zion and throughout the world Greeting
I feel desireous to once more while in the flesh, By the
word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ to bear my
testimony unto you as the Church and Kingdom of God
Esstablished on the Earth By the God of Heaven in this
last dispensation and fullness of times. I also wish to bear
my testimony to all Nations under heavens Emperors
Kings, Presidents, Statesmen, Governors, Judges, all
Rulers and the rulled, Jew and Gentile who dwell upon
the face of the whole Earth My Testimony is this unto
all Men and Nations. That you live in the day and hour
of the Judgments of God Almighty. You live in the day
and generation when the God of Israel has set his hand
to perform his work his strange work in the Latter days
Yoy live in the age in which God will bring to pass the
fulfillment of that flood of Prophesy and revelation
which has been spoken by all the Prophets since the world
began, which stands recorded in the Sacred Books of
Divine truth, And the fullmfillment of those revelations
will involve the Destiny of the whole world Jew and Gentile
rich and poor, High and low, saint and sinner Babylon and
Zion. Therefore prepare yourselves O ye inhabitants of
the Earth for the hour of Gods Judgments is at the door
As it was in the days of Noah and Lot so shall it be
in the days of the coming of the Son of man [Matthew 24:37]. First to
the Saints of God who have Entered into covenant with
the Lord and have been ordained unto the Holy
Priesthood. if you are living your religion and
Enjoying the spirit of inspiration which is your Duty
you know as gGod Lives, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of
God, that He recived the Administration of Angels, that He
brought forth the Book of Mormon and translated it By
the power of God. you know He received the fulness of
the Everlasting Gospel, and the Holy Priesthood, and
Apostleship, and the Keys there off, and He organized
the Church of Christ the ownly true and living Church
upon the face of the whole Earth with its gifts and graces
thereoff with which the Lord is well pleased [Doctrine and Covenants 1:30]; you
also know Joseph Smith the Prophet left his testiment
upon the Earth, and sealed that testiment with his
own life and Blood, and that testiment is in force
upon all the world. And that Testiment is filled with
the revelations of God that stands upon its pages
like flames of Living fire, ready to be fulfilled upon
all the inhabitants of the Earth. In this testiment the
Lord has commanded his servants to go to all the world
and Preach this gospel of the Kingdom to Every creature
as far as doors can be opened. He has also commanded
his servants to visit New York, Albany, & Boston, and
all the Notible cities and villages of the world, and
reproving them of their ungodly deeds and warning them
of the Desolation and utter abolishment which awaits
them if they reject the servants of God or their testimony [Doctrine and Covenants 84:114]
for with you saith the Lord Almighty I will rend
their Kingdoms. I will shake not ownly the Earth but
the starry Heaven shall tremble you cannot see it now
but soon you shall see it and know that I an God [Doctrine and Covenants 84:118-119]
ye Latter Day Saints do ye not know these things are
true. You do, and so do I, for the spirit of God bears
record, and the record is truth, and truth abideth forever
under these circumstances what manner of men and women ought
we to be [3 Nephi 27:27] are we prepared as a people for thesse great Events which
await us as a people. Judge ye, what is our duty as saints of
the Living God. It is our duty to humble ourselves befor the
Lord and call upon his name untill we are filled with the
Holy Ghost and the spirit of Inspiration, walk in the
Light of Christ, Pay our Tigesthes and offerings, keep the
commandments of God, and have faith in his word, remem-
ber and honor our covenants, obligations, and ordinan-
ces we hav entered into in the Holy Places and Temples of our
God. We should unite ourselves together in a temporal
as well as spiritual point of view, as directed by the
wise men of Israel. We should seek to build up the kingdom
of God and Zion and not alone ourselves. When we do
thiese theings then we are prepared as a people to let
our Prayers ascend into the Ears of the Lord of Sabaoth from
one End of Heaven to the other, and they will be heard and
answered upon our heads [Doctrine and Covenants 87:7]. Again this Testiment which
Joseph Smith has left contains a revelation and Commandment
from God out of Heaven concerning the Patriarchal
order of Marriage. The Lord has commanded us to have ^our^ wives
and children sealed to us for time and Eternity that we may
have them with us in our family organization in
the Resurrection to dwell with us forever in the Eternal
worlds that we may have an increas of posterity forever
in connextion with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all
the Ancient Patriarch's And God Our Heavenly Father
Knowing that this was the ownly Law ordained by
the Gods o[f] Eternity that would Exhalt Immortal
Beings to Kingdoms, Thrones, Principalities, Powers and
dominions and heirs of God, and Joint heirs of Jesus
Christ to a fulness of Celestial Glory. I say the God of
Israel knowing these things commanded Joseph Smith
the Prophet and the Latter Day Saints to obey this
Law or you shall be damned Saith the Lord. Now
after obeying this law for many years. The Congress of
the United States and the Supreme Judges of the
Nation theyn stand forth and say you shall be
damned of you do obey it. Now ye Latter Day Saints
what are you going to do under these circumstances
God says we shall be damned of we do not obey
the Law, Congress says we shall be damned if we do.
