Day in the Life

Feb 2, 1893

Journal Entry

February 02, 1893 ~ Thursday

2 I met with the Twelve And the subject of our Architect
was up before us He is not Doing his duty in the Temple


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Young, Joseph Don Carlos
6 May 1855 - 19 Oct 1938
52 mentions


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Letter from Alonzo E. Price, 2 February 1893

Letter from Lorenzo Tracey Shepherd, 2 February 1893

Prest W. Woodruff Dear Bro I received your letter of the 28th inst. calling me on a mission to Great Britian, and in answer will say that I expect to do my duty in regard to the matter with the help of the Lord; and will therefore be on hand (if alls well on the date designated by you) at the Historian's Office. Praying that God may bless you I remain your Brother L. T. Shepherd Robert Price. Bishop. Paris 2nd Ward. O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from Herman H. Haag, 2 February 1893

Paris, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Geo Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, Dear Brethren: The letter of Bro Geo. Reynolds with a further remittance of $150.00 or 765. Francs in a draft, I received yesterday. I am pleased to tell you that I am doing well and that in my studies at school am making progress. In the last "Concourse" I

Letter from E. W. Guymon, 2 February 1893

Vernal President Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir I thought I would ask your advice in regards to going to a new country the country that I have been think ing of going to is the big horn basin it is situated in the north Eastern portion of wiaming. last fall there was about a dozen men that are reliable went up there to see the country & the report they bring back is good plenty of land & watter &

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Letter from Henry Joseph Maiben, 2 February 1893

Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff— Salt Lake City Dear Brother In reply to your letter of the 26th ult. Will say I am willen to respond to the call to fill a mission to the United States. But have not considered myself as much fitted for Missionary labour. Preaching the Gospell, as many of my fellow Bretheren I have alllowed myself to drift in to temporal matters probably to the detriment of the Spiritual duties. But I have a sincere purpose to surve God & be just with all men. I have Invested about $1300000 of borrowed money in bul^i^lding principly Business buildings for wh^i^ch I am receiving $22500 pr month which pays Interest, taxes, & Insurance & leaves me about $90000 pr year (which would suport my family in my absence) this borrowed money dose not come due for several years. But I have a joint obligation with Bro. S. S. Jones. of $400000


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Feb 2, 1893