Day in the Life

Jan 30, 1893

Journal Entry

January 30, 1893 ~ Monday

30. A Hard snow storm in the morning M F Farnsworth called
at the office He visited the Temple I received a Letter from
Mr Carroll Political Editor of the Independent New York
Keys crossed We found to Day in Exami[ni]ng the Temple that the Architect
had made No provision for Dressing Rooms in the Temple
I was quite unwell through the night Did not sleep well


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Young, Joseph Don Carlos
6 May 1855 - 19 Oct 1938
52 mentions
Farnsworth, Moses Franklin
5 Feb 1834 - 25 Feb 1906


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Letter from George Emmett Browning Sr., 30 January 1893
To the First Presidency of the Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Your kind and welcome favor of Dec. 29th came to hand the 24th. ins't.; Elders David Morgan and John Beck also arrived here in safety, on the same date, and in the enjoy- ment of good health and spirits; we are pleased to meet with them and I have no doubts but what they will make good and faithful missionaries; the tracts, shoe supplies, etc. all arrived in good order for which you will please accept our thanks. In your letter of the 29th. ult. you say: "We shall be pleased to have you release to return home by the Steamer due at San Francisco March 16th. 1893 Elders Langley A. Bailey Jr. and H. L. Bassett," but ere this you will have received my letter of Jan. 2nd. in which I state that "I have decided to release Elders Henry L. Bassett and Geo. E. Abel to return home on the steamer that will leave here for America on March 1st.," and to make a change now and release Elder Bailey instead of Abel would cause a great deal of inconvenience as Brother ^Abel^ has now arrived here from his field of labor and has made all arrangements to return home March 1st., hence I trust that what I have done will meet with your approval, and if agreeable to you I will be pleased if you will kindly send money for the return fares of Elders Langley A. Bailey Jr. and Geo. McCune that they may be released to return home on the Steamer leaving here for America April 26th. 1893, as they have both filled good and
Letter from J. H. Ward, 30 January 1893
Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro At the suggestion of Bro. Joseph F. Smith I submit a brief report of the Salt Lake City Beobachter, to you and your Counsellors. The publication of this Journal was commenced Aug. 9, 1890. At first it was very difficult to convince some of the Germans of the utility of a German Mormon Newspaper, and for a time national prejudice was hard to overcome. I am glad to say that most Germans are now enthusiastic over the success of the enterprise, and as far as their means will permit they subscribe for the paper and send it to their friends in distant countries Since starting the paper I have spent
Letter from Joseph Daniel Wadley, 30 January 1893
Pleasant Grove President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your communication of the 26 inst duly received. In answer to the mesage it contains I will say it would be all most impossible for me to arange my affairs and be ready in March as I have to dispose of cattle and horses and other farm Products to raise means to defray my expenses and maintain my family wich consists of a wife and 4 small children during my absence Therefore I would ask that my time for making my arangements be ex tended untill about the 15th or 20th of April next at which time I will try and be ready hoping this


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Jan 30, 1893