It places us precisely in the same position that it
did the Hebrews in the firey furnice [Daniel 3], or Daniel in the
Den of Lions [Daniel 6]. The Enemies of Daniel counciled together
and said we cannot find any occasion against this
Daniel except we find it against him concerning the Law
of his God [Daniel 6:4-5]. Our Enemies have persued the same cource
and the Law makers and Judges have Joined with
them, and made it a Law of Offence to obey one of the
Laws of Our god Now who shall we ^do^ obey God or
Man. My voice is we shall obey God, we have but
a short time to live here, we have a long Eternity to live
on the other side of the veil. This position takes the
Matter ouentirely out of our hands, the warefare now is
between God and the Nation. I am an American
Citizen I was born and raised in the state of Connecticut
I wish to Ask the Law Makers and Judges a few
questions. By what power was Columbus inspired to
plead before the courts of Europe to assist him to fit out
a fleet to cross the ocean, to find a western continent
By what power was He protected untill He accomplished
this. By what Power was our forefathers inspired to cross
the ocean to inherit this land, and when they had inher-
ited the land, and the yoak of bondage laid upon their necks
by their Mother Country to grieveious to be bourrn they
rose up as a Nation and Declaired there independance
and passed through an Eight years war at the Expens
of much Blood and treasure, and finally maintained
their Independance and Esstablished a free and
Independant Government which was acknowledged
by the Nations of the Earth. By what power was the
Constitution of the United States inspired formed
framed, and Adopted as the Supreme Law of the Land
to be handed down as a rich Legacy to their posterity
from Generation to Generation All these Blessings have
been obtained by the Inspiration of Almighty God, and
the will of heaven. This glorious instrument
Guarantees unto all its citizens the rights of religion
Life Liberty and the persuit of Happiness. The right
of the Enjoyment of religion of any citizen in this
republic has never been questioned by any Congress
or Judges of the Law untill of late. When both the
Congress of the United States and Judges of the
Law have taken a step to deprive a Hundred
and fifty thousand of her citizens the right to
Enjoy their religion which the Constitution
garantees unto them, Will not the same God who has
given this Nation a free Governm[en]t and an
Inspired Constitution of Equal rights to all
Men who dwell beneath its broad folds, Hold
the rulers and Judges of the Land responsible
for the use they make of the power in their Hands
He will. The Congress of 1862 And the
Supreme Judges of 1878 in there acts and
Decisions have taken a Dangerous and fearful
step. Their acts will sap the vary foundation
of our Government and it will be rent in twain
and the God of Heaven will hold them responsible
for these things. For what men sow thyey will
reap [Galatians 6:7] And the measure they will meet unto others
will be meeted unto them saith the Lord [Matthew 7:2]. When the
Constitution is one broken by the rulers of the
Land there will be no stoping place untill the
Nation is broaken in peaces, and no power
beneath the Heavens can save this Nation
from the consequences thereof a, And all rulers of
this Nation as well as other Nations will have to
give an account to the Judge of all the Earth for the
use they make of the power put into their hands
Virtue Exhalteth a Nation while sin is a reproach to
any people [Proverbs 14:34]. The question was asked the Hebrews
what God is there that is able to deliver you out of the
Hands of King Nebuchadnezzar A righteous answer
of faith was given. We do not know that our God will
deliver us out of your hands, But be it known unto the[e]
O King that we will not serve thy Gods, mor [nor] worship the golden
Image which thou hast set up [Daniel 3:15-18]. So say I as an Apostle
of the Lord Jesus Christ I will not desert my wifves
and my children, and Disobey the commandm[en]ts of
God for the sake of accomidating the public clammers of
a generation steeped in sin and ripened for the Dammation
of Hell I would rathr go to prision and to Death * ^see page^ 13
I wish in this testimony to say to the Jews to the Rothchilds, to Diserilla
and all rich Jews take your gold, and your silver from the hands
of the Gentiles and Buy Jerrusalem, and all the Holy land and all
the Land given to Abraham your great Progenitor. Go to and
rebuild your city Jerrusalem and Temple for your deliverance
is at the door. Gather together your Brethren the Jews from all the
Gentile Nations, for the fullness of the Gentiles has come in
And the Lord has decreed that the Jews shall be gathered from
all the Gentile Nations whether they have been driven into there
own land in fulfillment of the words of Moses your Law-
Giver And this ^is^ the will of your Great Eloheem And
whenever you turn your hand to this work the God
of Israel will help you. You have a great future and destiny
before you and you cannot avoid fulfilling it You are
the royal chosen seed and the God of your fathers have
kept you distinct as a Nation for Eighteen hundred
years under all the oppression of the whole Gentile
world. Tharefor Arise O Judah and return home
we ask you not to wait untill you believe in Jesus
