Day in the Life

Jun 1, 1889

Journal Entry

June 01, 1889 ~ Saturday

June 1, I attended the young Mens Mutual Improvement
Conference. Richard M. Young delivered an
Address for 50 M. Afternoon M Thatcher spoke 55 M
John Henry Smith spoke 16 Minuts W Woodruff bore
testimony upon the keys of the Kingdom of God being left
with the Twelve by the prophet Joseph Smith. In the Evening
I attended the Birthday Party of My Son Marion I
gave him $20


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Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
300 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Woodruff, Marion
1 Jun 1861 - 5 Feb 1946
50 mentions
446 mentions
Young, Richard Whitehead
19 Apr 1858 - 27 Dec 1919

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Discourse 1889-06-01

GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT WIL- FORD WOODRUFF addressed the conference in sub- stance as follows: I have been suffering for some days with a cold, which almost dis- ables me from public speaking, yet I will try to make a few remarks upon this important occasion. In my view there never before was a time when all the powers of heaven, earth and hell were working in their respective spheres as hard as they are now for the advancement of the purposes of God. The Lord has la- bored from the creation to lead men to do good and to obey such laws as would result in good to mankind. Whatever leads to good, we are told, is of God, and whatever leads to evil is of an opposite source. As a people we understand some- what the nature of the warfare ne- cessary in the carrying on of this work. We cannot expect any less opposition than has been shown to the work of God in past ages. There has always seemed to be a determination on the part of the powers of darkness to frustrate the purposes of God. This has been especially the case in this age. We know that God has again revealed His will and estab- lished His Kingdom. John the Revelator foretold the flying of an angel through the midst of heaven having the everlasting Gospel. [Revelation 14:6] Many declarations of Scripture point to the restoration of the Gos- pel in these the last days. We have gathered in these val- leys, perhaps 175,000 Saints from all parts of the world, and from vari- ous occupations. The weak things of the world have been chosen to bear the Priesthood, and testify to the restoration of the Gospel. Those who have listened to and obeyed their message have received the Holy Ghost, and have been led to gather. If this message had not been from God, the people who em- braced it would not have gathered, and Utah would have still been a barren desert. Since the Saints gathered they have had the same trials and temptations which the Saints in all ages have had to con- tend with. The hosts of evil spir- its who were cast down out of heaven, are warring against the Saints and all good men. We have different organizations of our youth for their proper spirit- ual training. There are the Pri- maries, where the little children are taught truths of the Gospel; also the Sabbath schools, which embrace 60,000 children. Thank God there are so many. From these the youth progress and become members of the Mutual Improvement Associa- tions. I regard the work awaiting the youth of this people as equal in im- portance to that which ever lay be- fore a class of young men and women on earth. It rests upon them to take the kingdom of God and bear it forth; to stand in the midst of the judgments which are coming upon the earth. I regard the present generation as lying in as deep darkness as any that ever lived upon the earth. A thousand mur- ders are committed now where there was one seventy or eighty years ago. The Kingdom of God, its keys and Priesthood, are here, and I want to say to my young brethren who are present: Lead your fellows from that which is evil, and lay aside everything which corrupts either mind or body. No man can inherit a kingdom of glory without abiding the law of that kingdom, and we are all aiming, or should be, for a celestial kingdom. Nine out of ten of the young missionaries now being sent abroad are chosen from the Mutual Im- provement Associations. The mem- bers of these organizations are pre- paring themselves for the ministry. In company with some of my brethren I have the honor to be as- sociated with these institutions, but I have not much time to spend with them. In 1844 about 7000 persons were baptized in England; but now the labors of our missionaries are like gathering grapes after the vintage is done. If an Elder, during a mis- sion of two or three years, baptizes half a dozen or a dozen persons, he thinks he has done a good work; and he has. Young men, leave grog shops alone; avoid everything that is evil; remember that you have a law to obey and never break it. Keep the law of purity and chastity. I pray God to help you to com- prehend your positions, duties and labors. I am sometimes asked why does not God preserve His Saints from persecution and temptation? God has His own way to deal with men. In no age has He kept His people from contact with persecu- tion and temptation. We have to meet these things; therefore prepare yourselves for them. I ask God to bless you all, to guide you and preserve you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Discourse 1889-06-01

