Day in the Life

Oct 16, 1891

Journal Entry

October 16, 1891 ~ Friday

16 I spent the day in the Gordo I spent the day at hom


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Letter from George Teasdale, 16 October 1891
Dear President Woodruff: It is nearly twelve months since I came back to Mexico. A year ago tomorrow Saturday, and reached Deming and on the following Thursday arrived in Diaz. Since that time I have been actively engaged in the work in this country, looking forward to the pleasure of a visit from your- self and the Brethren to learn what are your wishes with regard to this Mexican Mission. The next two days [meeting] to be held at Juarez on Saturday and Sunday November 21st & 22nd and Relief Society and Y. L. M. I. Associations on Monday 23rd Priesthood will be had on the last Saturday and Sunday in February 1892. At which Conference we shall have a annual report from all the Wards, the Relief Societies, and associations of the Mission, copies of these reports will be forwarded to Salt Lake City in time for the April General Conference. I have received the blanks, and expect {God willing} to leave here next Thursday the 22nd of Oct. on a visit to all the wards to supply them with blanks so they can furnish a quarterly report for our two days meeting in Nov- ember and give them some experience, that the Secritaries may be educated, and be prepared to furnish correct annual reports for our Feb [illegible] meetings so as to have [illegible]
Letter from George C. Parkinson, 16 October 1891
Franklin, Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff and Counselors Dear Brethren: I desire to call your attention to a few matters of business before our conference convenes Oct. 25 [18]91. On Sept. 8 you wrote that you would likely send one of the Twelve Apostles to adjust the matter of changing the Bishop of Mound Valley ward (this stake) explained in my letter of Sept. 3rd, and as our conference will be held on Sunday and Monday Oct 25th & 26th at Franklin, we shall be very pleased to have a visit from one or more of the brethren at that time. Number 1 in our High Council is vacant and in the appointment of another member should he fill the vacancy by taking the same number, or should each member move up one, and the new member take number 12? I enclose herewith a blank contract such as is being used by the Cache Valley Canal Company, who propose taping Bear River, in the south end of Gentile Valley and leading its waters out on the west side of Cache Valley and as far south as Cache Junction, taking in the "Church Ranch" and Oxford in the north with the
Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 16 October 1891
Logan Prest Willford Woodruff Dear Bro Our q[ua]r[terly] Conference convenes Nov 1 and 2. Yourself or any of the bretheren you may choose to send are cordially invited, and will be heartily welcomed to our Stake and Conference. Your Brethern Orson Smith S. M. Molen Isaac Smith Also Oneida stake (see letter)


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 16, 1891