of Nazareth, but when you meet with Shilo your King
you will know him. Your Destiny is marked is marked
out, you cannot avoid it. It is true that after you return
and gather your Nation home and rebuild your city
and Temple that the Gentiles may gather together their
armies to go against you to Battle for to take a prey
and to take a spoil which they will do for the words of
your Prophets must be fulfilled. But when this affliction
comes the same God that Lead Moses through the wilderness
will deliver you and your Shilo will come and s^t^and
in your midst and will fight your Batteles and you will
know him. And the affliction of the Jews will have an End
while the destruction of the Gentilesles will be so great that it
will take the whole house of Israel who are gathered about Jerres-
alem seven months to bury the Dead of their Enemies [Ezekiel 39:12]
And the weapons of war will last them seven years
for fuel so they need not go to any forest for wood [Ezekiel 39:9].
These are Tremendious sayings who can bear then Never-
theless they are true and will be fulfilled according to the
sayings of Ezekiel, Zechariah and other prophets though
the Heavens and Earth Pass away not one jot or tittle
wasll [will] fall unfulfilled. I would say to the Lamanits
if I could speak to their understanding that you are also
a Branch of the House of Irsrael, and once Belonged to
Pleasant Ephraim, and your forefathers have fallen
through the same Example of unbelief and sin, as have
the Jews, and you areas their posterity have wandered
in sin and darkness for Many Generations, and you
like the Jews have been driven and trampelled under
the feet of the Gentiles, and put to death through your
wars with Each other and with the white man,
untill you are almost annihilated from off the Earth
But there is still a redemption and salvation for a
remnant of you in the Latter Days. It is time for you to
scease your warefare with each other and sheding each
others Blood, or making war upon your fellow men
cease to shed Blood, learn to cultivate the Earth, and
raise your food from the Earth. Call upon the great spirit
to protect you and deliver you from Bondage and
Darkness, and the Great Spirit will hear you and
deliver you, and a remnant of you will again become
a Delightsome people as your Forefathers were when
they kept the commandments of God. Could I speak
to the Ten Tribes of Israel in that North Country
I would say call upon the God of your Fathers of
Abraham Isaac & Jacob That your Prophets may
come in rememberance before God. That they may
hear his voice, And no longer stay themselves but
smite the rocks that the Mountains of Ice may
flow down at their presence. An high way shall be
cast up in the midst of the Great Deep [Doctrine and Covenants 133:27]. Their Enemies
shall become a prey unto them. Bring forth your
records and rich treasures unto theme children of Ephraim
the servants of the Lord in the Land of Zion, And the
boundaries of the Everlasting Hills shall tremble at
your presence, And you shall fall down and be crowned
with Glory Even in Zion by the Hands of the servants
of the Lord Ephr Even the chrilden of Ephraim, And
you shall be filled with Songs of Everlasting Joy
Behold this is the Blessing of the Everlasting God upon
the tribes of Israel, And the richer blessing upon the
head of Ephraim and his fellows [Doctrine and Covenants 133:32-34]. These Events
refered to, are but a vary limited portion of the
revelations of God which are about to be fulfilled
upon the heads of this Generation. I wish to warn all
Nations of the judgments of God which are at thereir
door. Thrones will be cast down, Nations will be
overturned, Anarchy will reign, all barriers of Law
will be trampled in the dust. You are about to be visited
with war, the sword, famine, pestilence Plague Earthquakes
whirlwinds, tempest and with the flame of Devouring
fire. For By fire and the sword will the Lord plead with
all flesh, and the slain of the Lord will be many [Isaiah 66:16]. The
sword of the Lord is bathed in heaven and is about to fall [on]
Idumea [Isaiah 34:5] or the world for his anger is kindled and the slain and who is able to abide these things
of the Lord will be many
And who will stand when He appeareth. The fig trees are
leaving, and the signs of all heavens and Earth indicate
the Coming of the Son of Man. The seals are about to be opened,
the plagues to be poured forth, your rivers and seas will
be turned to Blood [Revelation 16:3-4], and to gaul, and the inhabitants of the Earth
will die of those plagues. And the unbelief of Great Babylon
with the whole Christian world will not make the truths of
God without Effect. Let the world for an example look at
the Ancient cities of the Nations, whare is Thebes, Tyre,
Sidon, Nineveh, And Babylon the Great which were built
to defy all time and all power but God himself? They were
laid in the dust, and their inhabitants destroyed when they were
ripened in iniquity and that to in fulfillment of the word
of God unto them through the voice of humble men, who spake
as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. In like manner
was Jerrusalem destroyed and the Jews scattered among
the Gentiles in fulfillment of the words of Moses and Jesus
Christ. Will the Lord any more spare the cities of the
Gentiles and Great Babylon than the ancient cities and
