Day in the Life

Jun 2, 1889

Journal Entry

June 02, 1889 ~ Sunday

June 2nd Sunday Met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclok
Prayer By Rodney Badger G Q Cannon spoke 54 M
John W Taylor spoke 25 M the various stakes spokes,
committees spoke upon different subjects
Afternoon Reports of the Association of the various
Stakes were Made And the officers of the associations
were Presented and sustained An Evening Meeting was
Held The Sisters took part in addressing the Assembly


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions
Taylor, John Whittaker
15 May 1858 - 10 Oct 1916
157 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Discourse 1889-06-02
the Y.M.M.I.A. Conference, Sunday, June 2nd, 1889.
Letter to Ammon Meshach Tenney, 2 June 1889
Elder Ammon M. Tenney, Diaz, Mexico. Dear Brother: Your letter of May 21st is received and carefully con- sidered. It is a very delicate matter, on which you write, to be made the subject of correspondence between yourself and me, under existing circumstances. The spirit of the Lord suggests that extreme prudence and precaution should be observed in reference to these matters for the present, and perhaps for some time to come, especially in regard to my own acts in relation thereto. In view of the power and agencies which have been brought to bear of late upon the Saints of God for their oppression, and the sufferings and deprivations which have been occasioned thereby, and the bitterness of feeling which has prevailed throughout the length and breadth of the land, threatening bitter perescutions, wrath and destruction to those who have been most faithful in obeying the commands of God. I have deemed it wise and best for the present to advise the Saints to humble themselves before the Lord and purify themselves, and await patiently His providences for our relief I think it best to go slow and cautiously in matters which seem to operate with exasperating effects upon the national mind, however vital and sacred they may be to the saints. We can afford to abide the providences of God, and as far as possible keep ourselves beyond the reach of persecutive laws and wicked men. I am greatly annoyed and perplexed with applications for counsel and consolation from persons who have moved unwisely in regard to their relations with


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Jun 2, 1889