Day in the Life

Oct 17, 1891

Journal Entry

October 17, 1891 ~ Saturday

17 I spent the day at the Gardo with F S Richards
& the Twelve preparing for the Court on Monday ^signed 63 Recommend 24 Letter^


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Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934


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Letter from F. S. Watts, 17 October 1891
Denver, Colorado, Wilford Woodruff, Reverend Sir— Please excuse me if I do not address you rightly as I do not know better. I am a young man thirty years of age and unmarried. I have never given much attention to religion until within the last year. Somehow I thought a good deal of the church you are the chief of, and read all I could about the teachings. I didn't get to know much, but a number of things impressed them- selves on my mind and I am anxious to know more so that I may be taken as a member if worthy. Have you any
Telegram from Arthur Stayner, 17 October 1891
Received at Salt Lake 8:18 am Dated Galesburg Ills 16 To President Wilford Woodruff Gardo House- I have just heard that twenty tons of white sugar were turned out this morning my congratulations are respectfully tendered Arthur Stayner
Letter from August Carlson, 17 October 1891
Recd 20 [Oct. 1891] Ogden Utah oct 17 [18]91 President Wilford Woodruff Sat Lake City Dear Brother Your comunication of the 30 of Sept. With a call to toeke a mission to scandinovia i did not recived untill yestearday. In reply to the same, will, say that it will be almost impossible for me to be ready as early as the 21st of november 1891. owing to the shape my buseness is in at preasent. if you would please excuse me untill the firt company of missinarays that leaave for scandinavia in the year 1892


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 17, 1891