the cities of Jews? No, verrily No. The question may be
asked why are these Judgments coming upon the world
in the last days. I answer because of the wickedness of
the inhabitants thereof. The vary Proclamation of the Angel
of God when He delivered the fulness of the Gospel as recorded
in the revelations of St John, was "crying with a loud
voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of Gods
Judgment is come" [Revelation 14:7] ^and when that proclamation was made to Joseph Smith the prophet it was half a centaury ago^ Light has come into the world and
Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are Evil [John 3:19]
The Lord has raised up Prophets And Apostles
who have cryed aloud to this Generation with the proc-
lamation of the gospel for half a centaury and warned
them of the Judgments which were to come, And the
inhabitants of the Earth have rejected this Testimony
and shed the Blood of the Lords Anointed, and persecuted
the Saints of God, And the consequence is that darkness
covers the Earth, and gross darkness the people and the
Lord is withholding his spirit from the inhabitants
of the Earth and the Devil is ruling over his own kingdom
and sin wickedness and abominations of Every kind
have increased a hundred fold within the last few
years untill the whole Earth is filled with Murder whoredom
Blasphemies and Every crime in the Black catalogue
that was manifest in the Antideluvian world or Sodem
and Gomorrah untill the whole Earth groans under its
abominations, and the Heavens weep and all Eternity
is pained And the Angels are waiting the Great command
to go forth and reap down the Earth [Doctrine and Covenants 38:12]. This testimony
I bear to all Nations under Heavens. This is my faith,
my belief, and my opinion. I know they are true by the
inspiration of Almighty God. And the decree of the supreme
Court of the United States, bears me out in the opinion that
the Constitution gives me the privilege of Enjoying my
Belief, faith, and opinion in religion if I do not act.
Therefore the action, and Execution of ^all^ these Tremendious
Events I leave for the God of Heaven to Execute which He most
assuredly will.
What I have spoken I have spoken and I excuse not
myself And though the Heavens and ^Earth^ pass away my words
will not pass away but will all be fulfilled saith the Lord of Hosts [Matthew 24:35]
I subscribe myself an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ
And a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The following page was omitted in copy Wilford Woodruff
* If I would not I would never be fit to associate with the prophets
and Patriarch of old, and I could not But despise in my heart
any man who professed to be a latter day saint who would do
otherwise. Why should ^we^ fear man who ownly has power to
kill the Body more than him who has power to cast both body
and soul into hell. Christ says when men speak all manner
of Evil against you and persecute you for righteousness sake
rejoice and be Exceding Glad for so persecuted they the
Prophets and Apostles who were before you [Matthew 5:11-12] I would say to
all Israel treat your wives and children Kindly and keep
the commandments of God and trust in him and He will fight
your battles And I will say in the Name of Jesus Christ
the son of the living God That Mormonism will Live and
prosper, Zion will flourish, And the Kingdom of
God will stand in Power, Glory, and Dominion as Daniel
saw it [Daniel 7:14] when this Nation is broaken in peaces as a potters
vessel and laid in the dust and brought to Judgment or
God never spake by my mouth. Therefore I say to all the
Saints throughout the world be faithful and tru to your God
To your religion to your families and to yourselves
Jesus of Nazereth has suffered death on the cross for
Feb 27, 1879
the redemption of the world And his Apostles followed
his Example for the word of God and the Testimony of Jesus
Christ. And Joseph Smith has proved to the Heaven & Earth
To God Angels and Men that He would abide in his covenant
Even unto Death And none of us will ever be called to
do any thing more. Any of us would certainly be ashamed
to deny the faith to accomodate our Enemies then meet the
Prophets and Apostles in the spirit world. May God forbid
that this should be the case with any of the Blood of Ephraim
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if you are living your religion and Enjoying the spirit of inspiration which is your Duty you know as God Lives, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that He received the Administration of Angels, that He brought forth the Book of Mormon and translated it By the power of God. you know He received the fulness of the Everlasting Gospel, and the Holy Priesthood, and Apostleship, and the Keys there off, and He organized the Church of Christ the ownly true and living Church upon the face of the whole Earth with its gifts and graces thereoff with which the Lord is well pleased; you also know Joseph Smith the Prophet left his testiment upon the Earth, and sealed that testiment with his own life and Blood, and that testiment is in force upon all the world. And that Testiment is filled with the Revelations of God that stands upon its pages like flames of Living fire, ready to be fulfilled upon all the inhabitants of the Earth.
