Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1893

Journal Entry

January 31, 1893 ~ Tuesday

31 I felt quite unwell through last night I went to the Temple
The furnishing committee were Present After Leaving
the Temple I Attended a party at Brother Beaties on
the Birth Day of Sister Zina Young I left at 9 oclok


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Beatie, Wilford Woodruff
20 Dec 1872 - 2 Oct 1964
39 mentions


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Letter from George Smith Miller, 31 January 1893

Hartford, Conn. . Stenographic Letter. Wilfred Woodruff, Esq., President, Dear Sir: I am referred by Messrs. Close & Cannon, General Insurance Agents of your City, to you for information as to their standing as men and as a firm with your community. Any- thing that you may vouch safe in this direction will be gratefully received. Yours truly, Geo. S. Miller Supt.

Letter from Neils Andrew Nielsen, 31 January 1893

Nephi City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Deare Bro. Your favor of the 26th came to hand and contents noted. In reply will ^say^ I am pleased that I am counted worthy to be called to assist in the ministry. I feel my incompitancy but with the help of the Lord I will be on hand at the time appointed. I Am Your Bro. in the Gospel. Andrew Nielsen T. H. G. Parkes Bp. 2nd Ward Nephi All right. J. F. S.

Letter from John William McPherson, 31 January 1893

Hon. Wilfred Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of Jan 26 notifying me that I was wanted to take a mission to Great Britan I will be in Salt Lake City on April 28 I am not as well qualified to perform a mission as I would like to be I have been engaged in the sheep buisness for the last seven years and have not had the privilege of attending the sunday Schools or the young mens meetings are [or] any thing of that sort but I am willing to go and do the best I can Yours Respectfully J. W. McPherson T. H. G. Parkes Bp. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from William A. Garrett Jr., 31 January 1893

Neph City President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your letter of 26th ^Received^ and Excepted. I will be on hand at has early a date as march 1st or any time you see fit to call on me. Your Brother in the gospel William A Garrett Jr T. H. G. Parkes Bp. O. K. J. F. S.


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Jan 31, 1893