Day in the Life

May 11, 1888

Journal Entry

May 11, 1888 ~ Friday

11 I signed 65 Recommends. I received 35 Letters I
wrote 18 Letters 138 Pub & 1 private to Jaques sent $10.
I attended Z.C.M.I Bord Meeting went to the farm
& spent the Night 3 Mils


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900


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Letter to Joseph Fielding Smith, 11 May 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Joseph F. Smith, Washington, D. C. Dear Brother Joseph F.: We have just sent you a dispatch concerning Brother Franklin S. Richards. His help is needed here very much. We did not, however, wish to ask him to return without consulting you, and shall be governed by your answer. It ap- pears probable that every piece of property that the Receiver can by any possibility es- tablish a shadow of claim for will be seized by him. Besides the gas and the street rail- road stock, suit is entered for the part of the Tithing Office block sold by the Weber Stake Association. Suits have also been entered for the house occupied by Brother L. W. Shurtliff, and the Tabernacle square. There is a note given by Brother Shurtliff in fa- vor of Richard J. Taylor, upon which there is still $2000.00 due, with interest. This will doubtless be seized by the Receiver if he can get possession of it. We are informed that he intends to attack the Daniel H. Wells lot, no doubt with the design to claim that, and also the Council House corner and the old Constitution lot, and perhaps the Museum. Parley L. Williams is familiar with our business through his former connection with Le Grand Young and his general intimacy with our real estate transactions. The piece of land sold by Alfales Young, which stands in Angus M. Cannon's name, has already been sued for. Where this will end it is difficult to say; but we feel the need of more ef- ficient help here. We are not strong in legal help, and our defence seems very feeble
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 11 May 1888
Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Enclosed letter from Bro. Donaldson was received here this morning and its contents takieng into consideration, as they form a sequel of a correspondence between the authorities of Bannock Stake and myself, commenced Aug. 28, 1887, by your instruction, in regard to the establishment of a Stake Academy at Rexburg. As the XII academic year of the Brigham Young Ac- ademy closes Friday, May 25 and the Normal Graduates, 10 in number, besides several students graduating in some scientific studies, are engaged next week in their written examinations, and these labors besides the closing xexercises of the Academy requiring my personal attendance, I cannot see the possibility of my p complying with this kind invitation. These circumstances prevent me also to my sore disappointment to attend the dedication of the Tempel at Manti. As soon I am at liberty in Provo, I shall be entirely at your disposal. Although the full


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

May 11, 1888