what is our duty as saints of the Living God. It is our duty to humble ourselves befor the Lord and call upon his name untill we are filled with the Holy Ghost and the spirit of Inspiration, walk in the Light of Christ, Pay our Tigesthes and offerings, keep the commandments of God, and have faith in his word, remem- ber and honor our covenants, obligations, and ordinan- ces we hav Entered into in the Holy Places and Temples of our God. We should unite ourselves together in a temporal as well as spiritual point of view, as directed by the wise men of Israel. We should seek to build up the kingdom of God and Zion and not alone ourselves. When we do thiese theings then we are prepared as a people to let our Prayers ascend into the Ears of the Lord of Sabaoth from one End of Heaven to the other, and they will be heard and answered upon our heads.
Now Ye Latter Day Saints what are you going to do under these circumstances God says we shall be damned of we do not obey the Law, Congress says we shall be damned if we do. It places us precisely in the same position that it did the Hebrews in the firey furnice, or Daniel in the Den of Lions. The Enemies of Daniel counciled together and said we cannot find any occasion against this Daniel except we find it against him concerning the Law of his God. Our Enemies have persued the same cource and the Law makers and Judges have Joined with them, and made it a Law of Offence to obey one of the
Laws of Our god Now who shall we obey God or Man. My voice is we shall obey God, we have but a short time to live here we have a long Eternity to live on the other side of the Veil.
By what power was Columbus inspired to plead before the courts of Europe to assist him to fit out a fleet to cross the ocean, to find a western continent By what power was He protected untill He accomplished this. By what Power was our forefathers inspired to cross the ocean to inherit this land, and when they had inher- ited the land, and the yoak of bondage laid upon their necks by their Mother Country to grieveious to be bourrn they rose up as a Nation and Declaired there independance and passed through an Eight years war at the Expens of much Blood and treasure, and finally maintained their Independance and Esstablished a free and Independant Government which was acknowledged by the Nations of the Earth. By what power was the Constitution of the United States inspired formed framed, and Adopted as the Supreme Law of the Land to be handed down as a rich Legacy to their posterity from Generation to Generation All these Blessings have been obtained by the Inspiration of Almighty God, and the will of heaven.
Christ says when men speak all manners of Evil against you and persecute you for Righteousness sake rejoice and be Exceding Glad for so persecuted they the Prophets and Apostles who were before you I would say to all Israel treat your wives and children Kindly and keep the Commandments of God and trust in him and He will fight your battles And I will say in the Name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God That Mormonism will Live and prosper, Zion will flourish, And the Kingdom of God will stand in Power, Glory, and Dominion as David saw it when this Nation is broaken in peaces as a potters vessel and laid in the dust and brought to Judgment or God never spake by my mouth. Therefore I say to all the Saints throughout the world be faithful and tru to your God To your religion to your families and to yourselves Jesus of Nazereth has suffered death on the cross for
the redemption of the world And his Apostles followed his Example for the word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. And Joseph Smith has proved to the Heaven & Earth To God Angels and Men that He would abide in his Covenant Even unto Death And none of us will ever be called to do any thing more. Any of us would certainly be ashamed to deny the faith to accomodate our Enemies then meet the Prophets and Apostles in the spirit world. May God forbid that this should be the case with any of the Blood of Ephraim
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.