Day in the Life

May 12, 1888

Journal Entry

May 12, 1888 ~ Saturday

May 12th 1888
I spent the day at the farm I done a good deal of
work I set 19 Posts to grape vines I trimbed a number
of Apple trees & spent most of the day in Labor Asahel
& Owen went up the Canyon. On the 11 Wilford
had a horse that He was riding rear up & fall
over backwards on to him and injured him some
but broak No bones An arrow I had an interview
to day with Elizabeth & Azmon Elizabeth is
87 years of age but still able to travel all
over the Neighborhood & make mischief


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
367 mentions
32 mentions
Beatie, Wilford Woodruff
20 Dec 1872 - 2 Oct 1964
39 mentions


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Letter from A. W. Carlson, 12 May 1888
Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your letter of the 9th inst. came to hand this morning, and in reply to the same I will say that as soon as I received brother Sjödahl's translation of the Doctrine and Covenants I began to compare it with the ori- ginal and have since devoted all my spare evenings to the work. I have gone through with about one-third of it, and find it thus far very good. Now and then an expression occurs that seems foreign to the Gospel and out of harmony with the original, which renders it necessary to compare every sentence, so as to avoid wrong impressions and faulty doctrines; but taking the translation all in all, with this exception, it is very good. I would prefer to go through with at least one-half before it is put in type, as my time is very limited, and I may not be able to keep ahead of the printing, if it were commenced now. If you wish me to hurry the matter up I will use Sundays as well and then


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

May 12, 1888