Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1893

Journal Entry

February 15, 1893 ~ Wednesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Prest G. Q. Cannon gave him an account
of my telegram cannot get our personal property Appeal
Dismissed. Soliciter General willing but Atorney General
opposed He is our Enemy A sugar Meeting Held at
the office we Also met with ZCMI Board


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions


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Letter from Samuel Pierce, 15 February 1893
Reading, Mass. Pres. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: Your telegram was duly received and was a surprise to me, as I supposed the keys &c as per my letter had gone on the 2nd. I had sent the material to my key shop to be packed with the keys, with instructions to send all by Ex. on that day. I have only just been able to find date of shipping & cause of delay. My foreman of key shop states that he sent call to U. S. Ex on the 3rd & again on the 4th, but they did not call for the box until the 6th. We have had a pretty plain talk with the princeipal agent, & I guess they will be prompt next time. I do not see where the manual wires can have gone to, but I have sent others. Yours truly Saml Pierce pr T. R. Todd
Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 15 February 1893
President Woodruff, S L. C. Utah Dear Brother:— My excuse for cableing you was to takeing the only chance which was left of securing a berth on S. S. Tuetonic which sails on the 22 inst. The cabins were filling up and, it occured to me that, if my my present arrangements suited you, your answer by cable would have given me time to secure a berth, now that is past and all right. I look for your letter tomorrow or next day. Will endeavor to follow your directions and place matters in the best possible shape for


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Feb 15, 1893