General Superintendent Wilford Wood- ruff addressed the conference in sub- stance as follows: I have been suffering for some days with a cold, which almost disables me from public speaking, yet I will try to make a few remarks upon this import- ant occasion. In my view there never before was a time when all the powers of heaven, earth and hell were working in their respective spheres as they are now for the advancement of the pur- poses of God. The Lord has labored from the creation to lead men to do good and to obey such laws as would result in good to mankind. Whatever leads to good, we are told, is of God, and what- ever leads to evil is of an opposite source. [Moroni 7:16-17] As a people we understand somewhat the nature of the warfare necessary in the carrying on of this work. We can- not expect any less opposition than has been shown to the work of God in past ages. There has always seemed to be a determination on the part of the powers of darkness to frustrate the purposes of God. This has been especially the case in this age. We know that God has again revealed His will and established His kingdom. John the Revelator fore- told the flying of an angel through the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel. [Revelation 14:6] Many declarations of Scrip- ture point to the restoration of the gos- pel in these the last days. We have gathered in these valleys, perhaps a hundred and seventy-five thousand Saints from all parts of the world, and from various occupations. The weak things of the world have been chosen to bear the Priesthood, and tes- tify to the restoration of the gospel. Those who have listened to and obeyed their message have received the Holy Ghost, and have been led to gather. If this message had not been from God, the people who embraced it would not have gathered, and Utah would have still been a barren desert. Since the Saints gathered they have had the same trials and temptations which the Saints in all ages have had to contend with. The hosts of evil spirits who were cast down out of heaven, are warring against the Saints and all good men. We have different organizations of our youth for their proper spiritual train- ing. There are the Primaries, where the little children are taught the truths of the gospel; also the Sabbath schools, which embrace sixty thousand children. Thank God there are so many. From these the youth progress and become members of the Mutual Improvement Associations. I regard the work awaiting the youth of this people as equal in importance to that which ever lay before a class of young men and women on earth. It rests upon them to take the Kingdom of God and bear it forth; to stand in the midst of the judgments which are com- ing upon the earth. I regard the pres- ent generation as lying in as deep dark- ness as any that ever lived upon the earth. A thousand murders are com- mitted now where there was one, seventy or eighty years ago. The Kingdom of God, its keys and Priesthood, are here; and I want to say

Letter to Marion Woodruff, 1 June 1889

Salt Lake U. T. Marion Woodruff My Dear Son I congratulate you upon your birthday It is fachionable to give some presents upon such occatsions I Enclosed $10 in Money which I think is better than the value in sumthing Els for then you can get with it what you wish as far as it goes y I trust you may be blest of the Lord and grow up a wise good Man to a good old age with your wife & children Your Affectionate Father Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Mary Y. Corby, 1 June 1889

Mary Y. Corby about Dr. Isaacson. Rcd June 3 [18]89 No answer 631 South Main Street City. June 1st, 1889. President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I feel I am out of my place in troubling you with this letter as I know your time is precious as gold, but I respectfully ask you to bear with me a few moments while I express to you the feelings of my heart. Though unknown to you, and have never spoken to you, yet with many others of your people I have rejoiced exceedingly to see you—our Beloved President on the stand I have sympthized with you during the present trials through which the Church is passing, and myself, with many others have prayed for you day by day, and almost hour by hour. I have seen many of the Saints increasing in stedfastness, which I know must be a source of joy to those who preside over them. On the other hand I have seen those who once rejoiced in the gospel who have not only turned their backs upon the same, but have become persecuters of those who

Education - Carrie Henry teaching license, 1 June 1889

the Board at Salt Lake City, Utah, this In behalf of the Board of Education, Wilford Woodruff President. Geo. Reynolds, Secretary. Board of Examiners. Karl G. Maeser D.L.D. Chairman Jas. E. Talmage D.S.D. J. M. Tanner D.M.D. HOLINESS TO THE LORD GENERAL BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. 1888. Gen. Supt. Rec. 42, 29.


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Jun 1, 1889