Day in the Life

Feb 3, 1893

Journal Entry

February 03, 1893 ~ Friday

3 I met with the commishers of Utah & Salt Lake Counties
upon the subject of the waters of Utah Lake & Jordon River
We met with Eckles about the contract of the pavilion on the
Lake &c


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Letter from George Teasdale, 3 February 1893
Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear brother: Your much esteem ed favor of Jany 18th, 1893 and notifications for Bros. Thomsen and Romney have been received. I wish also to suggest the name of Joseph Hartley Turley, aged 20 years, for a mission to Great Britain. He is the son of Isaac Turley and grandson to Theodore Turley. Since I last wrote you I have visited Colonia Pacheco & Cave Valley, in company with Bp. W. D. Johnson Jr. attending to the tithing a/cs. Bro. Johnson is our mission tithing clerk, and has had quite an experience in this labor. We hope to have our reports in ^in^ good season. I am now at Colonia Diaz, visiting and assisting on tithing balance sheets &c. Our Fast Day meeting of yesterday was exceedingly well attended. The meeting was held in the large addition to the school house and it was well filled. Some (23) twenty three of the breth ren and sisters spoke and bore testimony. An excellent spirit was manifested and hymns of priase were interspersed with the testimonies given. I remarked, that if one of the Presidency could step in
Letter from Martina Andersen, 3 February 1893
Hyrum Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: As a last resort I take the liberty of writing you upon a subject which has caused me considerable annoyance, hoping you will pardon me for so doing, and at the same time asking you to kindly use your influence in my behalf, if you think my cause just. There is in our ward, a blind, helpless man named Jens Nielsen Lee, who is at present living with us, for whose support, Bishop John F. Wright has promised to furnish a monthly allowance from the tithing department; of this amount, agreed to by himself, twenty-four dollars has been due for some time, and he positively refuses to pay it. I am poor myself and need the pay very much, in order to get this blind man things which he is much in need of. It has long ago been decided just and fair that this allowance be made, but as I have been repeated- ly refused and insulted I make this appeal to you in hope of redress. As to the truthfulness of my assertions I respect- fully refer you to Prest. S. M. Molen, or O. N. Liljenquist of Hyrum, Cache Co. I am, Yours in the Gospel, Martina Andersen, Hyrum, Utah.


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Feb 3, 1893