Day in the Life

Jan 29, 1893

Journal Entry

January 29, 1893 ~ Sunday

29 Sunday I spent this day at home reading Owen was sick


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary

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Letter from Dan Lambert, 29 January 1893
Kamas President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother. On account of sickness I have been slow in answering your letter of the 6th. But in regard to the call made of me I will be in Salt Lake City on the second of March ready to start on the third if nothing happens
Letter from William Lehi Hayes, 29 January 1893
Pleasant Grove, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: Replying to your communication of the 26th inst., will say that I have no objections whatever to com- ply with the request made therein. My circumstances and inclination will not admit of an excuse, to evade the call, when reflecting upon the circumstances of many of our breth- ren who are today abroad proclaiming the gospel. It was with a determination to fulfill all requirements of this nature, that the Lord may see fit, that I entered the Seventies quorum,—I trust I shall not falter at the first request. My health, though not the most robust, I trust will not interfere with me filling a mission satisfactory to all concerned. Have, for more than ten years followed the mercantile business, and through the confinement connected therewith am rendered somewhat delicate, though youth is in my favor. Am troubled considerable with dispepsia, for which reason I should feel favored to be permitted to labor in that locality where the customary diet of the people will best agree with my constitution.


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Jan 29, 1893